Since the Genesis of Jah-Jah's creation INI has been Exodusing around
relentlessly beyond Nord---the land east of I-Den and I-Far-I. So Jah-Jah has anointed INI's dreadlocks with the Leviticus and Numerical powers of Zion-I to utterly Deuternomized you....O Babylon. For he who Jah-Jah blesses, no one can dare curse.
The fool is the greatest card. The joker is the greatest card. The weakest man of all....the eternal baby, is the most perfect and most innocent man of all. The servant of all is the master of all. The Ruler of the Stars, is the one that comes last. He who laughs last laughs better....thats INI motto.
Egypt shall not be called Mizraim anymore. It shall be called Kemet---the land of the original Black Afrikanus. The bearers of light. The builders of the pyramids. The ones to first unravel the mysteries of the stars. The ones to first learn and teach the lauguage of the stars to the nations.
Pharoahs shall be known as Far-Row, for they almost unlock the key to immortality before the savages from the north came down to lay their cities to waste---and turned back INI clock.
Ra shall be given His due credits back. The ones who stole the mystery scripts, and plagarised the whole of the secret manuscripts, without ever adding anything significant to it ever since, would be named and shamed. Then the children who thirst after righteousness and wisdom would be able to say...Amon-Ra once again.
The Lion shall regain his dwelling space once again. His territory shall be left to him. He shall call it I-Den if he so chooses, for it shall trully be his den. All the Lions in captivity outside of their native habitation shall be returned to their roots---the land on the east of Afrika, from wherence they always come from.
Europe! The U-Rope to the neck of INI-Seeds. Europa! The U-Robber of INI-Seeds talents. INI wail and lament for the way you continously rob and cheat INI-Seeds of their portion of the fruits of the Earth.
U-Robber with the U-Boat, you continually rape and murder the poor with sophisticated impunity. Your utter judgement will come from all the four corners of the Earth in the form of not only mighty thunders and lightning!
UK, U-Killers of the innocent and robbers of poor, you're cup is full to the bream. The house of Windsor shall be humbled and shamed. Where did you get the lion on your flag from? Who has ever known of any lion roaming on your barren plains, since of old? How can the wolf and the fox rule over the Lion? It shall never work! You want to be like the Lion King---The Conquering Lion of Ithiopia yet you're too proud to honour and worship HIM. You better stick with the pork like Germany does.
Germany, you are so called, because your germs-are-many. They have infected the whole of your bothers' ways of thinking and acting. Your hands are forever stained with the blood of the innocent. The curse shall be on your head for as long as the one dead eye of Zorro is in circulation.
Romans from Rome, you are still running around in your filth. The cleansing fire that shall desecnd upon you will first cleanse out the Vatican city---for it's a safe haven for dirty vultures and wolves in sheep clothings. The fire will rid you of the rotten smell of dead flesh that hangs over you since ancient times.
Pharisees! INI know that your real names are Far-I-C. Children of Esua shall regain their real name...I-Saw, for INI saw decietful Jacob stealing his elder brother's blessings and inheritance as the first born, with his fake sheep coverings.
Jacob the decietful one, who would further steal most of his uncle and father-in- law, Laban's cattle---by cross-breeding the spotted with the unspotted; shall continue to be despised and hated, as the truth of his trickery and dishonesty comes to light. For he is a shrewd liar and a shameless thief.
The unborn sons of Uriah and Bethsheba shall never would have been called Solomon. Saul would have remained the king. Absalom would have been the next ruler. Yet, in all of these, the Nazirite would still have come forth.
See, you look and see nothing but Unidentified Flying Objects---UFOs. For greed and fear has blind and deaf you. INI look and see Jah-Jah fire coming down. For INI is fully clothe with grace and faith.
Jah! INI call upon your holy name Ras-Tafar-I...... from the four winds of the Earth to uproot the concrete towers of Bable-Run. The abominable creations of Nimrod---the limp dick abominable perverted cured one, who defiles his own mother. For it's about time the runners of Bable know that they cannot forever escape their due judgement.
