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garden of eden

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: ciriefader Sent: 5/4/2006 7:02:22 AM

1.please can someone tell i what exactly the biting of the apple in gofeden actually was...i mean what sort of sins did it represent..

2.what would reality be like if adam and eve had not bitten the apple
(eg would the world still be round?/would we give birth? etc etc)

3. did the animals exist before eden and if so how long
and why did it take time after the animals for man to exist

4. I have reached the point where i am at one with god and everything shimmers in gold out of the window and the view subtly changes..etc
but my memory brought me back to the reality i know i did not know what to do when i was in this mental state?? like maybe i was supposed to do something? like jump or something??

many thanks to anyone who can answer these questions

Messenger: White dread Sent: 5/4/2006 1:49:21 PM

1. The apple was temptation, God forbided that any one who will even touch the tree wil die. I see this like a test. Faith in God, they failed the test and where cast out of eden.

2. If they didn't bite the apple, i geuss some one else would have.
the world would still be round cause god created the world round. And if we gave birth..i don't know. perhaps we did, perhaps we didn't

3. Animals lived before man, 1 day before humans.

4.I can't help you with a personal journey. Stay true to Jah

One Love

Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 5/4/2006 3:52:01 PM

Check this out

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 5/5/2006 12:49:00 AM

Here is a reasoning I made before about that.

Genesis to Revelation

I think Revelation is the natural destination of a divided society, a society that doesn't see everything as One life.

In the beginning when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they saw their nakedness and covered theirself with leaves. Jah, after seeing what they have chosen. Gave them their desire and gave them coats of skin to cover themselves.

I interpret this as Adam and Eve, bringing this concept of separation and division into their minds. Before this they only saw One, so they were One flesh, One life.

Genesis 2
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

So I see the placing of the leaves as a representation of them putting up a "wall' between them, because they saw theirself as separate. So when Jah saw that this was what they desired, he granted them their wish and put the full clothing over them, which created a larger "wall", and an even furthur separation.

The reason why Jah told them that they would surely die if they ate of the fruit is because Jah knew that when the generations of Adam and Eve no longer saw eachother as One, they would kill eachother.

This mind concept of separation led to Cain killing Abel:

Genesis 4
8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
9 And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?

The question Cain asked "Am I my brother's keeper?" represents the kind of separation that came into the minds of men. If Cain realized that they were One, he would have known that when he keeps his brother, he is keeping his self. But he didn't see his brother's life as his own, so he killed him.

In a world like this, things must come to an end. Because as time passes, people become more separate from eachother, and care less and less for the people of the world, even their family and friends.

So as we can see in the world, this leads to greed, where people try their hardest to take from others, and exploit others, so that they can gain their selfish desires. And the more time has passed, the worse man and woman has become. And the only way for someone to have more than their share, is to take from others. So the rich can't exist without the poor, because otherwise, who will do the work to make them so rich. They can't do all that work by themselves.

In a world like this, conflict will surely arise, and the power struggle will become more fierce. And it is not only the rich with this wicked mentality, but it is also much of the poor. The only difference is their positions. Many of the poor would do the same as the rich, if they figured out a way to be on top. Many accept that this is the way of the world, and they think that is what we must strive to be.

So if one goes up, another goes down, another goes up, so another goes down. As one learns a more wicked technique to rise, the other learns his technique and then makes it stronger so that he can rise higher. So they become more and more wicked, to out-wicked the other. Look at the armies of the world, and what evil they have created.

So Revelation shows the only destination of this kind of society. A house divided against itself will fall.

Genesis to Revelation


Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 5/5/2006 10:46:11 AM

Blessed I

In the beginning InI was ONE. One with Jah,One with InI, One with natural mama Earth. In the beginning InI lived not by InI will but by the will of the Almighty Jah, who created InI in HIS image an Likeness. InI lived in a state of oness, no good and bad,no light and dark, up and downd, left and right, none a dat, but just JAH. ONE

Then at some point in time and space Man ADAMEVE said we want to live by our own will,we want to eat of the tree of wisdom, we want to know right and wrong,light and dark, we want the choice, to chose between right and wrong, to choose Life or Death
IF the idem remember, before Adam and Eve ate of the tree, they never felt pain or shame. Then as soon as they ate of the fruit they immediately noticed their nakedness WHY? because as Ark I say, they were now seperate from each other in flesh
So when the Dread say "God forbided that any one who will even touch the tree wil die.".....its not death that JAh gave to man but the choice between life and death.
People have always seen the eating of the fruit tree by Adam and Eve as a sin but i have never allowed Iself to think in this way. In a way im glad for it, Im glad for the choice, im glad for the opportunity to seek Jah for Iself. For, if i never come into darkness, how could i see the light?? If i never experience the bad how could i see goodness?? if this trod was not so hard, where would i find that sweet victory??

