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Messenger: gideon Sent: 11/29/2004 9:44:31 AM

When I hear the teachings of those who talk about Jah people always seem to be making a division: The basic one they make is good and evil, or God and the Devil. And when they apply that division to mankind they talk about good people and bad people, or sons of God and sons of the Devil. The popular way that rasta people usually express the same concept is Pope paul followers and rastafari. Christians say there are those who accept Jesus and those who don't. But the point is that every church so far talks about the division between good and evil people.
What is a man?
I believe that man is a form of life that is different from other forms of life because of self-awareness, what we call consciousness. And this is the foundation of my faith when I say that love leads all men, and God is the God of everyone - by which I mean to say that all men worship and love the one true God.
Those who say in their hearts that some men are evil are judging men, and it will be turned against them so they will not be able to live in their flesh forever. They are judging their own flesh when they judge that some men are evil.
And for what? They have no reason to believe what they say. It is just a false allegation that has been spread since the earliest days to divide people from one another and from themselves. This belief that men can be evil makes us doubt eachother and ourselves when we accept the belief. This teaching is the only enemy of Zion, because it is the only thing that separates men from the truth. And the truth is that we are all God's children. This truth is our salvation and our redemption.
Rumour, rumour, rumour. That is the real rumour we must overcome.
We are spirits from God. And the fact that we are conscious, even if it is only a mustard seed worth of consciousness, it shows that we love God and honor his righteousness. We ALL ARE his children.
Love, inity. This is the true tradition. But in the abundance of water the fool can still find a way to be thirsty. He will say that evil exists because he misinterprets the bible that way, or because he misinterprets the significance of certain occurences in creation so that he assigns an evil creator or guide to certain actions of people that he calls evil actions. It is circular logic all the time, and it has no foundation.
Don't seek your foundation anywhere except in your own consciousness, which loves God and all men. Investigate the truth and do not make hasty assumptions based on partial evidence and the loud proclamations of those who only repeat what they have been taught. You are your own only teacher. And only God is your inspiration, so seek the truth in your own heart and mind. You have what it takes.
And for those who persist in wondering about evil and wicked people, I know that one day you will put away those ideas. Your heart already knows the truth, that we are one. INITY TRADITION.

Messenger: RasEli Sent: 11/29/2004 9:53:46 AM


Well said I, I enjoyed reading that. It tis true we are all Jah's Idren but some of his Idren betray him and do not follow the Father(spawn of Cain). These people may have the spirit of Jah in him but if they do not beleive in the Father it means nothing to them nor should it to I. I try only to judge people pon their actions not their beleifs or look.Thank you I Gideon.

Ras ElI

Messenger: the rock Sent: 11/29/2004 11:16:21 AM


People that know that they should do something in a one way, and do not do it,there is a name for that.If a person kill for know reason but jealousy or because they love to see blood flow, people call it evil. If a person did all these thing ,with out any one saying anything, they know they are doing things in a manner that is called evil(morally bad or wrong;wicked)And on the other hand if a person live by what JAH say and love life ,i.e the person move with the insight that gods has given us they are called good.(Goodness virtue,having positive or desirable Qualites) It is just like any other word in the dictionary.Words are ment to decribe the basic Qualities of what ever that you are talking about.
And i do not have to tell or judge aperson good or bad they just are,and thats not to say a good person can't be evil and then trun back to the good, or a evil person can't be good ,it just saying that there is hot or cold up and down good and evil.To judge a person is not my job,they bring judgement on them selfs(good or evil)by what they say or do.And i do know that what you are come from the begining, it just takes time to grow into what you are(from the root to the leaves).


Messenger: empress1 Sent: 11/29/2004 11:32:34 AM

Greetings in the name of The Most High,
Gideon InI overstand wha you a say the I should not judge lest the I be judged. But how do I know who and what to avoid lest the I see and know what is evil. Maybe it is just the harsh words InI use "evil" but it does exist. The I might like "right and wrong" better but it still goes back to the roots. There is good and evil. Bredren nuff reasonins wha you a chat have the same undertone but InI know dat the I know that there is the upright way which is Jah way and Jah Law, so anything else or detrimental what do the I call it?
More Life. More Love.
Jah RastaFarI

