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Messenger: I Selahssie i son Sent: 8/26/2006 1:11:13 PM

Hallelujah vs Alleluia,Jah vs Yah,Omen vs Amen,Immanuel vs Emmanuel,the African Nazarene Jes,se Jes,us Christ vs the white European Jee,zus Gjee,zus Leanordo divinchi Drawn.The Orthordox ible vs they king james bible,Rastas the Christ,ians Rastafarians vs the Chrishtians Gentiles.The Africans vs the Europeans,The Conquering Lion vs Satan Dragon,Life vs deeath. Selah Selahssie I!

Messenger: Dread Lion Sent: 8/28/2006 10:51:33 AM

It amazes I how ones can focus so much on "heads v.s. tails" that they cyan see that it's ONE COIN


Messenger: kc366 Sent: 8/29/2006 11:40:56 PM

Isn't the African Nazarene Christ none other than Ausara or Osiris, our most esteemed royal ancestor?

Messenger: Dread Lion Sent: 8/30/2006 11:39:30 AM

Yes I, ONE in the same. Human consciousness repeatedly produces the Myth of the god-man who dies and is resurrected. All throughout history and all over the globe, this archetype recurs independently.
Egypytian (KMT) Osiris did profoundly forshadow the Hebrew Christ, just as the Mysteries of Egypt prepared Moses to establish the Mysteries of Israel.


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Haile Selassie I