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World's 26 richest own same as poorest half of humanity

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/22/2019 11:08:48 AM

The world's 26 richest people now own the same wealth as the poorest half of humanity, Oxfam said Monday (January 21, 2019), warning that "out of control" inequality is stoking popular anger and threatening democracies.

Continuing to enhance the obscene concentration of wealth in the hands of a tiny ultra-rich elite is the unabashed agenda of faux populist reformers like Trump and Bolsonaro. That ordinary people, repeatedly ravaged by the Babylon System, have become so powerless to change anything in politically failed states like the USA and Brazil that they have turned to neo-fascist wannabe autocrats out of desperation, is eerily reminiscent of the last days of the Weimar Republic for those of us who are students of history.

Messenger: Back to the chalice Sent: 1/22/2019 5:49:24 PM


"Give them an inch they'l take a yard then, give them a yard they'l take a mile...Ain't no use - no-one can stop them now"

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/23/2019 2:54:20 AM

Quite profound, I&i thought of exactly that same song while reading the article.

JAH Inity!

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/23/2019 2:54:33 AM

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/23/2019 1:55:57 PM

This makes me think of the famous Turbulence interview where he was asked if he was rich? The interviewer asking so based on whether he had received his due rewards from the music industry as a young artist. Of which he replied to the likes of: 'Rich how? Monetary? none at all. But rich in the fullness of Jah, Love and Life? Then yes I am very rich' of which Rastafari are the richest people on Earth

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 1/24/2019 3:08:23 PM

Another great topic!

We now have young idealistic representatives in the American congress. This is good. I hope it is the new trend because the world has been run by people who:

start out being young and idealistic
get middle age and become realist / pragmatist
get old and turn pessimist

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez flat out said that this current system was immoral.



This is something I never thought I would hear from a congress person. Once a person gets rich, okay. A lot of people want to be rich so they protect rich people's right to be rich. I get it. Some of the poorest rednecks do this.

The reality is that when a poor person makes money they turn around and spend it and that fuels the economy. A rich person does the same only to a certain point. There's another range in which their money is invested and one could call that behavior supporting the economy also. But the more that money benefits them the less it can benefit others the same was as it would if there were more balance. I own stock too, just not millions of shares. The idea that rich people are necessary is an idea advanced by rich people to protect their money.

Jeff Bezos has enough money, by himself, to end world hunger. And he could do it without missing a meal or making it so that any member of his family has to go without. What is the problem then of taxing a Jeff Bezos with a high marginal tax rate so that his first 10 million or whatever is taxed normally but after that more is taken to make life better for the poor? The rich cry that they should have the ability to do this themselves and pick their own charities, but they use charities to cheat taxes.

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/25/2019 4:29:47 AM

i hope you're right, IXPninja. i really do. Maybe you've nailed it: "get old and turn pessimist". Once you've been burned a hundred times by the touching the same handle, it's hard to be expected to confidently reach out and grab it again just because there's yet another new group of young, bright-eyed politicians saying, "no, it's okay, we really mean it this time."

America the Babylon appears to be a transparently failed state these days: A man-boy, with the emotional development level of a 5-year-old, in the White House holding 800,000 federal workers (as well as the rest of the nation) hostage while a dysfunctional Congress, full of narcissists fixated on their own political fortunes, are completely unable to break the stalemate despite having the constitutional power to do so. Quite an indictment of a corrupt and completely failed political system that has put the USA so deep into debt -- a debt from which it's questionable if it can ever recover -- just to line the pockets of a very few ultra-wealthy "interests". We seem to be witnessing the collapse that many have foretold. Or maybe that's too dramatic and America the Babylon will survive until 2020 to eject the current lunatic child from the White House and elect another Obama-esque type of imperial madman so that life in the USA can go back to its normal, ambient level of dysfunctional chaos.

Twenty years ago i heard Fidel Castro make a remark, during one of his lengthy televised speeches, to the effect that Cuba could have an American-style democracy; all he'd need to do is form two parties and fill them both with candidates from the Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC)". i broke out laughing out how true El Comandante's observations were. Years later his brother, Raul, said about the same thing when he quipped a Cuban analogy to the existing American political system: "It's as if we had two parties in Cuba and Fidel led one and I led the other."

Until the downtrodden & disenfranchised realize that they hold the real power and take to the streets in droves, until the billionaire elites and their wholly-owned political cronies (including the current poser in the White House) feel their comfortable positions starting to become tenuous; there will be no movement toward real change -- only the status quo and/or the continued transfer of wealth up the socioeconomic ladder.[Could it be that soon we may see a spike in the purchases of yellow vests by ordinary Americans?] i just worry that the overwhelming majority of people's brains may already be too wired to their electronic information devices and that those devices (& what they can be used for) are very well controlled by Babylon's elite powers-that-be.

JAH Love and family, the new generation -- Those are my hope (same as they were for a Russian serf under the Tsar or a Polish Jew in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1941). Hope that we will see in our lifetimes the destruction of racism, nationalism, militarism, neo-feudalism and all of those other Babylonian "isms" as we witness the rise of the Oneness Consciousness of Imanity.


Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 1/25/2019 12:31:06 PM

Yes I Nesta, the wealth distribution of Humanity is way out of balance

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 1/25/2019 2:08:17 PM

Praising Alexandria Ocasio Cortex? Lol!!

"We now have young idealistic representatives in the American congress.." -- You mean communists and socialists? And Sharia Law sympathizers? Cuz thats what we got in the mid terms.

Oh man this gave me a good laugh.. 'Democratic socialists' aka communists the whole lot of em'.. No wonder

Hey, but this is a good thread to see all those who support the socialist / communist ideals of 'wealth redistribution'.. At least you all are admitting you follow babylon.

New report targets elites before globalist gathering

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/25/2019 2:56:26 PM

Everybody's all for 'wealth redistribution' - Republicans, Democrats, pro-Trump, anti-Trump -- the only difference is which direction they wanted to see it redistributed, up or down.

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