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President Trump and MAGA

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Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 11/28/2018 7:41:24 AM

If afraid Hemphill has "exposed" nothing but himself as a narcissistic bully and a fool who is very good at writing self-congratulatory praise and very poor at interacting on a civil basis & communicating with others. If he's accomplish anything it is to further substantiate & confirm the general perception that people with his beliefs and allegiances are ignorant, prejudiced, arrogant, and intolerant of opposing views. His constant prevarication undermines his positions before he is even able to present them (usually in the form of some piece of propaganda taken from the internet). He's not really fair to others who share his beliefs & allegiances of those people because he is a very poor ambassador of that constituency (other than those within it who are unabashed devil-worshippers).

Because much of what Hemphill espouses is contrary to the Love & Righteousness of RastafarI and the Teachings of His Majesty, I&i somewhat grateful that he is the representative of such positions here as he exposes their roots in HateDread for what they are, and serves as an object lesson to others of the wasting of the soul that comes from a Life spent wallowing in & serving HateDread.

"Don't gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold."

The good news is that redemption for sad & lonely people like Hemphill is always just around the corner if they reach out to embrace JAH and switch to treating others with respect.

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 11/28/2018 8:44:54 AM

The information I present is spot on. Proven time and time again. Your only argument is to call it propaganda because it shatters your perspective.. And we cant have that.. No no no.. Just call the truth hateful.. A lot easier that way..

Transgenders and homosexuals are abominations.. Thats not hateful, thats Gods written truth.

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 11/28/2018 9:24:52 AM

Matthew 7:
[1] Judge not, that ye be not judged.
[2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
[3] And why beholdest thou the MOTE that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the BEAM that is in thine own eye?

John 8:
[4] They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
[5] Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
[6] This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
[7] So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is WITHOUT SIN among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
[8] And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
[9] And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
[10] When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
[11] She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Why obsess upon the sins of the flesh in order to divide us while ignoring the essential Truth that we are One People of One Flesh? Is that not precisely what the devil desires? We are all His Idren, His Most Precious Creations, and His Love for each & every one of His Idren is beyond measure. If each man is worthy of that esteem & Love in the Eyes of the Most High then how much greater should our Respect and Love for one another be? Forgiveness, Love and charity for our fellow YouMans are what His Majesty exhorts of us; not judgment of one another.

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 11/28/2018 9:33:10 AM

Not judging them nesta.. Thats your PC talking. Im just calling it as it is. Dont care how it makes anyone feel. The truth is the truth.

The bible aslo says in Matthew 18:6 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea"

Do not harm children.. Clear as day.. Therefore, it is not hateful or 'islamaphobic' to call out Muhammad for being a pedophile, raping a 9 year old girl.. Truth is truth, I stand for it no matter who may be offended.

You should try it.. Because your PC -- politicall correctness -- rhetoric is fundamentally racist and the death of freedom..

I will never support transgenders. I will never support homosexuals. I will never support pedophilia. I will never support bowing down to these and other things simply because it may offend someone.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary action.

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 11/28/2018 9:44:07 AM

Saying "Transgenders and homosexuals are abominations" is indeed judgment of the person, and it is anti-RastafarI for we know and we understand His Majesty's exhortation to us to detest the sin but Love the sinner.
No matter what word games one plays, the HateDread in his heart will come to Light if it is there. He who constantly SOWS THE SEED OF DISCORD (even under he guise of telling the "truth") shall inevitably reap a bitter harvest -- the bread of sorrow. This is why we are admonished by the Most High, who Loves us and cares for our well-being, to avoid such chicanery. It's just a bad tree which bringeth forth bad fruit.

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 11/28/2018 10:13:56 AM

No nesta. Its an acknowledgement of what is written in the Bible.. i.e. the word of God. I stand for that. I hope those people repent and find forgiveness. They have the chance to.. But those actions -- homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia -- are wicked and I will call it out.

The Bible aslo says that the world will hate us for standing for truth, and to stand for it anyways.. Thats directly speaking about the PC rhetoric that you cant seem to get off of.

