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InfoWars? Or War on Information?

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Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 10/22/2019 3:31:33 PM

What's wrong with you?

Are you some kind of google bot? Do you ever think for yourself?

There are two proposed mechanisms for handling GHG emissions.

1. carbon tax
2. cap and trade

No one is talking about a carbon tax. And with cap-and-trade, you have to have a company that qualifies in order to sell your unused credits. Money doesn't magically appear in your company's bank account. That money come from polluters who need to buy those credits, making them pay a penalty for polluting beyond their specified limit. These are both capitalistic market force approaches. You're the one fear mongering about climate change. And that fear mongering is why nothing significant has passed so far and now a little girl is going around the world trying shame world leaders into actually doing something about it.

What have they done since 2005? Since you're such a conspiracy theorist. But the fact is, it's how capitalism works. People are going to find ways of making profit. That's how everything gets made. Do you think no one profits from the US defense budget? Every policy, foreign or domestic, benefits someone financially. Either its the people or its corporations and that's why corporations lobby and why it usually works in their favor.

But you clearly only like capitalism when it supports the corporations and oil barons who pour millions of dollars into right wing politics so that the majority of you will deny climate since while thinking you're stable geniuses. And when your reps get asked if they believe climate science, instead of saying no and offering evidence to the contrary on camera, they know better not to do that and instead talk about how they're not a scientist. But you, you're a scientist. Which is why your argument has no science in it. You're afraid of people making profit as if you live in a non-capitalistic country where people aren't supposed to make any money at all. In capitalism making money provides the driving motivation to do things. I go to work because I need money.

Would you rather they fight climate change based on socialism or communism? No... in your logic there is never any way to do anything good as long as someone you don't like is able to make money off it. Meanwhile, people are sick and dying working in coal mines because they have to make money and the rich people who own shares in those companies are making profits from them. But you don't care about THAT, now do you? You only care when its a "liberal" agenda. Because you've been taught and brainwashed to think that everything "liberals" do is bad and will hurt the country. You say nothing about the debt and deficits we now have under Trump. Just like how Trump bashed Obama for playing golf AT ALL, saying he would never do that because he would be too busy running the government. And now he plays golf way more than Obama while spending more money that Obama and signing more executive orders than Obama.

They have you so brainwashed into partisan politics that you can't even see how bad they are because you're too busy being against "liberals". It's like playing football and yelling at the ref because you think the other team is cheating... while your team has 30 guys on the field! It would at least be an honest debate if you could see issues and problems on your side of the political spectrum but you don't. You just carry water. You're a water boy. Do you really think the QB respects you? You're just a number to them. They don't care about you or your rights. They're using you for your vote so that they can do whatever they want with the weight and power of the American government. Mulvaney tried to tell you the truth. He said "We do it all the time".

So you can call me whatever, but I'm still waiting for you to make a serious argument without relying on Google and clearly not even understanding what you're posting.

JP Morgan Chase makes money on literally everything. They're a bank. So are you not going to buy a house because a bank is going to profit? This has got to be one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard.

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 10/22/2019 9:18:02 PM

TI vs Alex Jones debate

Critical thinking:

Watch how Alex Jones, who I think is very intelligent, dances around and evades the question by introducing other points. Red herrings, essentially. But TI is impressive here because he seems able to keep up with the misdirection and lead Jones back to the original question.

The fact that Jones strays so far off course is done on purpose. He quickly says he is not an apologist for Trump which is, in response to a particular question, an implication that there is no real defense on that issue. So he goes from the divisive language and what it represents to trying to lead the spotlight to a bigger or veiled threat that the audience will perceive to be worse than what Trump says.

We can also see the slow speech of TI is almost purposefully, if not purposefully, designed to combat and disarm Alex Jones's fever pitched word salads. He at times jumps in to correct something Alex Jones says because Jones, more than once, tries to put words in TI's mouth. People who are playing a losing hand in a debate sometimes stoop to this strategy so that they can go off on a tangent about something you didn't even say. And by the time you handle that tangent the hope is that you're distracted away from your initial question and the answer they didn't give.

