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Is it to look at porn in Rastafari?

1 - 1011 - 2021 - 23
Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Empress Blogger Sent: 4/25/2018 8:28:10 PM

Blessed King....
Yes that was a "mis speak on my part." Not "Rasta people" in the true sense, "Rasta people" in the hypothetical sense.

Seeking not really... But enjoy from Time to time. I will check the link.

One heart.

Messenger: NazIr Sent: 4/25/2018 9:58:14 PM

Seen I. InI look forward with reasoning with the I forIvermore. Btw, InI have see the I books on Amazon for the past little while. Iman have some on I list but I had to order a book on Judaica for studying to write InI Doctorate Thesis. And InI ordered Inother called "The Bible and Bob Marley". Of which I received today and looks very interesting.

Love Iya. Let InInI reason more on more topics than InInI can count. Iman also want to write a book but don't know the process. Maybe the Queen can help guide InI on that path?

One JAH. One Aim. One Destiny.
Ras NazIr
Haile I Selassie I JAH RastafarI Itinually

Messenger: Empress Blogger Sent: 4/26/2018 10:39:13 AM

Blessed King...

You know I am about to say yes. Anything you want to know. Writing a book and leaving that "Rastafari works" for ones to come is part of our duty as Rasta people. I would be pleased to give You the Guidance King.

Yeah... I will come back out later today...

Give thanks for the Forum, where Rasta people can Reason, and teach those seeking the Guidance of Jah Rastafari.

One heart, Rastafari.
Rastafari Livity

Messenger: Empress Blogger Sent: 4/26/2018 12:07:58 PM

Blessed King...
Yes, I look forward to much reasoning....

could you email empressblogger(at)gmail(dot) com.

We could talk about about how to get your book written and published.

Hope the King is have a blessed day.

Give thanks for the forum and reasoning, Rasta to Rasta, and Rasta to the world.

One love. Rastafari.

Messenger: Evison Matafale Skræling Sent: 4/27/2018 1:07:53 AM

"The Bible tells us to not waste our seed.. Better to spill in the belly of a whore than on the ground... "

Hemphill Brother, do u really belive this?

By the way i Do NOT think porn is ok
But occasional masterbation is natural and healthy as long as its not obsessive and from a place of addiction.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/27/2018 12:38:06 PM

Yes I.. And before you laugh or write me off as old fashioned or a fundamentalist; let us remove the physical practice and look at the intention and spiritual ramifications.. So I would be a liar if I tried to say I have never done it.. I was 14 once.. Lol.. But now that I am older and MUCH more mature, I can see how this is not the most right thing to do.. First of all, it is coming from a place of lust and desire. Which in and of itself is completely natural. We grow into sexual beings and having a desire to find a mate is a beautiful thing.. But as with anything, there is a right and a wrong way of expressing this.. Let us look at the words of H.I.M. "He who would be a leader must pay the price in self-discipline and moral restraints. This details the correction and improvement of his personal character, the checking of passions and desires and an exemplary control of one's bodily needs and desires."

With that in mind.. Think of the feelings and emotions leading up to one wanting to view babylon pornography to achieve sexual climax.. Is this showing exemplary control of ones bodily needs and desires? We must have the discipline to do things when they are most appropriate to do them.. Not just whenever the urge is most strong.. It takes a lot of energy for a male to ejaculate.. And the sperm has a divine purpose, creation of new life.. So with masturbation, is this the most appropriate way to expend this energy and give your life creating seed? While it might feel good in the moment, it can lead to very damaging things.. Isolation, desperation, hyper-sexualization, addiction.. Also, put into context the way the world is heading.. Which is very anti-family.. An attack on femininity, masculinity, and reproduction.. It is incintivised to either not have children, or to have children in a single or split-parenting setting... In short; the system would rather us be alone and fulfilling bodily desires through artificial means, than being proactive and strong together within a family.. Look into the budding 'sex robot' industry and get back to me..

Messenger: NazIr Sent: 4/27/2018 1:03:46 PM

Bun Dem out

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 4/27/2018 9:59:05 PM

Anything that degrades or perverts the Divine and Natural act of lovemaking/creation is not for INI.

This is not to suggest that the naked body and/or isn't holy. Quite the contrary! It is perfectly and divinely created to love and to create.

While the western world would look upon indigenous women walking bare breasted as immodest, they remain the mecca of perversion! It is not the bare breasted woman who is at fault, but rather the perverted eyes that look upon her.

Western religion would tell us that fornication is "not of God", yet contradicts itself with the commandment to "go forth and multiply"...go figure.

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 5/2/2018 2:29:23 AM

Beloved ones and ones, Iyest greetings in purity and righteousness...
This topic, whew I feel I have so much to say...
Give thankhs for bringing up this discussion sistren EmpressBlogger, and also to the ones who have shared opinions.

First I want to address the definition as I see it of pornography. I don't think that anything that the individual sees as inciting lust is considered pornographic, as the I had said sistren that a clothed man with long locks is porn for the I. I disagree. Though the man's appearance is beautiful and causes a physiological reaction in the Iwomban, the man himself is not an object of pornography. He is simply a man, and the I a womban, and the response is natural and necessary if we should Itinue the human existence. What I define as pornography is material specifically designed to both dehumanize the subject into a sex object, and control the mind of the viewer at the same time. For example, an artistic nude photo is not considered pornographic to me. There is a huge difference between nakedness and nudity. Nudity is natural existence of all creatures, while nakedness is revealing the body in an unnatural and perverted way. As a photographer I used to photograph the nude body regularly. Artistically and with the intention of glorifying the beauty of the natural form. The same idea applies to the photographs (or even scenes from daily life eye witnessed) of African womban with their breasts showing. This is not nakedness because it is the natural state of these womban all the time. They are not revealing anything for the specific purpose of inciting a sexual response. Maybe they are simply feeding their children. The same idea applies to the men of the Suri tribe who fight (often nude) by striking each other with long wooden sticks, the winner to be glorified as a master herdsman and warrior. Their natural nudity is not scandalously revealing of anything, it is simply how they exist.

