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Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 6/23/2006 9:51:35 AM

When one is being judged, one say to others, leave the judgment to the Most High!

When one is judging others, one says, the Most High says judge the wicked!

When one is in the majority, one says, We are rightious!

When one is in the minority, one says, Judge not lest you be judged!

When one is left out, one says, Until the color of a man's skin...!

When one is included, one says, We are all One!

When one is discriminated against, one says, We are all Africans!

When one is discriminating against another, one says, Africa for Africans!

But when does one say, I am only responsible for my own self... When does one say, I am everything and everything is me... When does one say, Whatever makes you happy and gives you inner peace is the right thing for you...

If everything effects everything else than all you have to do to change the world is be a better person.

Messenger: zionI Sent: 6/23/2006 11:29:34 AM

Hail Rasta

[if everything effects everything else than all you have to do to change the world is be a better person.]


[Whatever makes you happy and gives you inner peace is the right thing for you...]

And to those weakhearts who say amassing material wealth at the expense of the downpressed makes them happy and gives them inner peace?

For every one of the I's statements, there s a proper time and place. The only absolute is JAH.

Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 6/23/2006 7:16:29 PM

Natty Kongo,

I am certain you are aware of this part of Paul's Letter to the Romans

[1] Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
[2] But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.
[3] And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?

This is part of the Bible, the book that I glorify and put my trust in, this is what HIM said we shall use and which he glorifies.
I am white, yes, oh well I am German too, and I live in the USA, therefore call me a racist, fascist, call me babylonian, it will not shake my faith in the Lord and it will only make me love you more, for I love my brethren and sistren all as one. I will not stray. I am no more of an racist or fascist or babylonian than you.
Jah Rastafari!


Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 6/23/2006 9:32:16 PM

"And to those weakhearts who say amassing material wealth at the expense of the downpressed makes them happy and gives them inner peace?"

Name one.
Inner peace?
Maybe the illusion of happiness, but not inner peace.

You can't do anything at the expense of anyone else without their permission.
I reiterate:
if everything effects everything else than all you have to do to change the world is be a better person.

You can't decide that there are exceptions to a universal law because it doesn't fit your ideal. Everything is everything, not everything but rich white folks. That's giving the "downpresser" way too much credit. You don't like being stomped on, move, if the foot follow, break it off. No foot, no stomping, seen.

If you stop giving money to those who downpress you, then what?

If you stop taking money from those who downpresses you, then what?

If you grow your own food, then what?

If you own your own land, then what?

How long can you blame somebody for throwing you down into a hole before you have to blame yourself for not climbing out again?

Once you climb out of a hole, how long can you blame someone else for being in the hole before you have to blame yourself for not throwing down a rope?

How can you claim to be a liberator if you throw whomever you don't like into the hole you climbed out of and close off the top?

How can you judge a person you don't know?

How can you assume that someone else's actions are not just a rightious to them as yours are to you?

How can you ever condone violence, hatred, judgment or revenge and at the same time call them wicked?

How can one action be evil when done by a human being and rightious when done by Divinity?

How can you judge someone if you yourself have yet to be judged?

How come the right path is always the one you happen to be on?

What if everybody has it wrong?

Messenger: Natty Kongo Sent: 6/23/2006 9:54:01 PM

hotep NineMile2004

de man said.......''I am certain you are aware of this part of Paul's Letter to the Romans

[1] Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
[2] But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.
[3] And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?

This is part of the Bible, the book that I glorify and put my trust in, this is what HIM said we shall use and which he glorifies.
I am white, yes, oh well I am German too, and I live in the USA, therefore call me a racist, fascist, call me babylonian, it will not shake my faith in the Lord and it will only make me love you more, for I love my brethren and sistren all as one. I will not stray. I am no more of an racist or fascist or babylonian than you.
Jah Rastafari!''

well if de fiyah in de I message come out too red hot to de man, de I make no apology for dat. cos IanI didnt come wit a message of 'make feel good' or a false union of 'one love rasta' 'now lets all start blazing de ganja herb togather' seen? Jah business is no joke business as de man can see. those who venture into RASTAFARI witout knowing wat they are do, de warning is plian and simple its DEATH man! Nyahbinghi chants seh DEATH to white and black downpressors seen? not 'one love to white and black downpressors' nuh.

