Yes... Ital is no animal products.
But be very careful of the new "free from" culture that seems to be emerging, certainly where I live at least.
Vegan, gluten free, soya free, etc etc. I'm not suggesting that vegan isn't good. Just that they seem to advertise this as if everything that is "free from" this is healthy.
Might I remind you that battery acid is vegan, gluten free, soya free, free of nuts for allergy sufferers, and grain free too. But battery acid is not human food!!!!
In a shop that I go to, to get all my supplies (organic grains, nuts, oil etc etc), the man was trying to sell me some muffins. I said no thanks, but he responded by saying "they're vegan and gluten free". As if that makes a muffin healthy! They could be loaded with MSG, or even battery acid for all I know and the words "they're vegan and gluten free" could still be entirely true!
My point being that "free from" only means that it doesn't have something in; it doesn't tell you what it DOES have in. Don't fall into the trap thinking that vegan, gluten free, etc = healthy.
All the best,