Thought I'd share something a bredren posted on Facebook today.
Ethiopian Crosses and Cymatics.
Cymatics shows how vibrations interact to create the world we experience 'out there,' while illuminating hidden principles that underlie all natural processes. Understanding these principles offers insights into the dynamics of life in the dense, physical world of matter, form and function, but also in the subjective ways in which we perceive ourselves. Once you've objectively observed how a stable structure (say, a formation in fine powder on a vibrating steel plate), can dissolve into chaos, but then in just a matter of seconds, re-configure itself into a more complex and finely-ordered form, you might just be able to view your own tumultuous circumstances a bit more objectively (and with far less apprehension!) as a purposefully evolving process leading toward greater personal coherency and equanimity.
Papa Legba/Elegbarra/Eleggua/Eshu is represented and invoked with the Cross and at Crossroads. The Ethiopian Cross looks strikingly similar to the Papa Legba Veve symbol.
CYMATICS IN WATER – How do vibrations effect the material world?
Water memory shows how our own intentions can alter the material world. This has been demonstrated by Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has performed studies showing how simple intentions through sound, emotions and thoughts can dramatically shape the way water crystallizes