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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Ansarullah Sent: 9/16/2007 11:14:58 AMHidden - Foolishness

Your God is Sleeping.

If God went to sleep on the seventh day and Christ is worshipped on Sunday then who are they (Sunday churchgoers) praying to? Because God is sleeping, unless you are trying to wake him up and serve him on his day of sleeping . . . God worked a whole six days and now on Sunday morning he’s laying in his bed. This is how he makes this sound.

. . . God is sitting in his chair, or laying in his bed he goes to sleep on Sunday morning, and you go to church on Sunday morning and go, “oh God, oh God, oh God.” Then you’re wondering why your prayers are not being answered. The reason why your prayers are not being answered is quite simple; because God sleeps on Sunday. You have to change the day – try Wednesday when God is up working. Have you ever tried to disturb your mother and father when they were working (or sleeping)?

You don’t thank God for health and the gifts that you have. You’re in church on Sunday begging for more stuff.

Haile Selassie I