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Hola I Sabbath Day!

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Bro Jahphet Anbesa I Sent: 5/1/2004 8:34:22 AM

Greetings Iternal House of Israel!

How do the Is site the Sabbath Day?

Letīs share some inspiration about how to keep this Iyah Day Hola!

Bro Gad I

Messenger: Ras John Sent: 5/3/2004 4:49:15 PM

Keep my hair wrapped/covered from sundown on Friday till normally Sunday morning, eat STRICTly Ital... prayer regularly, Iditate... burn herb, rest, do not work ya kno... keep it set aside for INI... keep it holy and things... one love.


Ras John

Messenger: Benjahmin Sent: 5/7/2004 7:05:58 AM

Well I don`t hold a Sabbath as such....meaning from friday to saturday night. But I keep the whole weekend holy.No works , lots of reasonings ,thoughts, prayers and so on.
As a musician I have to perform often on I put I praises into I music and rather play free of order not to earn money in that time.
There are many little things I do and observe....but not at a fixed-ruled-status during that time.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 5/10/2004 1:31:53 PM


As Christ show I and I, we are lord over the Sabbath, and the Sabbath was made for I, not I for the Sabbath.

I praise Jah everyday. When the Sabbath comes, I usually don't do any work, or go out to buy things. But if a Saturday comes, and I have things I need to buy, or things I need to do, then I will do it.

The Sabbath is their to keep I and I healthy because I and I need to rest sometimes. It is also a way to bring discipline to those who don't communicate with Jah enough, to build up their communication with Jah.

Jah also made a Sabbath for the land. Jah told I and I to plant on a section of ground for 6 years, and on the seventh year to give that section of the land a Sabbath, where I and I don't touch the land at all, but let it grow how Jah causes it to grow. This Sabbath was made to keep the ground healthy, and rich in nutrients.

The laws were made for a reason. I and I just need to Iverstand the reason, and do what I and I need to do to keep everything in good condition.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Bro Jahphet Anbesa I Sent: 5/10/2004 2:14:40 PM

Greetings I

Yes I, Iman site following thing in Yeshuah's teachings about the Sabbath:
The Sabbath consists of two things... the resting and the pray.
In the mosaic and old scriptures it seems as if the resting is a part of praising Jah. But Iman think Yeshuah show I n I, that the resting is a present from Jah for Israel, it is a gift. So I think it shouldn't be "you must not do any work" in the scripture, but "I give YOU the Sabbath day as a brake" or something like this.
The Sabbath MUST be kept hola! Not ONLY through resting, but MAINLY by PRAYING and REMEMBERING JAH!

Why do the christians pray on Sunday?
When the Is check out the gospels it never say, that Yeshuah rose up on Sunday... he was only found to be vanished on Sunday... in fact when/before the sun rose. So it is much more likely that he rose on Sabbath, because this is THE HOLA DAY!
But it is said, that he rose three days after. But when you check it, from Friday to Sundy it is not three full days... from friday to saturday it is one day, and from saturday to sunday it is another... so two days. In both cases, if he rose on Sabbath or Sunday, it is not three days! So there must be meant something else...

Bro Gad I

Messenger: the rock Sent: 5/11/2004 8:34:12 AM

iman have thought a lot about this post.seeing that i life should be lived in a holy way,iman going through this babylon in a holy maner.see
i know that like Bob talk about the west so it is.i read when christ worked on the sabbath the Jews asked Him why he worked on that day he said some words of these kind, something like dont Jah children have to eat but more than that checkyour bible).
from the time i have made the old new, i have tried my best to have every day by my sabbath day

Messenger: Ras John Sent: 5/11/2004 9:11:57 AM

I feel that it keeps a grounded vibration if one has disciplined practices about the sabbath and about livity in general... ones that the individual makes themself, seen? Like INI never go out in public on the sabbath without my head covered, I pray very regularly, I chant psalms, I do no work, I eat STRICT Ital... let the day of rest raise INI livity to suit I self for my own spiritual fulfillment...

About Yeshua and things- Christians say He rise one the THIRD day, not AFTER three days! So Friday is the first, Saturday the second, Sunday the third, seen? JAH rest on the Sabbath, seen? Cuz He 'die' Friday evening, and He rise after the Sabbath is over! Like the dawning of Creation!


Ras John

Messenger: the rock Sent: 5/11/2004 9:57:19 AM

seen,still the way CHRIST walked is how iam striving to walk.


Messenger: Bro Jahphet Anbesa I Sent: 5/11/2004 2:37:12 PM

Greetings I

But though I feel a strong vibe about Yeshuah rising on the Sabbath.
Wise words what the I say, Jah rests on Sabbath... but then wouldnīt happen anything on earth every saturday... Jah rested on the "seventh day"... the symbol for this became the seventh day in human sence... the Sabbath.
The reason why Iman feel so good vibes about that is.. because I never liked the catholic rituals on sunday... I n I Faadas hola day is from eversince the Sabbath... why shouldnīt he then rise his Son on this day?

Bro Gad I

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 5/11/2004 4:06:03 PM


An Idren reasoned to I before saying that Jah never rests. He reasoned that on the seventh day, Jah rested from the work that Jah did to Create everything, but Itinued to do other work.

Genesis 2
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Genesis 2: 2 says "he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made"

It says specifically that Jah rested from all the work that he had made, it doesn't say that Jah rested from everything.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

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Haile Selassie I