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Qadamawi Haile Selassie

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Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 6/14/2008 6:55:12 AM

First, I must inform you that Qidamawi Haile Selassie's name is not Haile Selassie I or Selassie I, or Haile Selassie The First. The correct and only name is Qidamawi Haile Selassie. In due respect to all the Ras Tafari Brothers and Sisters choice of calling his name, there is enough proof to explain that this is not an opinion, but a fact. For example, when we count our numbers, we do not count from 2,3,4 then 1. The number 1 comes FIRST not occasionally but every time regardless if it is counting in numbers in rank as related to His Imperial Majesty Qidamawi Haile Selassie. The "I" which most Ras Tafari Brothers and Sisters say at the end of Qidamawi Haile Selassie's name represents the number one or first. We must place the "I" in front of his name giving His Imperial Majesty the correct ranking from an Ethiopic status. In further proving this fact kindly observe the word IHS in your Webster's New World College Dictionary 4th ed. You will see that this is the official Latin abbreviation for Iesus Christos (Jesus Christ). Hence the Letter "I" meaning "First" when we Ethiopic/Egyptic Brothers and Sisters translate this. In actuality, the abbreviation IHS in your Webster's dictionary ultimately means I Haile Selassie. So all Ras' should either say I Haile Selassie, or Qidamawi Haile Selassie. Remember, there is no logical reason for ANY Ras Tafari Brother or Sister to say Haile Selassie I, addressing the "I" at the end of His Imperial Majesty's name. It is true that ALL Ras Tafari individuals say and add the letter "I" in front of most words giving it a more uplifting vibe to it. For example, we say "Give Isis(Iesis)" and "Everything is Ilah" and "We are all I-N-I" and finally "Beautiful Itrate of His Imperial Majesty". If we Mystical individuals can place the Mighty letter I in front of all uplifting words, why can't we place the I in front of the very individual who we observe as our savior?
If you look in the Concise Amharic Dictionary By Wolf Leslau, you will see that the Amharic translation for the word "First (in a title of a king)" is Qidamawi. There is a linguistic methodology called apheresis, which is the removal of one or more letters at the "Beginning" of a word. Now, if we use apheresis for the first three letters in the Amharic word Qidamawi, we will have Adamawi. Next, if we use the Linguistic Methodology apocope; which is the removal of one or more letters an the "end" of a word, we can change the word Adamawi to Adam. It is a fact that "Adam" is the First human being mentioned in the Bible. These fact were explained to show and prove that Qidamawi must be said when we address His Imperial Majesty.
Haile is an Amharic word which is translated into three separate English words. These words are Might, Strength and Power. The Best definition to define Haile would be Might. In proving this, we must forward to the Webster's New World College Dictionary 4th Edition for the words Might and Power. Upon finding these words you will see that Might is defined as "Strength to ANY degree". ANY is replying to an unlimited amount of strength. Next, Power is defined as "great ability to do....vigor;force;strength". The fact that Webster's used the word "great" to define Power indicates that Power is limited.
Selassie is an Amharic word which is translated into English as "Holy Trinity". Some Ras Tafari individuals define Selassie as Trinity (alone), when in fact they should say Holy Trinity. If one says Trinity alone, though they are not aware, they are referring to the Roman Catholic Church which is run by The Pope and other Secret Societies. If one says Holy Trinity, then they are speaking of and ancient Ethiopic Orthodox Church order.
In full, the correct Amharic order of His Imperial Majesty's name is Qidamawi Haile Selassie. The English translation for this would be The First Might of The Holy Trinity.
I I Qidamawi Haile Selassie Shields and Leads!
"The Quest for knowledge ends at the grave." ----Qidamawi Haile Selassie

More reasoning

Once again, when we count, we do not count from 2,3,4, then 1. The number 1 comes first not only in counting but also in "Ranking". To say "first" in Amharic is Qidamawi. This will be prove with the document below.
Below, you will see the Amharic translation for the English word First. I scanned this from The Concise Amharic Dictionary by Wolf Leslau, pg 347. The word First (in a title of a King) is Qadamawi (however, here in NYC we spell it Qidamawi for the "I" focus). Observe the Amharic "Q" which looks like a vertical line and a circle on top. This can be seen in His Imperial Majesty's signature. The first Amharic letters seen next to the Englsih spelled Qidamawi appears as a vertical line (I) combined with two small circles on top (oo). After observing this definition below, you will see this same letter in the signature of Qidamawi Haile Selase's speech. If Qidamawi Haile Selase addresses and signs his name as Qidamawi Haile Selase; then it is correct for all of us to do so as well.

