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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Israelite Prince Sent: 12/21/2005 1:41:22 AMHidden - Foolishness

Wake up to who you really are. You are not Rastafarian, that madness did not even exist in the ancient days. Hallie Sellasie is not Jesus Christ, he is not even a real Black man since his father is italian.

Not to mention Jesus Christ already came on earth, so how can Hallie Selassie be Jesus? Christ was already black and Dark skinned, and JOSPEH WAS NOT HIS FATHER. He is from the tribe of Judah through Mary by Nathan (Romans 1:3, Galatians 4:4, Luke 3:23-31) NOT SOLOMON, so that whole Menelik thing STILL DOESNT ADD UP!!!!!

The Kebrea Negast is full of lies, and if you really follow the bible you wont read it. (Ecclesiastes 12:12, Isaiah 34:16)

Ethiopans are not your people, No called Negroes of america, haitians, Hispanics, and North American Indians are your people, we make up the 12 tribes of the Nation of Israel.

Haile Selassie I