When Jones starts talking about "well the media said(about Baltimore)" TI jumps in and slows down the pace of his words, which forces Jones to slow down as well because Jones knows that TI is being reasonable and he's not going to win if he can't draw his opponent into a shouting match where he will have the advantage. He cant look like he's all upset when his opponent is calm so he has to lower the volume and try to match the more calm softer tone of TI; especially while TI is explaining his own position. You can't tell someone what their position is. You have to listen to it no matter what. I don't know how many debates TI has ever been in but this is impressive against Alex Jones who is more used to debating and has developed a lot of skills to appear to be more persuasive in a debate. But you can hear it in his voice. He knows he's losing because he started with a weak hand and TI was right about what he was saying from the beginning. So he's trying. He's throwing stuff at the wall at this point (about half way through the video) to see if anything wills stick.

The last ditch effort was Jones trying to bring Elijah Cummings into it, to try and use him as a reason for Trump to say something about his district. Captain obvious, it doesn't matter. And that's essentially what TI told him by saying he is an independent thinker and politely isn't influenced by Cummings or anyone else so it doesn't matter what they said. What matters is what Trump said. And you can't say he didn't say it. So all of that and Jones finally sees he can't win on that point and admits to being wrong and that you cannot say that trump is always trying to bring people together. Now if Jones is alone on his show, not being challenged, then he can get away with these tactics. But when he's debating a person of decent intelligence it doesn't work.

So again... as soon as TI says "independent speaker" Jones quickly cuts in and says you're right he does say things sometimes that don't unify so that was incorrect what I (Alex Jones) said. Go back to 3:00 before even Jones says "its a dog whistle" and "I'm not an apologist for Trump" (right before apologizing for Trump) Alex tries to set up and support the idea that Trump could have been talking about the people who were covering (not really even on the side of the post or the counter protest) the event because he knew, and Alex Jones knew, but everyone else (because everyone being misinformed is the crux of the argument) doesn't know there were non-protesters "physically" located "on both sides" and that's what he meant. I think he wanted to see if TI would bite that apple and he didn't. Instead, TI was implying that Trump can be understood correctly because his words don't exist in isolation. There's a pattern. And honestly, Alex Jones knew TI was about scoring points on him by saying that because by saying that TI basically dunked (respectfully) on Alex's argument to try and imply some innocent meaning to what Trump said about good people on both sides. Alex may have underestimated TI but he starts adapting and looking for weaknesses in his argument and they're just not there.

5:00 - ___hole countries... rat infested... this is all part of the pattern.

And you can tell. Between the way Alex pauses and lets TI, after a pause, go in further, and how he talked about "I like doing this"... he was trying to buy a little time to think about what he could possibly say next. Jones goes into a story about the border policy (this is supposed to be a response to the __hole countries remark) and lax the US border is, in his opinion. Then he jumps into this idea that they're all getting "free stuff" and so then he jumps to Democrats are trying to bankrupt the country. LOL. This is an asinine statement that is only possible from jumping to all these conclusions. Obama didn't come in after George Bush Jr and suddenly open the barn doors of the American tax base to people coming over the border.

Obama was nicknamed the deporter-in-chief. But that doesn't fit the narrative Jones needs for this argument so he doesn't mention it. Republicans harp on Obama trying to save the Dreamers but fail to talk about how he deported so many people. You can't make both arguments at once. You can't say Obama was trying to give away the farm and at the same time say Obama was removing a lot of people who might have gotten even a patch of grass. And moreover, these are things Alex Jones is throwing out because TI could jump on any of this and the debate would then mutate to a new topic. But because its a verbal debate with time constraints TI can't take the bait which means letting him say things that are either unfounded, untrue, or things that would simply take too much time to establish one way or another. And see how Jones uses this to his advantage by saying if he had time he could show you how the Southern Poverty Law center was infiltrating and starting these groups. The whole point is to try and discredit the Southern Poverty Law Center by slandering them with a conspiracy theory to make people think they misreporting and therefore can't be trusted on their data. And this done so that no one can use their stats against him, because you would have disprove a negative in some kind of weird fantastical theory.

Fox News:
While details on the alleged relationship were not clear, “Tucker Carlson Tonight” reported that the FBI had described the group as “a well-known, established and credible” organization in 2009, and that the agency has briefed the FBI on alleged domestic terror threats in the U.S.

So the SPLC doesn't infiltrate groups. The FBI does that. Alex Jones is wrong. I also know already how the FBI will try to radicalize groups which may have the effect of taking them from non-hate group to ending up on the SPLC list. This is legal. You may not like it but if people become radicalized based on an FBI undercover officer, that officer cannot know if they would NOT have become radical without him. So if they're willing to use his connections to get guns then who is to say they would have gotten them on their own in time and perhaps actually used them? It's like temping Eve. You do it to see if she'll do it because if she does it then you know she's a threat. You could try to argue that she wouldn't have done it without your temptation but that's only your temptation. What about someone else's? See, we could argue all these little side streets if we wanted to but there's simply not time for that on the radio.