Messenger: Lioness_Susan Sent: 11/29/2004 1:21:26 PM


Yes jah gave iani and conscience to decide either good or evil/right or wrong, its which one iani decide to follow..even though ones might be looking in from the other side and know one is doing evil/ is not our duty to place judgement on them..jah will be done..but still show them a strength still if one notice another is 'straying'

humble thought
Sista Susan

Messenger: gideon Sent: 11/29/2004 3:03:00 PM

Hot and cold, up and down, good and evil, right and wrong. When we are comparing things this language is useful. But these concepts cannot be used to describe anything absolute.
When you touch something it seems hot or cold, but it is not absolute. That is relative truth, meaning that it is relatively hot or cold to your touch - compared to your temparature or room temparature. It is about comparison. Same thing with up and down. Up and down are concepts that refer to direction from a certain point of origin. It is a relative term, not absolute. Up and down are words used to describe relative directions.
In each of these cases people traditionally assign an arbitrary point of origin. Concepts of up and down use the center of gravity of the earth - arbitrary. At the center up becomes down and down becomes up. In terms of hot and cold we use room temparature. Scientists came up with this theoretical concept called zero temparature, but it is just a theory to make things come together, like the big bang.
In terms of Good and Bad it is the same. As relative concepts they work just fine, but only in a limited framework that has to be defined each time the word is used. For example weather is considered good when it is warm and dry and bad when it is wet and cold. That's okay when we stick to how people appreciate the weather. But as soon as you expand your framework to include other purposes of weather, like caring from crops, the concept breaks down. When it comes to crops bad weather is good sometimes and good weather is bad sometimes, because the crops need sun and rain and some crops need hot and cold.
It is impossible to judge even weather as good or bad, because no matter how smart we get we will never know all the purposes of weather, so our judgments are partial. We can say the weather is good for sports, or good for this or that, or bad for this or that. But we are not able to make an absolute statement about anything. It is the same when we look at human actions.
Can we judge actions by the effects of the actions? No, because then we are in the same boat. We will only be able to see a limited set of the effects. We cannot see the whole story.
Can we judge by the intentions? No, it is the same thing again. The intentions are to cause certain effects, and we cannot judge the intentions because we cannot judge the effects.
There is only one way to judge, and it is by the spirit. The spirit that inspires the intentions and empower the actions. That is how we can judge what people do. We cannot judge what they do by the actions themselves and we cannot judge what they do by their intentions. We can only judge accurately and completely when we look at the spirit that inspired and produced the action.
And as I say, there is only one power in creation. There is only one spirit that has the power to create. That spirit is called the creator. There is no other creator. When we judge the actions of a person we are really looking at the actions of the spirit that is the power behind that person's actions. We can only judge actions that are actually created.
The only judgment I see is creation itself. Everything that is created is judged good by the creator, and that's why he creates it. Whatever men do is accomplished by the power of the creator, and all the works of men are an expression of His divine and perfect will. The spirit inside those men that inspire those actions is the divine spirit.
So in relative terms I will accept the concept of good and evil. But in absolute terms there is only good.

Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 11/29/2004 3:47:17 PM

Blessings to the InI,

I agree with many things that Gideon says. Relative and Absolute concept, seen dat.

I believe we all are looking for the truth, we all are looking for LOVE, ONE LOVE. Many just look at it in the wrong places.

Some LOVE money so they steal, but do they really mean to hurt who they steal from? Maybe not. But if InI know GOD and his GOOD NEWS then InI will not steal to satisfy I-self or hurt to satisfy I-self false misguided LOVE or feelings.

So dont judge, hate etc on anyone that is looking for the truth ONE LOVE in the wrong places but help, guide, reason with them, help them find the LIGHT. We are all on a journey to find the TRUTH, to me I seem to see clearer to myself everyday that this ONE TRUTH is ONE LOVE, ONE GOD, ONE AIM, ONE DESTINY.

I believe InI manifest through thoughts and actions, things in our lifes that then become a reality and bring us away from JAH.

When we LOVE JAH, when we love I-selves, then we are ready to LOVE the world and apply all our love all over.

