Royal Coronation Blessings, Rastafari Family! Emperor Haile Sellassie First of Ethiopia Lives and Reigns! Thanksgiving and rejoicing be upon the nation for Iver more! Ras Tafari!
I will praise the I, O Ras Tafari, with I whole heart; I will shew forth all the I marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in the I: I will sing praise to the I name, O thou most High. When mine enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at the I presence. For the I hast maintained I right and I cause; the I satest in the throne judging right. The I hast rebuked the heathen, the I hast destroyed the wicked, the I hast put out their name forever and ever. O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end: and thou hast destroyed cities; their memorial is perished with them. But the King of Kings shall endure for ever: He hath prepared His throne for judgment. And He shall judge the world in righteousness, He shall minister judgmant to the people in uprightness. The King of Kings also will be a refuge for the downpressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know the I name will put their trust in the I: for the I, Ras Tafari, hast not forsaken them that seek the I. Sing praises to the King, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people His doings. When He maketh inquisition for blood, He remembereth them: He forgetteth not the cry of the humble. Have mercy upon I, O Ras Tafari; consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate I, the I that liftest I up from the gates of death: That I may shew forth all the I praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion: I will rejoice in the I salvation. The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken. The King of Kings is known by the judgmant which He executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. [Higgaion.] Selah. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget I AM. For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever. Arise, O Ras Tafari; let not men prevail: let the heathen be judged in the I sight. Put them in fear, O Haile Sellassie I: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah. - a psalm of David, beloved of HIM
“Other than the kingdom of heaven, of the governments of men there is none superior than another.” – HIM
Question: Of the modern systems of government which in Your Majesty’s opinion is the best?
HIM: “Ours is the best”
My beloved Idrens of the Rastafari family
When we put these statemants together we find that HIM is saying the same thing InI have been repeating to the world – His governmant is the kingdom of heaven. For this cause, on this anniversary of the global announcement of HIM coronation, my heart is heavy with recent events, yet still renewed with hope and prayer, for HIM lives and has won the victory. This dark night will also blaze into day, give thanks Jan Hoi, for the parable and the wisdom!
I had written in once before to the global reasoning board, primarily to ensure that the Nyahbinghi in JA stay fully informed of intents and purposes, and give thanks Jan Hoi, Bro. Peter from RSA made the trad to JA. Thereafter we received guidance from the Incients that RSA should go ahead and host the next global, and that all houses are to work together in harmony to make it happen. I do not know, Ingels, how many more times I will write in to this platform or, whether after recent events it is even possible really to proceed on a royal foundation, as far as the whole experiment of using an Internet board for the global reasoning platform. I know the whole site is maintained manually using enormous volunteer time and energy, however the necessary communication to enable a fruitful global reasoning was not realized. I hope therefore that the family will permit I man to speak at some length and touch upon a number of burning issues very candidly.
The UNIA was not the first black organization that the hypocrite black man destroyed, and the EWF was not the last. So, to mash down InI global reasoning was just another routine works for them, seen? I saw these same ones stonewall a national reasoning in USA 2004, which was the golden anniversary of HIM 1st visit to USA and the 10th anniversary of the 1st USA national reasoning hosted by Nyahbinghi – InI gave them the benefit of the doubt, as it was InI first runnings with the bredrens. Even though the logistical and financial support of the Nyahbinghi in NY was available as I man personally, upon request from the americans, arranged for their accommodation in NY, and meetings with the Nyahbinghi house, the stubbornness of the same americans in wanting to host the jubilee event all by themselves or, wanting a ‘blank check’ as it were on the Nyahbinghi bank account without even presenting a budget! ended with 2004 not having any US national event at all!