So 7:46, TI let's out a sigh and basically has had enough of the run around. He uses a slow and very purposeful voice, honestly, as though you were speaking to a small child, to remind Alex what the question was. This way the audience can see if "democrat bankruptcy agenda (even though we all know that Trump is the king of debt...because he said he was and loves bankruptcy)" has anything to do with the original question. That has nothing to do with what Trump said. And so then Jones launches into Ilhan Omar as if she's relevant and drops her name as a negative and then talks about slavery in Somalia to justify the ___hole comment.

Human trafficking exists in the US. So was Trump talking about human trafficking? No. Trump is a hospitality businessman, according to his chief of staff. I think its pretty obvious he was judging from that perspective. We can compare that comment to what he said about Cumming's district.

Let's jump to 9:00. We see TI here having to take a quick defensive stance because Alex Jones attempts to bring him personally into the argument and tell him what he's saying. When TI shuts that down, quite expertly, Jones says "well that's the feeling you got from it". TI, again, shuts that down. You can't tell someone how they feel. That was a mistake. Jones tries to walk back his mistake and gloss over it by talking over TI. And TI knows what's about to happen which is why he says "let me please because it seems like you have my message misconstrued." Again... I have to hand it to TI. He clearly has debate skills. He's not letting this debate get out of control even for a minute. He gives Alex rope but he knows exactly when to tug and reel Jones back in. And Jones is forced to comply. Otherwise, he's just going to expose himself.

I mean listen to Jones. He says Obama did xyz and it was bad, and now WE (who is we?) built it up and made it better. And why is he saying that? Because he thinks we have less reason to complain if Obama was involved. TI, again did an excellent job, not letting him spin his way into advancing his own talking points (which he doesn't provide evidence for) at the expense of not answering the question. TI also did an excellent job not trying to comment on everything as if he knows everything. If he had time I'm sure he would have done some research on Mexican immigration policy. But that's such a random thing that most people wouldn't be interested in until someone tries to make it relevant. But this is what Jones does. You have to peep game. He looks for these things that he assumes people wouldn't know and then uses those things as levers to make his point. And then he can say "oh well you just don't get it because you don't understand Mexican immigration policy."

Unfortunately this video is only 18.5 min long and in part II they go into other stuff because you have to know that Alex Jones didn't come to lose a debate. He came to promote himself. And he knows, talking to a black guy about a white man... might be a good time to throw other whites under the HIV bus and say that HIV was targeted to black people. He said he was also not in defense of white supremacy. But it's interesting that Hemp is such a big fan of Alex Jones and yet doesn't know that Alex Jones believes there is racism and white supremacy. How can this be?

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 10/22/2019 9:24:01 PM

part II

I love how TI is not really buying it but he gives enough of the impression that he's interested so that Alex Jones will keep talking, even while he expresses some of his skepticism.

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 10/22/2019 9:50:42 PM

You are a paid propagandist. Even in your own words you admit that. "I am an author and a professor." LOL You are a paid troll of the worst kind. I feel immensely sorry for thw poor souls who have had to set in on your lectures or read your 'books'

Its hilarious watching you being unable to watch the videos I post but expect me to watch yours. Even more hilarious is watching you day Alex Jones just directs and goes off topic to divert from the question while YOU DO EXACTLY THAT! I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that billionaires and transnational mega corporations created the climate change hoax so that they can make 100's of billions of dollars off of it and that the main ones VIRTUE SIGNALLING about 'climate change' and wanting to regulate ME, fly around and cause 100's of times the pollutants I do while admitting they wont change hiw they live but DEMAND THAT I DO. So then what do you do? IGNORE THE EVIDENCE AND MAKE LONG WINDED NONSENSICAL RANTS!! And then you change topic entierly and go back to attacking Alex Jones.. Which if you watch the podcast you posted, Alex Jones destroys T.I as the liberal rapper is left grasping at straws and asking 0 level questions while Jones is YEARS ahead of what he can handle. JUST LIKE ME AND YOU!

Dont even get me started on Greta Thornburgh. LOL she is literally handled by George Soros!

Thank you for that! I needed a good laugh!!