Messenger: gideon Sent: 11/30/2004 11:53:22 AM

I understand why it is hard to accept. I know that there is a natural order that is the way that we are meant to live. No-one should force anyone to do things against their will and everyone should be free, no-one should believe a lie or tell a lie, no-one should take what is not given to them, no-one should break a promise. And it goes on and on. But all that reasoning about they way things were meant to be and should be is not the way things are. We live in a reality where people have not reached that stage yet, and there is still much conflict, which should not be ideally. But everything has to come forth in due time and things happen gradually.
A man and a young girl are stranded on an island together after a shipwreck. Ideally they should live together in peace and harmony, but they do not have that much faith to live that way. They are confused. That's why the man is able to rape the girl. When he rapes her he is doing the best thing he knows how to do. She also allows it to happen because ideally she could call on God to rescue her, but she doesn't have the faith. She is doing the best thing she knows how to do when she accepts being raped. They are both doing the best they know how to do, because they are so limited in their knowledge that they are unable at that time to reach higher.
I believe that they are both expressing their love. But when we think in terms of the ideal case and how things should be all we can see is wrongdoing because their actions do not live up to the ideal standard that we set in our minds. Our mistake when we think that way is that in reality the situation is not ideal. Both of those people are limited in time and space, according to the knowledge they possess and their experiences. It may take years for them to realize that what they were doing was not the best thing available to them if they had known better. But they didn't know better, and that's why what they did WAS the best thing available to them.
I am just like all of you. I have been frustrated by things that did not fit the ideal pattern in my mind, and I called actions evil and so on. But now I need to retrain my mind to see that people are not doing evil things when they don't live up to the pattern in my mind. All it is is that they are limited, unable to accept the higher guidance. being limited is not being evil. Evil is the accusation that is being brought against our people, mankind. It makes people give up and hate themselves, experiencing guilt and self-doubt. It makes us suspicious of eachother.
We need to understand that when people "sin" it is not evil and they are not doing evil. They are not controlled by any devil and they are not the sons of satan. They are just limited in such a way that those sinful actions are the best way they know to express Jah love that is in their hearts, that is their only guide. By the way, the word "sin" originally means missing the mark, or making a mistake. It is the slavemaster tradition that encouraged self-hatred and suspicious doubt of our brothers and sisters by teaching us that people are led by the devil and so on.
We need to spread the positive tradition, and there is no room for negative in the positive. When I say people are limited it is in no way negative, it is positive. Just like how four dollars in your pocket is limited funds, but it is still money. We can only lead the world into the future when we are constructive and not destructive. We cannot lead them by telling them that they are wicked or sinful in the sense of following the devil. That will only make people more despondent and doubtful. It is the downpressor tradition to talk about evil people, or even evil actions. But the true African tradition when people make mistakes is to say that they are doing the best they can given their knowledge and experiences. That way, we can build up and not try to tear down.

Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 11/30/2004 12:13:22 PM

Gideon I,

Thanks for what I believe are very true wise words. I think we can all agree that we are all on a journey. I like to prefer to this journey as the "Journey into One Love" I am finding my truth in this truth. Respect to "Ras Kind" for working so hard on spreading the word One Love all over the world and helping InI to heal ourselves and heal our brethren and sistren by burying hate disrespect and judgement.

Since we are all on a journey, everyone is at a different stage of this journey, some just started it some are still standing at the Start Line not realizing yet that they are on this journey and others that are well on the way. It takes dedication and persistence and discipline to stay away from Babylon's confusion and temptation and it takes much love.

So I agree with Gideon and we must show love, only if we plant the Truth and Love can we get rid of Babylon and free all people that are in mental slavery...



Messenger: the rock Sent: 11/30/2004 2:03:17 PM

I like that view of how you think people move, but let me show you my point of view. In the streets there are rules and if you are in the ghetto you have a choice, you can find some great way to asimulate and find a way to find your way into the system and if that gives you what you want then thats great, positive motivation is to each one as he/she sees it. On the other hand some of the sons that I know, they go the other route. They find themselves running the game down just as it was run to them. Shooten people, sellin dope, makin big money, livin the dream, the ish you see on tv. Now this isnt my dream but then again were not talking about me were talking about characters.. I'll call them sons. Back to the story, so if they get cracked by the police one or two times, as the game goes the sons either do thier time or they cop out. Doing the best that they can even in the worst situation they find themselves in an unspeakable situation, worse case senario, they have already coped out to many times and now have to do thier time, and thats what they call it, thier time, but I dont call it that, but were talking about them. So in the jails there is a system. You either get hooked up or get F---ed up or ride and die. Thats the best they can do. Because thats thier situation, so it goes on that in their situation they might have to rape, kill, sell drugs, sell thier body, just to survive. Not all because some sons kept thier man hood. In that system of thinking there is no straight root to man hood. This is one example but not to get any more illaberate than that. If I went back to the beging of the journey and acknowled the things that may of led me down the wrong way could I, beeing an inner city youth, can change my true path. Acknowleding Jah and seeing that people reap what they sew I faithfully say yes... and I dont believe that there is no horned tailed, blue eyed devil that is provoking me. If there were words that would define the struggle, not scientificaly, but in a litteral sence to give people a visualzation about what the fight is against, I still say its good over evil. Now if you get into some accident that causes you to rape a woman and she lets you rape her so you dont harm her anymore thats still a degree of evil! Not by the devil but by the person involved. Now if that same woman longing for that man consented in a manner that was mutual then thats a diffent case! I wouldnt tell you that you were evil, because its obviouse one can see evil for themselves. Case in point being if there was no accident and they werent stranded on a island, if they werent tested on a manner of speaking, by thier trials and tribulations, then he wouldnt of rapped her!... or maybe he would.. its just a story right.

One blessed love
Jah Rasta-far-i

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