When you are a child, your parents will look after you and will do their utmost best to shield ypu from the bad and evil of this world. But time comes when you must go out, make your mistakes, learn from them and one day make them proud.
As InI have come out from Papa Selassie and Mama Menen house into this world InI should learn from all our mistakes and find a way back home and make InI Parents proud.
Is this not why Jah love I ,with all i imperfections and shortcomings , more than the angels in their perfect state?

JAh RAstafari

Messenger: ciriefader Sent: 5/5/2006 2:47:49 PM

thanks to i members here for your knowledge and wisdom

because i have got to the point before where i am at one(maybe/almost) it was kind scary and new to me and somewhat sublime
i meditated for days and days using the cirie symbol(in 'the word' thread)the view out of the window was changing and the stars and lights and in the day the hedges shimmered in gold as they shaped THEMSELVES(the hedges in the day and lights at night changed slightly each time depending on how 'i' ini felt at the time)!!!
it was quite amazing!!!

i got to the point one morning when i woke up and their was a big wall in the distant view with a gap in it(for a gate??)
i wanted to leave the house and go there i knew god was there
but as i thaught so did ini change and i never got there
i felt i was at the very edge of existance and competely understood the concept of ETERNITY!! (as things change the future is the past)

i was afraid of the unknown and to take that last step of no return!!
(maybe i might have gone into accoma or something??)

then sudenly a voice came into my mind and it said
'there is nothing outside the system you must tell some one!!)

i then relaxed and came back to normality(based on my memory)

i think what happened is i had a chance to step out of this existance
but the voice told me there is nothing outside the system and so we are in eternity!!

the thing about it is no-one knew in my mind ini all at the time (everyone)
no-one knew if it was safe to 'step outside' the system??
apart from the one voice that said 'there is nothing outside' but even then i am not sure if this voice was 100% sure??

My question is what would we/the world/existance be like if we had stayed one with god what the world look like? what would we look like?? would the world be round? would we be in heaven whiteness/darkness creating our own worlds what would it be??

my experience showed me that when we were all one in i mind at this time i could see god(the system) shaping the hedges by themselves!!!
ini mind as one changing the world realtime as ini all in unison with our thoughts!!!

maybe i was somehow supposed to step outside my house into this new existance and ? what? do ini understand this predicament
and what? what ?
how can i do this with my memory pulling me back??
how do i step out into this new world so it sticks and stays like it and leave the old memory(world/existance) behind??

i think maybe this will be permanent when ini are 144,000 maybe then somehow the world will restore itself for good???

do i understand??
if only there were some guidance or surity??

Messenger: JAH Coyote Sent: 5/7/2006 11:58:32 AM

I think the I should spend more time praying and in meditation. Perhaps speak to some local bredren. It sounds like you need some groundation. Be sure not to get lost in your own head. The world exposes itself all the time.

Messenger: ciriefader Sent: 5/7/2006 3:42:14 PM

Thanks Jah Coyote for i reasoning

thats just the thing though the groundation is the world i 'remember'
so my memory brings me back this is i grounding and i am happy to say i never got lost
however i do need to know more about what lies ahead and what god planned the world to be like if adam and eve had not taken from the tree
so then i dont have to come back because then i will have a 'higher' grounding - u understand?

Messenger: JAH Coyote Sent: 5/7/2006 4:30:24 PM

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they were able to know about Evil as opposed to good. Before then they knew only of what JAH given them from the earth- and they lived in paradise. When they ate of this, against the will of JAH, they realize evilness as well as goodness. And so they feel naked, feel the need to cover up themselves because they feel shameful, and they now know about sin- what none of the rest of Creation of JAH know, because the devil tempted them to eat this fruit.
Now humanity has been cast out of the Garden of Eden and as we see humanity is destroying the earth and most of humanity seems to have little care for the fate of the earth- they only care about concealing their nakedness with expensive clothes, possessions, nonsense. They don't care about living in the paradise JAH give us.

So if man had never eaten that fruit, then all the generations to come would still be living in Paradise the Bible implies, to the overstanding of I and I.
No need to worry about the future, just live righteously and JAH will provide. Simplicity is grounding still.

Messenger: ciriefader Sent: 5/7/2006 7:33:06 PM

thanks Jah C

at first i thought maybe that adam and eve were actually god and the devil when the devil said it is 'u and i' and invented the word/symbol 'u' (see the word thread)
which made me wonder if man and woman were meant to be seperate this is why i asked if we have children in paradise or does god simply place new beings on the earth

if this is all not the case and if adam and eve were also man and woman in paradise before
then the only evil i can see is the invention of money, the concept of ownership and having children before a couple are in love...perhaps even sex is a result of the eating of the fruit...

maybe in paradise we no have sex??? but beings just appear from god...


there seems to be not very much fact or information about what paradise was exactly

i had a glimpse of it when i overstand i and i and the hedges shaped themselves and shimmered in gold and the landscape changed in i view out of window!!!!

praise to Jah!!!

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Haile Selassie I