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Messenger: Iyah Oats Sent: 2/22/2014 1:32:59 AM

Who said the womban was replaced with a ghost? It was Christians in the 4th century, or so, whom came up with their symbol of Trinity. They made it Father, Son, and Spirit. That is their faith. That is their Trinity.

There are Trinities found in male divinity/energy. There are trinities found in female divinity/energy. And there are trinities found when male and female divinities/energies combine.

Here is a clip from an article on how the Christian Trinity came to be what it is:

The Christian Trinity
Developing Trinitarian Doctrine

Interest in a trinity arose among early Christians even before Plotinus’ time. Of the three divine aspects necessary to construct a trinity, two were readily available. The Judaic Tetra-grammaton (Hebrew:: hwhy)—rendered in Eng-lish as Jehovah or Yahweh—became God the Father. And Jesus Christ was believed to be his Son. In the Gospel of John Christ was identified with the Logos, which the editors of the King James Bible translated rather inade-quately as “the Word.” Athenagoras (c.133–c.190 CE), a Platonist philosopher who con-verted to Christianity, described the relation-ship between the Father and
[W]e acknowledge one God, uncreated, eternal, invisible, impassible, incomprehen-sible, illimitable… we acknowledge also a Son of God…. [T]he Son of God is the Logos of the Father, in idea and in opera-tion; for after the pattern of Him and by Him were all things made, the Father and the Son being one.

A third aspect was needed to complete the trin-ity, and considerable debate ensued before a definitive choice was made. Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch (c. 117–c. 181 CE) defined the three aspects as Theos (Qeoj, “God”), Lo-gos and Sophia (Soqia). The reference to Sophia is highly significant. “Sophia” was a direct translation of the Hebrew Chokmah (hmkx, “Wisdom”), the feminine principle ex-plored at great length in the Wisdom Literature of late-biblical scripture and the apocrypha. Sophia also absorbed many characteristics of the Shekinah (hnyk#): interpreted in the Tal-mud as the divine glory, God’s presence in the world. “Shekinah” is another feminine noun, and in first-century esoteric Judaism and Gnos-tic Christianity the Shekinah-Chokmah-Sophia was fast gaining the status of a feminine divine hypostasis. Had Sophia been established as the third aspect, as Theophilus proposed, the Christian trinity would have had much in
common with the Egyptian one. But this was not to be. Sophia managed to survive in the East, although not always in association with the

Third Person of the trinity.

In the West, attention shifted to the Holy Spirit. This term was frequently used in bibli-cal Judaism to denote the spirit of God. Its Hebrew form was the feminine noun Ruach (xwr), which could mean either “spirit” or “breath.” The Gnostic teacher Valentinus (c. 105–c. 165 CE) identified the Holy Spirit as God the Mother, and efforts were even made to relate the virgin birth to a feminine Holy Spirit rather than to Mary. The third-century Ira-nian teacher, Mani, who founded the sect of Manichaeism, also was convinced that the Holy Spirit was feminine.

Trinity in the Western Church

Any prospect that the Third Person might have feminine characteristics came to an end when Athenagoras identified the Holy Spirit with the Greek word Pneuma (Pneuma). Pneuma may be a direct translation of Ruach, but it is a neu-ter rather than a feminine noun. As a result, the western Christian trinity crystallized into the combination of two obviously masculine aspects and one neuter aspect. The only ves-tige of the Third Person’s sophianic origins was a vague awareness that wisdom—in its conventional sense—flows from the Holy Spirit.
Whole article can be read here:

Messenger: Iyah Oats Sent: 2/22/2014 1:50:11 AM

Pneuma means breath. It has come to mean spirit or soul in the religious context.

Messenger: Iyah Oats Sent: 2/22/2014 2:12:18 AM

So many Christians believed and taught that the Spirit of God is female. It was the domination of Western Christianity, that gave Christianity, the Holy Spirit with no gender (pneuma).

The gender of the Holy Spirit is still debated by Christians.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 2/22/2014 8:54:36 AM

Excellent Iyah oats. You can maybe now see why we Burn this European trinity from the 4th century.

Also , if I was a pro Bible man id still burn it. There's multiple bible references to a wombman God. Jeremiah 7:18 refers to the Queen of heaven. Burn roman overstanding

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