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 10/23/2019 3:23:04 AM

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 10/23/2019 3:24:23 AM

Just to stay on topic.. Since you love to try and change it when I expose your ignorance

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 10/23/2019 2:41:23 PM

Hemp:You are a paid propagandist. Even in your own words you admit that. "I am an author and a professor." LOL You are a paid troll of the worst kind. I feel immensely sorry for thw poor souls who have had to set in on your lectures or read your 'books'

Wow... so at this point you're just going to lie? When did I say I was a professor? You're making things up. I NEVER said that. I'm pretty sure I've stated my job title/description before in one of my posts. I am a computer scientist / web developer. And I literally just finished my first "books" because I wrote enough for 3 but that's not out yet and I don't believe I've ever mentioned that because I didn't come here to plug anything. So I believe you making it up which says a lot for conspiracy theorists.

Even in your video, which at first, I wasn't going to even hit play since, again, it's simply more of you using other people to speak on your behalf and those people are not here to debate. But clearly this guy doesn't understand science. He quickly says "she's an actress" followed by "I think she's an actress". Then he says "she's the daughter of an actress so she must have been coached because kids don't know anything." That's garbage. Kids who can read can know a lot thanks to the internet. Whatever their interested in they can use the internet to learn more about. It is not likely she's being coached because according to the wikipedia article she was the driving force for activism in her family, not her parents. She challenged her parents to become vegan and give up flying which went against her mother's career as an international opera singer.

Her parents being famous simply made it easier for her to walk out into the spotlight herself. The idea you can coach a child into handling herself the way Greta does smacks as someone who either doesn't have children or who isn't intimately involved with them. And to say "anyone with kids knows" is extremely ignorant. I have children. I know what they can do. And the more you support them and not limit them by treating them like they're stupid, the more they can get out there and do great things. And I don't even think she's on the level of a child prodigy. She's just mad. That doesn't require coaching. But this guy thinks its child abuse. He is so biased that he'd rather believe a child is being abused than to think that a child wouldn't care about what the world is going to be like when they're 20, 30, 40. To say its a fraud? There is literally no evidence to support that. This dude is a conspiracy theorist who doesn't understand something and because it doesn't literally conform to his understanding of how "green houses" work he thinks its a deception. No, this guy is an idiot.

They talk about Willie Soon and use his skepticism to try and make the point that there isn't a consensus in the scientific community about climate change. There's one problem though. At what point in the video do they talk about Willie Soon being paid $1.2 Million dollars by the fossil fuel industry while failing to disclose that conflict of interest in most of his scientific papers? No, no, no... we can't disclose the fact that the guy we're using to downplay climate change is getting paid! Greta can be a paid actor but this guy is ACTUALLY BEING PAID to the tune of 1.2 million dollars and it wasn't because he looks good in a dress. When you give someone money for a certain outcome, that's called a bribe. If soon was a politician we'd call it lobbying. Right?

But let me guess. You don't care if someone on YOUR side of the argument got paid to be there. Hell... I can't even blame him that much. At least he's getting paid. They should be paying you, but they're not. So I'd say he's smarter than you are because you're putting out misinformation free of charge. But you're the reason why they paid him. They paid him to convince people like you so that people like you could give political cover to politicians so they wouldn't REGULATE the fossil fuel industry on the basis of scientific research. You only have conspiracy theories about people on the left. You will not allow yourself to see any on the right that go against your narrative. And that's truly sad. No only are you lying but you're being lied to and used for profit when other liars are making a profit and you're not. No, you're just the sucker getting screwed in the process and working against your own interests. The guy on the video stammers, trying to come up with a logical political motive for why first world countries would agree on climate change if it's just a hoax. Now you're talking about an international conspiracy theory as if all these countries don't have their own scientists. Scientific evidence is what is called "falsifiable". That means there have been plenty of opportunities for other scientists to negate whatever EVIDENCE is being used by climate scientists who say there's a problem. The fact that they haven't debunked this scientifically and are instead popping up on conspiracy theorist channels instead of talking to journalists and major news outlets who will scrutinize their findings and bring on other climate scientists for them to debate, that says a lot. Scientists don't try to prove things on social media. They prove things by using PEER-REVIEW. But here this "scientist" is promoting himself and offering his opinion on politics and foreign affairs that makes no sense because he doesn't know what he's talking about. He thinks these first world countries are getting duped in order to hurt their own productivity. That's moronic. Meanwhile even though fossil fuel companies are paying scientists and paying for multiple studies, it was studies paid for by fossil fuel companies that actually proved there was a problem.