If I may guide you to these two documents below (left & centre). The document with the Imperial Seal is of course a written speech of His Imperial Majesty Qidamawi Haile Selase. Toward the bottom you will see Qidamawi Haile Selase's signature in Amharic. The first letter which looks like a vertical line with two circles on top is the Amharic letter "Q". The "Q" is an abbreviation for the word Qidamawi. Take notice that the "Q" for Qidamawi precedes the rest of the Amharic letters which translates to ....Haile Selase Negusa Negast(Emperor). This is proven by the second document which is the English translation with the "I" at the end instead of the beginning where most Ras's would have, could have and should have place it. However, it is NOT a Ras Tafari individual who placed the "I" at the end of His Imperial Majesty's name; it was a Caucasian who not only lacks the knowledge of Ethiopia but lacks the ultimate Raspect for Qidamawi Haile Selase.

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This next form of proof (above right) is an actual Itrate of His Imperial Majesty Qidamawi Haile Selase with his signature seen above the Lion's Crown and Scepter. The Amharic "Q" as in Qidamawi is signed here in the "Beginning" of the signature.
If you or any other Ras Tafari individual has any other questions or doubts, kindly e-mail me
I I Qidamawi Haile Selase Shields and Leads

Hail Up Isah Baka and Sis. Mary Dread
This morning I made a resolution that I would disassociate from all who I consider bringing disgrace to the King's Holy Name through wrong and disrespectful usage, so it was encouraging to read your article and see that other Rastafarians are on the say realms. I tried many times but to no avail to correct the wrong usage of the sacred name of Kedamawi Hayle Silase. I send a paper to the Caribbean Rastafari Organisation (CRO) and they merely deliberated on it, never came to a decision. That was years ago.
I listed most of the proofs you have there but most important of all as an Amharic Astemari (teacher) I let them know that whenever you say Haile Selassie I, you are actually negating the divinity of Kedamawi Hayle Silase. I will make this more salient to you.
In Amharic, the word used to express negation is 'Aidelem'. It is shorten in everyday usage to 'ay' pronounced 'I'. It means 'he is not' or 'it is not'. And in Amharic the verb comes at the end of a sentence, so 'ay' being a verb 'to be' usually comes at the end of a sentence. So when we say 'Haile Selassie I', it is a complete Amharic sentence when translated into English actually means that 'he is not the might of the holy trinity'.
If you need more clarification of this let me know. Keep burning the fire Ras Isah.
Ras Ashkar

Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 6/14/2008 6:56:21 AM

The above is not my reasoning... I saw it on the internet. I found it interesting. I would love to hear what the I them sight.

Give thanks for the upliftment.

Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 6/14/2008 6:07:58 PM


I had read this reasoning a few days ago, and I have to differ from the writer. His Majesty was well aware of His name's translation into english, and this can easily be proven, as His own autobiography was published under His supervision with the title "My Life and Ethiopia's Progress" Haile Sellassie I King of Kings of Ethiopia, in Addis Abeba, 1966 E.C.. His book Important Utterances of H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I, was published under His supervision in 1972, I cannot imagine a mistake having been made. The translation from Qedemawi an Amharic (or maybe Ge'ez)word means "The First" in Amharic it reads Qedemawi Haile Selassie, but in proper english we would say Haile Selassie The First. The "I" at the end was originally not intended to mean the roman charachter "I" of the alphabet, but rather the roman numeral 1 written as I, that's obvious, I'm not trying to be patronizing. I definately sight the writer's honorable intention here, but I don't see it as such a serious case of wrongdoing, and it's something that His Majesty HimSelf easily has the power to correct, if it is such a mistake.

I don't understand why the writer starts off by making this out to be number issue and then turns it into a letter issue, that doesn't make sense to me. Also,

"In Amharic, the word used to express negation is 'Aidelem'. It is shorten in everyday usage to 'ay' pronounced 'I'. It means 'he is not' or 'it is not'. And in Amharic the verb comes at the end of a sentence, so 'ay' being a verb 'to be' usually comes at the end of a sentence. So when we say 'Haile Selassie I', it is a complete Amharic sentence when translated into English actually means that 'he is not the might of the holy trinity'."

This is so out of context since the I is a numeral and has nothing to do with the sound of the english letter "I" in relation to the Amharic word "He is not", if it did then I'm quite sure that nobody would be putting I before or after the sacred name. The I as used by Rastafari People is a part of the Kingciple of I an'I, the great I AM, I don't see why confusion needs to come into this at this point in time as it is well established.

I for One will keep associating with Ones that use the word sound "Selassie I" etc. I see no bastardization of the true intention, and the meaning is obviously felt when coming from an I's heart. I do give thanks for the re emphasis on the importance of the Iriginal word sound and power of Qedemawi Haile Selassie, but for that matter why aren't we directing the I's towards Girmawi Qedemawi Haile Selassie and even more Raspectful way of Hailing our Negus Negast.

Well, love to Ras Ashkar still, I see the intention and it's seems to come from a place of honor and Raspect!