now to try and respond to de man questions and accuasations, first of all IanI not 'christian' man so dont quote I de baldhead paul like a latter day white missionary in de Black country trying to come plant his discord and message of pacification to de i-dem seen? and afterwards de pirates and murderers wit dem instruments of death and subjucation will follow soon thereafter to take control. Fiyah Bun dat!

and as for de Bible dat ones here are calling 'Ible' been de so called 'Word of God' and da book ya glorify and therefore de de I should also glorify it as Jah Book, well IanI beg to defer. de handbook of genocide, murder, rape, and of subjucating and de utmost instrument of white supremacist colonist and imperial tool of enslaving de darker humanity of de earth's as well as dem own sufferahs mind, body and soul, cannot be Jah Glory.

Just becos de so called bible is all de elders had when dem first sight RASTAFARI dont been de I should stop searching from IanI true origination and de true Word of God. de bible itself says dat its not de word of god. if in de beginning (before man wrote down anything on paparus in Kemet)there was de Word, and de Word was with God, and de Word was made flesh, wat does dat seh huh? de I knows dat a 'book' can never be I word. The Living Man is Jah Living Bible. and a 'constitution' penned by war mongers and slave drivers as de ideological blueprint of their subjucation of de sufferah and his natural environment, cannot serve as de liberation doctrine to lead to de freedom of de suffrah seen?

if and when de I sight RASTAFARI de I cannot continue to be a 'christian sheep' seen? de I becomes a Rasta lion! how can de I remain as stupid as de sheep? when de wolf pack come and mass-murder and genocide, de christian sheep are just look on stupidly seen? even when a blood-thirsty lone wolf comes in a herd of thousands of sheep, de stupid sheep just are look, oh! when dem are gang rape him mother, de stupid sheep are look me god! when dem are rectally brutalize and sodomize him son, de sheep are just look. is dis de message de man is spewing as 'one love'? Fiyah Bun dat!!! IanI one de othda are roaring lions seen? even when de lion are eat no flesh, or suck no blood, even if all him are eat are vegetable, he is still indominable! when de wolf pack tresspass inna him territory and him just ROAR dem are run, yuh no see? de sheep is on de dinner plate daily yuh no seen? but who are de man who are brave enuff to guaan hunt a lion for food? contarly to wat de man may precieve RASTAFARI to be JAH RASTAFARI did not come to give de wolf packs more sheeps for food but to manifest IanI as conquering lions seen?

u ropean so called christians like yuh, are not even pretend to be 'sheeps' cos yuh never are. only de afrikan and sufferahs yuh are want to be sheeps. is de head of de christian pope is he a lamb like de man called jesus the christ him are claim to represent? if one are go bomb de vatican city now would dem turn de othda cheek and endure dis crucifixion dem are try n crucify de Rastaman daily wit? or dem are go get dem Roman army to go and unlesh sum quick swift judgment and retibutory punishment on de adversary huh? de man seh him are live in AmeriKKKa, de so called most christian country in da whole western civilization, do dem are turn de othda cheek in AmeriKKKa? both in dem private citizens and dem corporations and dem government and millitary institutions? is dis christian nations not de ones in poession of de most voilent weapns of destruction ever known to man? u ropeans germans french british spanish russians italians all seh dem are 80% to 90% christian nations yet dem are armed to de teeths with weapons of destruction yuh no see? who yuh are fool? or de man dont consider all dis people as true 'christians' dat are glorify da same sky God and dem Bible? now if dis are wat yuh call ' one love', christainity, then IanI tell yuh dat count I out of dis wolf pack seen? dont wann be in de mist of such men seen? if de man called himself christian, then yuh job is not to come to to reason bout paul wit I and tell I of de Bible or to try turn Idem into a christan sheep ok? go among de dangerous blood thirsty wolf packs in yuh society and try rehabitating dem from blood sucking wolfs into harmless lambs ok?

it's not de I dat judge yuh so hue-man, its de Iniverse dat judge yuh seen? cos judgement comes as a result of cause and effect seen? when yuh transgress de laws of man, judgement come upon yuh thru de hand of man inna most cases seen? when you are transgress de laws of nature, judgement haffi come against yuh inna natural way seen? if de judgement of dis evil civilization dont come thru de hand of man like those before it, as Jah lives, yuh can bet dat it will come thru de force of nature. itz not de I personnaly dat are condemn babylon and western civilization man it are de spirit of prophecy are everpresent inna de man seen? IanI Rastaman is de Elijah, de Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel of dis dispensation seen? IanI are not here to defend and uphold country, religions and civilizations but to uphold Jah everlivingness and justice upon de earth so de sufferah can get his slice of Holy Mount Zion dat too much to ask?