There is a huge difference between these images of naturality, and materials that are created with the specific intention of inciting sexual arousal, to a complete stranger no less!! First and foremost we must think of the WOMBAN who is posing in the photo, not the man who is looking at the image later on down the line. I say this because pornography is a largely female industry... but the same applies for male pornography. And we are not even approaching yet the subject of explicit videos of sexual acts. All of these materials, first of all, degrade those who pose/perform in them. The person who has stooped to that level, whether male or female, has completely lost respect for themselves as a GOD CREATOR OF LIFE (what sex is meant for) and degraded themselves to the point of objectification. And most of these people posing, they are doing it not only out of lack of selfrespect, but also out of economic desperation! This is not a fate that we should wish on ANY of our fellow human beings, and we as conscious individuals should feel heartbreak at the idea that our brothers or sisters would lose their regal dignity and divinity in this way. How can you look at your sister exposing herself in this shameful way without weeping? Can you go inside of her mind and her heart, just imagine how she feels about herself? If so, you would never ever be aroused by those images, only sickened, and heartsick also.

I want to address the idea of masturbation also, since the I Matafale brought it up. Even masturbation without the use of pornographic images or videos. What we have to realize is that sexual acts without the intention or even remote possibility of CREATION OF LIFE are empty, void of purpose. To seek orgasm without intending to create life, this is the way of people who are stuck in the physical senses, forgetting their spiritual nature. It has taken me a long time to overstand the reason behind sexual ascetism, but I finally see it. To engage in sex and orgasm, even WITH a beloved partner, even in act of life creation, is an action which ties us more and more to the physical senses. When in fact we are not bodies. Our bodies are only loaned to us from the earth, to be used as vehicles. We are not physical beings, we are spirits controlling bodies as one drives a car. To identify with the body and to seek physical stimulation is a distraction from our spiritual essence. The more often we indulge the physical, the more we program ourselves to identify as a body (not a spirit DRIVING a body). For these reasons I don't think that it benefits anyone to masturbate at all. It is a huge disservice to yourself as a spiritual being, and it is a risk of becoming addicted to sensory stimulations of all kinds.

Hemphill and RastaGoddess.... yes Iyahs, I agree 100% with the I&I statements, both. More wiseminds and innerstanding for I&I, nothing less!

Rastafari love

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 5/2/2018 2:35:15 PM

i've read most of this thread and i think that perhaps one of the best statements made was that "the easy access and the hyper-sexualization/addiction to porn is just another way Babylon can CONtrol the birth rate and the populace (through a form of addiction/'sedation') all at the same time."(NazIr) This goes hand in hand with Babylon always trying to enslave the mind to something and undermine our faith & our families: money, the internet, entertainment, texting...whatever.
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery" is the call to be heeded. As i mentioned before, porn in and of itself is kind of nothing burger. So is masturbation. It's the obsession with these things that draws a natty's energy from the quest for JAH and His Righteousness. i'm an old man now and i would never waste my time chastising a younger man for watching a porn clip & beating off to relieve his desires. It's like shaming someone for eating too much chocolate or taking an extra long shower and wasting water. It's no problem and obsessing over NOT doing it is as detrimental as becoming obsessed with doing it.[Far better to "take care of ones needs" quickly and be done with it than to be prowling the streets with powerful, and often nefarious, sexual motivation.]
In general, unless a someone is smoking meth, viewing porn is going to be a very short lived activity (i.e., it's boring) and masturbation a very quick relief valve for natural hormonal urges.
Giving away my age a bit, i cite the example of Nancy Reagan's "just say no" to drugs campaign and how that used to make me laugh. How ludicrous to tell someone to focus their consciousness on what they should NOT be doing --whether that's smoking pot or masturbating. To find righteousness and avoid pitfalls, we focus our consciousness on what we SHOULD be doing. As Rastas that means that in our consciousnesses we seek first the Kingdom of JAH and His Righteousness and everything (else) will be added.
So i&I don't empower porn in ANY way: neither by watching it and becoming obsessed with it nor by obsessing over its evils and the need for people to avoid it like the plague. i just don't empower it that way. Like most of the devil's other ruses & distractions, it's a nothing burger so it's best to treat it that way.
In closing, i&I mention that i left Amerika long ago and moved to the beach town where my father landed in the Philippines as a soldier in World War II. Among many other wonderful characteristics, Filipinos (both men and women) have a very healthy attitude toward sex. To them it's just a normal activity that people engage in. They've very cool and casual about it. It's an ordinary, common thing that people do, and they universally hold in the highest reverence NOT the sex act itself but the LIFE that it produces. They're not obsessed with sex and, unlike Amerika, every commercial thing you see and every interaction with the opposite sex is NOT infused with a constant undertone of sexuality. For me personally, it is much easier here in the Philippines than it is in Babylon Amerika to seek first the Kingdom of JAH and His Righteousness.

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Haile Selassie I