The way I sight the thing, well it can get kinda hazey!
This MUURISH thing I dont agree with to an extant.
I dont like denying people of dem heritage roots and culture.
I not all inclusive when it comes to brown skin and being African.
Those blonde haired black in the pic are Pacific Islanders! They like the Adawamese Islanders tho some of the darkest people are not African they have carved out their own thing for unknown amount of millennia. How they got were they are and when is not known. According to speculations they left WAAY BEFORE Europeans left African so thatwould make Europeans more African than them. Yet ones readily distinguish between Europeans and Africans.
I agree African has numerous looks (skin tone, hair, eye color, size, noses, lips...).
if African is not a certain features types then what is the basis of labeling all melenated broad facial featured peopleas African, if not feautures? The cultures and languages are of their own!
If one wa ts to show African diversity then European, Indain, East Asian, Arab... can be shown also because many of them have been there for generations and know no other place!
Many ones dont consider the Afrikaaner as African or the Arabized Egyptians and North Africans (even Iself) whom many are the result of the same type of thing from ancient times so why accept the whitening of the African race as just a variation of African
On Africa's diversity one must know that Africa has ALWAYS had IMMIGRANTS! Many of the ethnic groups their today wasnt always their, so many of the variations MAY not have always been their. Just look at the paintings of Nubian on the walls of Kemet and look the main stream Nibians of Dr. Ben's village today! NOT to take away from their Africaness!
Albinism is differet supm from mixing! Is there an Albino tribe or does this pop up occasionally due to genetic mutations or so? How likely is this passed on?
A lot of time that blue eyed trait is associated with deafness tho NOT always.
If InI allow this to go on and accept it as One "BLACK" love then whats wrong with Europeans who MAY have a black ancestor having prominent places in BLACK movements or the quick distinction from them?
Why do InI say they stole InI things if they came from I, then its their things too because they ARE InI?
Look at the Yoruba population of Latin America many of them are majority European descended
I just think Blacks/Africans need to careful of this type of thing. It happen in ancient times same thing we try correct in dis Iwa. Being Pan Africanist and ahree to allow it once more is an oxymoron to I
Give Thanks and bless the I's