Feel free to click on each of the links of the left, debunking all your greatest climate denial myths.

It's comical how you're talking about 100s of billions. This shows you don't understand how cap and trade works or where the money comes from. I explained this to you but I guess ignorance is bliss and I'm sure you didn't read it.

In 2010, the U.S. oil and gas industry's total revenue came to around 146 billion U.S. dollars. By 2018, the revenue had increased to more than 180 billion U.S. dollars.

Now imagine if you were a major shareholder in an oil company and people are telling you that your its contributing to climate change and that we need to dramatically reduce the need and therefore the profits for your company. Just imagine that. Do you really think they're paying for studies to prove climate change is real? No, they were paying for studies to try and claim the opposite. But how in the world would a study paid for by Exxon support a hoax that would hurt Exxon??? You will NEVER be able to explain that because it is 100% inexplicable. Here is the actual report:

Literally handled by Soros?

No. Once again, conspiracy theorists often lie (like you putting words in my mouth with quotes that you know I never said) in order to support their beliefs which is why they doctored photographs and lied about Greta being in a pic with a member of ISIS. But sure.. I'm a professor and Greta is an ISIS agent. LOL, you are personally destroying your credibility if you had any to begin with. There's no reason to lie if you're right. But conspiracy theorists are in a feedback loop of lies and false information.

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 10/23/2019 6:46:09 PM

You are such a liar..

Direct quote from IPXninja: "I am a writer, journalist, professor, systems modeler, computational and digital health expert, avocado-eater, and entrepreneur, not always in that order."

Unless you were speaking about someone else.. You definitely said that.

Secondly. I can prove that Greta's parents are antifa supporters -- a soros funded group -- and that Greta was seen at the UN being escorted by a Soros handler.

16-year-old climate opportunist Greta Thunberg is being pushed by the worldwide establishment after speaking in front of Congress, the U.N., meeting the Pope and being the face of this weekend’s climate protests.

How did this teenage girl become such a dominant figure in the issue of climate protection?

It turns out there are powerful forces behind the sudden rise of the Swedish adolescent, including some of the usual suspects.

A woman who accompanies Thunberg to most public events is German climate activist Luisa-Marie Neubauer.

On the photos behind her u see Luisa-Marie Neubauer, her handler.

She's a member of "ONE Foundation" managed by BONO, Bill Gates and George Soros

It turns out Neubauer is the “Youth Ambassador” of the “ONE” foundation, an international lobbying organization funded by George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, Bono and others.

In a tweet from 2018, Neubauer wrote, “Perks of being a ONE Youth Ambassador: you get to meet awesome ONE campaigners all over the world.”

According to the “ONE” website, “ONE originated in conversations between Bill Gates and Bono in the early 2000s about the need to better inform Americans about extreme poverty around the world.”

“Together with Melinda Gates, Bobby Shriver, George Soros, Ed Scott, Bob Geldof, and Jamie Drummond, they created an anti-poverty advocacy organization called DATA that focused on deploying celebrities and other influential individuals to urge world leaders to take action on specific development issues,” the site continues.

Like anti-gun activist David Hogg, the globalist establishment is shoehorning Thunberg into the public spotlight to further their agenda even if it means taking advantage of a teenager with Asperger’s.

I have to ask.. How does it feel to be proven wrong on literally everything you say?

You keep using snopes as a "fact-checker" and you keep getting proven wrong. It really is hilarious.

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 10/25/2019 2:49:38 PM

Direct quote from IPXninja: "I am a writer, journalist, professor, systems modeler, computational and digital health expert, avocado-eater, and entrepreneur, not always in that order."

Please do not say quote if you are joking. It's not funny.

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 10/27/2019 12:55:30 AM

No. That is from your post.

What IS funny, is you accuse me of attributing a false quote there.. Even though I copied and pasted those words from YOUR POST.. And yet in typical fashion, you have done the very thing you accuse me of when you try to say that I said this: "But maybe Hemphill is right and that assassination never happened because racists don't do anything to black people and we just made it all up and Dr. Martin Luther King is actually chillin in Jamaica with Tupac, working on his next album, "California Dreamin"."

Lol! You cant find me EVER saying this and you know it!! You Jacobins are truly demented.

Back to the topic. I proved Greta is a Soros puppet.

Watch billionaire leftist George Soros explain his past as a Nazi collaborator:


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