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When to start using herb?

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Messenger: Black heart Sent: 1/11/2012 12:12:32 PM

Greetings Jah people. While I n I were ilebrating rasmus in a binghi dis ikend I saw a child around 7 years takin herb. As I n I were sharin de cup just before ises begin, one bredren gave it to de kid. De child coughed after takin it. When is de right age to start blazin de fire acording to de Nyahbinghi order? How about acording to Boboshanti, twelve tribes and other rastas? Blessed love.

Messenger: anonymous Sent: 11/5/2014 4:43:24 PM

no idea but i would like to see ini thoughts on this one
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Bobobinghi Jahcub Sent: 11/5/2014 5:09:28 PM

I would say as soon as one can say for themselves why the herb will benefit them and why they want to use it.I think one has know what quantity they can handle, Iman personally wouldn't give a full cup of herb to an Idren less than 10 years of age.Iman don't support the smoking ting so even if ones can make a tea or put in food to start with,the example of the youth coughing is the smoke not the herb.I think one must listen to their body and there conscience if using the herb is not fully uplifting the I at that moment in time, Iman would advise to leave it alone,Man and wombman can survive without it.

Messenger: Black heart Sent: 11/6/2014 2:37:08 AM

Giv thanks mi Idrens. I agree ones haffe use herb wisely to enjoy its benefits. Blessed love

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 11/6/2014 2:32:12 PM

herbs everyday of I life from 15+

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 11/6/2014 7:38:31 PM

Blessed love I&I.
Iwombman know a man who say his papa gave him herb at 2 years old to cure asthma (it worked). There are young children who have lived semi-comatose from epileptic fits, til they get ganjah medI which gives the child a new chance at a "normal" healthy life. Iwombman say ganjah for all its uses, whenever it is needed, or if not for an urgent use like this, then using the specific situation to decide when a parent start giving herbs to the youth.
From research on the role of endocannabinoids in gestational neural development, I have theorized that cannabis as a plant promotes neuron growth (in a physical sense) just as the endogenous cannabinoid chemicals do. For this reason I especially advocate maternal prenatal and postnatal (during great feeding months) cannabis use, to impart the cannabinoids to the baby. From this reasoning I could carry on that all humans may benefit from cannabis use from pre-birth and onwards, throughout life. I have yet to see a case where marijuana itself created a harm to any age of person, unless that person is allergic.
So, what is the right age to state using cerasse leaves?
Ites up all of the natural medI herbs of Irth. Misgana Most High.

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Haile Selassie I