Can anyOne direct I to the full context of "The Quest for knowledge ends at the grave." ----Qidamawi Haile Selassie ??


Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 6/14/2008 6:47:34 PM

Give thanks Empress

Alright let us see now, i will try to take each point on its own.
One thing must be kept in mind though,English is not Amharic,Amharic is not English,so we cant confuse the two,you will sight what i mean.

"First, I must inform you that Qidamawi Haile Selassie's name is not Haile Selassie I or Selassie I, or Haile Selassie The First. The correct and only name is Qidamawi Haile Selassie."

I disagree.
The Name of H.I.M, when spoken in Amharic is Kedamawi Haile Selassie.

When spoken in English it becomes Haile Selassie The First.simple
Since ini say "I" to signify the "First",as long as ini are speaking english,there is nothing whatsoever wrong with saying Haile Selassie I.
The Amharic Kedamawi Haile Selassie cannot be translated into english to say The First Haile Selassie, because that is just wrong english grammar. If one says The First Haile Selassie,it becomes not just a Name,but it becomes the beginning of a sentence and thus needs more to complete it......such as for eg. The First (AND ONLY) Haile Selassie to be crowned is Ras Teferi Mekonnen.
So if you say the Name in Amharic,it is only right that one says Kedamawi Haile Selassie. In english,it is Haile Selassie the First,or as ini say Haile Selassie I
Just like they say Elizabeth the second,or Henry the eight etc. THAT IS ENGLISH, you wouldnt say the second elizabeth or the eight henry.

"Remember, there is no logical reason for ANY Ras Tafari Brother or Sister to say Haile Selassie I, addressing the "I" at the end of His Imperial Majesty's name."
Again,as long as you are speaking english,the only logical way to say it is Haile Selassie I,or Haile Selassie the First.

"why can't we place the I in front of the very individual who we observe as our savior?"
We cannot Because when we say Haile Selassie I,we are speaking english obviously. Is there any letter "i" in Amharic? ofcourse not

Note. some of you might be thinking, well,when Kedamawi Haile Selassie is translated to english,it is should be The Might of the Trinity,
Yes,that is true,but since Haile Selassie is a Name or a noun,it can be kept the same,in any language

About the "apheresis" and "apocope", of taking out and changing letters, i do not see any use or purpose in it.why change anything? i dont know,i dont see any reason to.

"These fact were explained to show and prove that Qidamawi must be said when we address His Imperial Majesty."
if you are speaking Amharic,ofcourse,surely,
but not if you are speaking english,since you all know Kedamawi is translated as "The First" in english


"The Best definition to define Haile would be Might. "
I agree.

"Selassie is an Amharic word which is translated into English as "Holy Trinity". Some Ras Tafari individuals define Selassie as Trinity (alone), when in fact they should say Holy Trinity. If one says Trinity alone, though they are not aware, they are referring to the Roman Catholic Church which is run by The Pope and other Secret Societies. If one says Holy Trinity, then they are speaking of and ancient Ethiopic Orthodox Church order."

It is true,when one translates the Name Haile Selassie, it should be said Might of the Holy Trinity. There is no reason that i can see for taking out the "Holy" except for laziness, but i do not find it disraspectful in any sense
I doubt if it is true that if one says Trinity without the Holy,one is unknowingly refering to the pope, atleast not to i knowledge
Even a catholic will tell you, he belongs to the holy roman catholic church, so you can see they use the "Holy" too, satan love to mimic.

"In full, the correct Amharic order of His Imperial Majesty's name is Qidamawi Haile Selassie. The English translation for this would be The First Might of The Holy Trinity."

The Amharic part is no doubt right
but the english translation is completely wrong
This is why

When speaking of the title of Royalty,what does "the First", or "the second signify??
It is used for showing that, that person is the first person,or second,or third person to be crowned by that name and title
Am i wrong?
What does Henry the eight mean. It means there have been seven other kings before him with the same name, dont it?
H.I.M is called Haile Selassie the First,or Kedamawi Haile Selassie because He is the only one to be crowned by that name.
If for eg,one day, another king was crowned with the name Haile Selassie, he would be Haile Selassie the second,dont it

That is whY i say "First Might of The Holy Trinity." is wrong, because the "first" is supposed to be applied to "Haile Selassie", but in this wrong translation,"first" is being applied to the "might" .

But if you try to make a word for word translation using Amharic rules for Amharic and English rules for english,then Kedamawi Haile Selassie should become,

"If Qidamawi Haile Selase addresses and signs his name as Qidamawi Haile Selase; then it is correct for all of us to do so as well."

