I personally would like to have PROOF that it's the right spirit's guidance I'm following... I would have to COMPLETELY exclude the possibility of negative spirit disguising as coming from H.I.M. and fooling I... Because I see a lot of strength in the locks and people with locks, and whenever I saw a brother or sister cutting them I felt less strength in them, just like Samson who could be subdued after the cutting of his locks.
So I myself would be VERY VERY careful about such feelings, cause now my brother, the I isn't so sure about being or calling the I a Rastafarian, one day yes, the other day no. Changing feelings which I wouldn't like to have. And now the I did not only cut the locks, but cut the I self from going to Binghis... which is a very important source of strength in my opinion. So I wonder how a Rastaman can spiritually survive without these things.
But if the I feels alright about this move, it's not for I to judge.
JAH guidance forIva...