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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Prince Hotep Sent: 7/12/2008 12:57:37 PM

January 1st, 1991

Blessed love my lord,

This petition of the ETHIOPIA AFRICA BLACK INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS is made to the Organization of African Unity, the bedrock of African solidarity in the face of alien and imperialistic interlopers who for the past 500 years have raped, pillaged, diseminated, exploited and ravaged Mother Africa and subjected her children at home and abroad to a cruel and systematic genocide. The Organization of African Unity from its formation has been a beacon of hope for those exiled in the diaspora who have been subjected to ongoing slavery and oppression.

The injustice that for centuries has been heaped on the collective backs of Africans at home and abroad must now be redressed with adequate reparation to ensure the repatriation of those children of Mother Africa who wish to return to the blessed banks of the river Niger, each to his own vine and fig tree. This is the petition of His Excellency King Emmanuel I, that the people of Africa at home and abroad unite to ensure that our just demands for repatiation are met so that the children of Mother Africa are adequately compensated by the nations of Europe, North America and Arabia.

We as a people must be compensated by the Portuguese, eho, at the same time the exploited the lovely and beautiful coastline of Mother Africa in the twelfth century, also commenced the illegal and brutal European practice of kidnapping of the peace loving people and their illegal European institution of slavery, the papal bull of the thirteenth century which divided the planet between those responsible for the brutal system of slavery in Brazil which continued well into the latter stages of the ninteenth century and in which millions of people presently lay exiled patiently awaiting redemption through repatriation to the blessed shores of Mother Africa. The slavery of Brazil was indeed brutal and even today the exiled children of Mother Africa in Brazil are suffering the oppression of economic slavery and bondage and the brutal reality of racism.

We as a people must be compensated by the English who, commencing with the notorious pirate and barbaric kidnapper John Hawkins in a vessel named HMS GEEZAS, commencing the English wanton illegal kidnapping of the peaceful peoples of the Guinea coast of Mother Africa. It was the English who infact mastered the slave trade, putting it on the level of a science, even to the extent of packing our ancestors in the holdings of slave ships as though they were sardines, in order to maximize the filthy profits of the slave trade. It was the English who worked our people in the sugar, cotton and tobacco fields to establish raw material for the industrial machines of Liverpool, Bristol, Birmingham,Manchester, Glasgow and London.

It was the English ship building industry that developed in direct response to the stimulus of the lucrative slave trade. It was from the decks of English vessels that millions of our people leapt into the shark infested waters of the middle passage rather than face the horrors of slavery in the west.

We as a people must be compensated by the Spaniards who after annihilating the native Lucayan and Caribe and Tahini populations of the Caribbean, commence the rape of Mother Africa by illegal and immoral slave trade under the encomienda system. it was this same encomienda system, which bestowed the right for successive European powers to export African slaves to the far swept Spanish empire of the west. It was this same encomienda system, which provoked bloody wars in Europe, in the mad rush to obtain this exclusive right to traffic in human misery. One European power after the other profited from the unjust and inhuman African slave trade. The English, the French and the Dutch. All of them willing to rage bloody war in order to reap the profits of the blood drenched slave trade.

We as a people must be compensated by other European nations which profited from the slave trade. Nations such as Sweden and Denmark obtained immense and untold wealth from the filthy trade: We must also be compensated by those Arab nations that participated in the slave trade and joined in the rape of Mother Africa. The colonial powers of Europe and North America must also compensate us as a people, NOW and NOW!!!!!!!



Most Rt. Hon. King Emmanuel Charles Edwards,
Brother Moses, the Lord's servant
Black Christ in Fleash
Black Dictator of Repatriation
Black Secretary general of the Black United Nations
Black Creational Crowned Champion of Human Rights
Black Man of Righteousness
Black Freedom Fighter
Worthy Founder, Leader, President, God and King of E.A.B.I.C.
Church of Divine Salvation


Blessed Heart of Sabbath Lawds and Empresses, Blessed is The Man of R, Blessed is Empress Menen I. Blessed are InI that live for HIM.
God is love let us all love.

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Haile Selassie I