But Ofcoure , HE is signing HIS Name in Amharic,
so when you refer to HIM in Amharic say Kedamwi Haile Selassie

But in English,thats a diff matter altogether.
if "Haile Selassie the First" was wrong, do you really think that the Ethiopian Royal Court,would have hesitated to correct all the western nations who refer to HIM as Haile Selassie the First in HIS countless state visits ,and countless documents and such?

"This is proven by the second document which is the English translation with the "I" at the end instead of the beginning where most Ras's would have, could have and should have place it. However, it is NOT a Ras Tafari individual who placed the "I" at the end of His Imperial Majesty's name; it was a Caucasian who not only lacks the knowledge of Ethiopia but lacks the ultimate Raspect for Qidamawi Haile Selase."
Wrong,wrong wrong
Actually,it was placed by a caucasian who might lack the knowledge of Ithiopia,but knows his own language very well,and knows what is the proper english title for Royalty
In fact,that paragrpah completely destroys the argument of the person who wrote this
Here is a Royal document,signed by HIS MAJESTY Himself, included with an english translation. The amharic says Kedamawi Haile Selassie Neguse Negest (not Emperor,but King of Kings) and the english translated says Haile Selassie the First
so why still the argument? i dont get it

Now let me go to the amharic memher(teacher)

"most important of all as an Amharic Astemari (teacher) I let them know that whenever you say Haile Selassie I, you are actually negating the divinity of Kedamawi Hayle Silase."
i will explain

Yes it is true that the negative can be expressed as "Aidelem" in amharic, in english it is roughly translated as saying "it is not"
and yes,it is true that when ini use it in everyday use,we sometimes shorten it to "Ay" or "Ai"

Now,the person who wrote this,is trying to make it seem like when ini say Haile Selassie I, we are saying "he is not the might of the holy trinity'."
nothing could be further from the truth

First off,there is no such letter as I in amharic, so when we say Haile Selassie I,it has nothing to do with amharic
and second, The word Aidelem cannot be shortened like that, it is only shortened in response to a question
i.e, if i said, are you coming today, you can reply Ai
or if i said, is your name such and such, you can reply Ai

But Haile Selassie Ai, has no sense or meaning at all in amharic.

If an English speaking person said Ras KebreAb No, would that make sense to you?

NOw if you were to say Haile Selassie I, and an Ethiopian who doesnt speak a word of english hears you, there is no way he would translate to mean "he is not the might of the holy trinity'.". No way

Even if you said "Haile Selassie Aidelem", it wouldnt make any sense to him at all, because it is an incomplete sentence. For it to make sense to him,he would have to ask you "who" or "what"
becaue he would be thinking who is not "Haile selassie" or
what is not "Haile Selassie"
Now if you were to say Ras Tafari Haile Selassie Aidelem
that would make complete sense, and that would be blasphemy, because then you are saying Ras Tafari is not Haile Selassie.

Empress,if you know the i them who wrote this, i would like to speak to them,or i would like them to see what i have written here, so they know the error in their reasoning
They are confusing the rules of english and amharic, and so coming to wrong conclusions

Blessed Love

Messenger: Prince Hotep Sent: 6/15/2008 1:00:23 AM

give thanks Kings and Empress

it's good to have an Ethiopian on the forum in such cases ;) give thanks my lawd, give thanks.

Emmanuel I Selassie I JAH Ras Tafar I

Messenger: ROOK FARI SELAH Sent: 6/15/2008 9:32:08 AM

blessed love,
my freind from tanzania, HE DOESNT SPEAK ENGHLISH TOO WELL

Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 6/15/2008 12:24:23 PM

Blessed love. Royals thanks for the reasoning.

When I saw this reasoning, it did grab me for obvious reasons... but I was unsure because I am wary of this "new style" thing which, as the Honourable was saying above, starts to try and shift things long established... and I too am dubious as to how it serves InI wider trod. It's like... 'lemme get this straight? all the while InI have been denouncing the Might of the Trinity in word sound power, whilst said way being the children that bear HIM name...?'

Yeah, I thought it all sounded a bit religious. I could not grasp what the author was saying about the phenomenon he was describing, as in what was the point. Even if what he was saying was true, did it make the fact of HIM any less truthful? It is not InI that say it to make it so. In that, InI are powerless to make it not so. I agree with the Ones who sight intention as the only true power of man. But I am also quite relieved that it is kinda as irrelevant in fact as it sounds in reasoning. Give thanks for tha clarity. The only further details I have on this reasoning, was this url for more information...

Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 6/15/2008 2:26:49 PM

Should any doubt remain about His Majesty's Own awareness of His name's usage in english and Amharic, here are a few more examples:

and here's the One that leaves no question, for He too (of course) wrote His Own name in english and Amharic:


Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 6/15/2008 2:29:15 PM

...and Betam Amesegnallo Ras KebreAB, for breaking it down!


Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 6/15/2008 3:18:32 PM

more reasoning on this subject@

His Name


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Haile Selassie I