This evil voracious civilization has done more wicked deeds against INI and INI-seeds than angry big brother Kain ever did to little defenseless Abel. Righteous Seth knows this. Righteous Enoch know this. Righteous Noah knows this.
Jah-Jah come to the aid of your little son and daughter...INI. Because since of old, Babylon and it's terrible fallen angels from the north have been tormenting INI and INI-Seeds. You know O Jah that INI has never invaded their cities. INI has never lined up their women and ravished them against their will. INI has never emperimented with their flesh and blood, O Jah.
Yet, desolate icy cold Bable-Run and the it's wicked merciless unforgiving inhabitants always come invade INI little children. They sail across the seven seas seeking INI. For they're always discontented with their portion. They want INI-land. They want INI-silver and gold. They want INI blood.
They slaughter the defenceless mercilessly. They rape INI mothers, daughters and sometimes sons, savagely---not even the babe sucklings are spared! These brutalities cannot continue to go on forever O Jah. Send down the fire! The burning brimestones and surphur.
They stupiedfy INI-seeds to grow coffee, tea, rubber, tobacco and cocoa with all of their fertile soil for them. Instead of growing corn, cassava, yam, plantain, cocoyam and garden eggs to feed their children. INI is here to break these chains and free the minds of INI-seeds from the bondage of Lucifer and his Babylonian disciples.
Australia! You austro-aliens from outer space! You are going to be eventually deported to wherence you came from, oh you terrible aliens with your ghastly white austro-alien policy. For like a boomerang, whatever you send out returns back to you.
USA the headquarters of confusions! You're about to be brought low from the high rises that you dwell. The towers beside the waters are about to start crumpling down. From high up the 50 stars that you stole violently, and deluded yourself to have, you're about to be brought low, to the lowest depth of the Pit. The blood of the innocent Indian babies spilled into the soil is still hot---and ready to burn!
Your concrete 5-sided earthened defence structure will eventaully be rendered useless.Your White House and its always white occupants will be reduced also to nought, just as your abominable graven twin towers were.
For what will stand in this journey to immortality would never be false number 5 and false number 7, or false concrete twin towers and graven images. Only the Living Man with I-man and I-woman, INI, will stand the test of time. The Nazirite. The first born of Mother Eath. It shall never be the Nazi-man, the last born. So let those who seek their immortality outside of earth fly out of earth in their space crafts. And let those who seek theirs right here on earth remain here. We shall all see who would get there first.
The Maori nations feared warriors are about to start clubbing your brains out. The spirits of all the Aborigines killed in cold bloods are still not at peace yet. They're still seeking justice. All of the Bantu who have their lands forcefully stolen from them are still angry and waiting for redress. The Kanaks are still waiting for their rightful portion.
The angry dead spirits of the Akans are all coming to fight it and win it in this I-time. The Yourbas whose raw backs, stolen strenghts, talents, blood and sweat, Bable-Run's magnificent cities of confusions are built on, are ready to do battle. Let the battle begin now. The ancient war between the Snake and the Fish.
Come forth O you mighty musicians with your flutes and harps. Stump upon the gates of Bable-Run with the sounds of your talking drums. Chant on Babylon untill its walls fall down. Follow close behind them O you mighty warriors with your Burning Spears.
Shango! The Warrior of thunder, lightning, hail stones and the spiter of fire; pick up yourself now INI-brethren. Don't hold yourself back O feared one!
Ogun! The Maker of iron ore, please take back all of your gifts to INI that they've stolen from INI-Seeds, O heavenly Gun.
The Two Witnesses of the I-eye and the I-eye. Say, > or <, bears witness against you. The 5 senses of INI bears witness against you. INI Mother Earth bears witness against you.
Justice! Justice! Justice! Justice! Justice! Justice and Justice! Screams the whole of the cosmic universe and all of creations, O Jah.