JAH! Rastafari! One Black Lion Heart everytime. Blessed!

Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 6/23/2006 10:32:37 PM

I like to thank the I Natty Kongo for some much appreciated words full of truth. The I cannot claim to be Nyahbinghi or any of the other mansions. The I really do not try to put color on this man called Paul, if he is black or white or purple does not matter to me but when I sight his words, it is a natural thing like: yes man this is true stuff it just feels right and so I know it is right. Treating everyone equal? Loving everyone? None of the Is can argue this away because it is the truth and it should be natural.
His Majesty was clear about the importance of the bible, so when this man, the conquering lion of the tribe of judah tells me this and Yeshua teach me this then this is who I am.

The I myself has not enslaved anyone, the I myself does not follow this man called Pope sitting in Rome on his throne on the seven hills, this thing in revelation, true or not, it makes me wary of this whole vatican business. If believing in Yeshua makes me Christian then I am but the I is not joining the so-called hypocrits that go to church on sunday and plan war on monday. Monday that day I dont like, seen?

feeling this one love thing, does not mean I will not fight for what is right or practice self-defense, one love does not mean it cannot be tuff love. It does not mean I cannot stand up for iself.

Since these days back about 17 years ago when I first sight the lyrics of the tuff gong, it lit a fire in my heart and mind and it eventually would pull me from the darkness of this hypocritical world of babylon as far as mental slavery goes anyway.

Count me out when mentioning these people like war mongers and pope and catholic things and go to church on a sunday things and that, also do not sweep all dem people in this socalled christian amerikkka under one rug for there is many a dem that are righteous people that work hard everyday to support jah kingdom on earth.

I dont deal with them warmongers, so I dont vote
I dont deal with this man called pope, i man is not catholic
but then this people called christians in these churches dem tell me I cannot be saved and a true christian because i have not been baptized in their churches. for this is what John said or this is what the priest says. My heart knows that Yeshua is the Lord my heart knows Selassie is King, I glory in the bible, not the whiteman's bible but the words of truth.

One Love and utmost respect to you Natty Kongo, I respect the Is words. The I would not quarrel over lighting the ganja pipe and sharing sometime with jahloving true people.


Messenger: gideon Sent: 7/8/2006 11:06:33 AM

Fyah. All I say is that the order is that faith lead to good works. That mean that if you are looking at works to find life then you are missing out on the source. This is a principle that is evident thoughout creation. That's why the pope can't dance, and uncle tom loses his sense of rhythm. He can discover the beat by listening, and he can move to the beat, but that is not dancing. Dancing is something different, that has to start from within. Dancing is not defined by whether you follow the beat, but by whether you can manifest the beat.
Same thing with love, or righteousness or whatever you call the way of truth. It comes from the heart and manifests as good works. The person who looks at works is neglecting the only order by which works can manifest. That's why they quarrel.
That's why roots and culture is salvation, if you really know what is roots and culture. But I feel most don't know, even on this site, it look like - I might be wrong, but it look that way. If you know about r and c then you will recognize that principle of salvation by faith not works is the essential key.
Nuff people say, fyah. But plenty of them only talking about works, and they don't overstand about the order of how works manifest. So they will suffer much from trying to be good, in the way of flesh. I tell you, trying to be good is a sin. Hah.
True, good come to those who do good, and bad to those who do bad. But you can't do good by trying, that's all I'm saying. And trying is actually a bad thing. The culture it represents is the culture of the antichrist.
Those who know will know. I am just saying these things to show those who know how futile it is to try reasoning with those who don't know, about the things of God. Everything you say will be misconstrued because spiritual things are appraised spiritually, and the man of flesh cannot see it. He has to overcome the flesh, then he will know. So that is why I only have one reasoning to bring, which is that faith is the way, not works.
Let go. Let go. Peace. Be free. Let go.

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