Transgender and homosexuality is being pushed onto grade school children. That is pedophilia. I am proud to call it out as wickedness and stand for the innocence of children; regardless of the social condemnation I receive for it.

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 11/28/2018 10:58:59 AM

i don't like the perversion of human sexuality or gender roles in today's world any more than you do, but i'm not so obsessed with it that i can't see that living as an example of what is Righteous is far more important than being another shrill, bigoted voice. It is an unnatural & self-damaging act that is an "abomination", NOT the person who commits it. i don't know what kind of wrongheaded interpretation you've got, but if you're lumping people into groups and calling them "abominations" you're ABSOLUTELY serving the devil not JAH.

When you quite deliberately juxtapose "homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia", you are following a very clear pattern used by bigots and hatemongers of conflating gay and lesbian lifestyles with pedophilia. The constant stream of negativity, the constant sowing of discord, the constant personal attacks on anyone who has a differing point of view -- these don't speak of a man trying to spread truth or teach the facts about anything - these speak of a man hell bent of creating anger, vitriol, chaos and upset. In short, what you are engaged in is doing the devil's work. There are plenty of way to speak about the sins that undermine our social fabric without trying to foment HateDread (which is precisely what you are attempting to do).

Frankly, i'm sick of it. i try to be patient with you, but your incessant, incorrigible obnoxiousness saps the good energy that i would rather spend on people who are sincerely interested in following the Teachings of His Majesty. Instead, you make a mockery of those Teachings (like you citing the Bible as source of teachings that are meaningful to you - gimme a break).

i was very happy that whoever is the webmaster banned you and i'd be happy if he/she does it again. i weary of you posting lies about me, harassing me and others, provoking conflict for conflict sake & calling it "hard-hitting" journalism (or some such non-sense),calling participants here names, and coming off as if you are holier than JAH. Frankly, there are plenty of websites where i can go to read or hear canned, hate-mongering crap of the type you spew so i don't really care to find it here on a website that's intended to be a place to discuss Jah RastafarI. You don't respect any of us posting here, but for JAH sake, man, can't you respect the notion that this website is intended to be a kind of sanctuary?

A large dose of humility coupled with a dose of contrition would do you a world of good but i'm not holding my breath for either.

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 11/28/2018 12:01:11 PM

And he tries to defend homosexuality, transgenderism, and pedophilia.. WOW.. Says it's more wrong of me to expose it, than it is to rape children.. In his words; I'm serving the devil by calling it what God and the Bible calls it, an abomination. Unbelievable.. See it now? I rest my case..

Liberalism is a mental disorder.. PC is death of freedom and truth..

First he says 'rasta dont censor, rasta dont censor'.. Well looky here.. Now he says: "i was very happy that whoever is the webmaster banned you and i'd be happy if he/she does it again"... Too funny.. He can't counter the proof I document, so he moves to celebrating censorship!! Hahaha

Pure hypocrite. Total authoritarian fascist.

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 11/28/2018 2:57:08 PM

Hemphill you said: "Stopping human trafficking
Stopping drug smuggling
Maintaining national sovereignty
Resisting the globalist agenda for the 'North American Union' that would dissolve the USA in its entirety."

Do you propose that the USA should build a wall between them and Canada? Those crimes happen up and down I-5. Lots of drug smuggling, human trafficking and crime comes down from Canada. So walls all around the USA! One big prison nation!

Hemphill you said: "How dare China have a 'Great Wall' thats just RASCIST!!
How dare anyone have walls on their houses! That just means you hate your neighbors!!
How dare anyone declare national sovereignty."

China built its wall (which is no longer in use) over 2000 years ago to keep out invading armies on horseback; not political refugees poor families and children, and people looking for work.

Hemphill you said: "Absolutely ZERO logic in saying: "there is no point in having a border"

The USA has policies on political asylum, immigration, and border control. The USA can deal with the immigration through their due process on political asylum and immigration.

Building a wall is an EXTREME WASTE of money (multi-billion dollar project), man labor, time, and resources. So where is the logic in that?

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 11/28/2018 4:06:32 PM

Logic: This isnt coming from Canada..

Logic: U.N plan to replace American population with 600 million South American Migrants

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