All the talk about the next global was picked up by the americans from those very same reasonings, and they have been doing ridiculous things since then with the next “global”, even after being specifically requested to not go public with it yet - like sending out pseudo-official personal emails from the rastafari global government at! I have spoken by phone very recently with Nyahbinghi Idrens in RSA and I can tell you that they have basically ignored this fiasco. I further learned that the Rastafari National Council founded in the 90s by the elders to coordinate the communities in the 11 provinces of RSA, is functioning and would be the appropriate organ to issue an offer, if and when ready, of hosting a global, not RYI or General Salem (a baldhead brother) who are not of long standing in the movement. It gives no pleasure whatsoever in this case to say, ‘I told you so’, the americans have led a handful of rookies astray, and the long standing Idrens have ignored their antics.
The question arises, what type of due diligence did InI do at the HQ??? Why were the questions not asked which would have revealed the flaws in the proposition? What track record had been shown by the proposed organizers? Were the Nyahbinghi in RSA on board? If not, why not? I cannot answer, I was not there and I am not witness to the documentation submitted.
I will not waste breath, beloved family, and put it very bluntly – hereafter, let all global reasonings be hosted in JA, until such time as Shashamane is ready to be the first non-JA location to host a global, which will be many long years from now. I know the NY Nyahbinghi house is capable to provide some economical strength towards global Inity (with live guidance from elders, even host a global) and I would expect the same is true of London + Birmingham. What has been proven is that when Ingels in JA make up their mind, they are capable to get the job done royally, and as much as InI wish not to burden JA any more there is no other real recourse. Let HIM will be done, let the hypocrite burn and screw! Upon long meditation, Ingels, InI received an idea how to move forward and strongly recover from this american-led global fiasco of 2006 – which is to collectively set Coronation 2008 as the next global, hosted in Jamaica, and thereafter to keep them at 5-year intervals. Please let InI meditate on the benefits of setting a sufficient time frame to get things done, in order that they be done right, and everything be in one accord – no rush in Zion, seen?
The all-mansion groundings are slowly increasing in JA, and InI are now seeing more messages from the tradition appear online, give thanks Jan Hoi! I think HIM is charting the next course of global Inity through this increased communication of all-mansion groundings. Many important Iverstandings emerge when InI reason more, and break bread and burn herbs same way within one holiness. I also welcome the quality of recent responses to Ras Iration’s messages, for they reveal what the real benefits of the Internet are in regard to global reasoning. The thoughtful and composed reasonings from the international Idrens is truly refreshing to see, as opposed to the disorderly outbursts preferred by hypocrites.
Regarding the structuring of the Nyahbinghi order, it must be noted that Nyahbinghi already is structured, for you would not see InI in existence if it were not so. The order itself is what it is, it cannot be defined by reference to anything else because it is an unbroken tradition transmitted through generation, however not an NGO which is short for non-governmental organization. The Nyahbinghi of Ras Tafari are the mystic governmant of Black Supremacy today, impenetrable and inscrutable. There is a reason why public declarations by Nyahbinghi vanished in the late 1920s, not because of the persecution by colonial forces, rather because HIM bid InI silence about our intentions regarding european rule in Africa - to not speak the thing, only DO it! History can testify to the efficacy and success of HIM guidance of the whole revolution. Of the misguided religious initiatives made since 1976, whether by influence of the Youth Black Faith house or not, all will implode spectacularly. No matter how many times they are rebuked by HIM – hurricane Ivan being only the most recent - some ones can be expected to persist in their folly.
Furthermore, InI have already set a plenary structure in 1958 called Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress, intended to be the foundation from which organs may be birthed, eventually evolving into ministries of the Rastafari Nation-in-Exile of the Imperial Ethiopian Realm - all to be done within a theocratical governance, standing upon a ground of unbroken loyalty to His Majesty Haile Sellassie First – are we to let hypocrites mash up the progress and start over again and again??? I say, NO! As 2008 is the golden 50th anniversary of the EABIC, the Global 2008 can be joined together with EABIC Golden 50th into a grand event of unprecedented and magnificent royalty! Idrens, please do meditate on how wonderful this can be, and HIM willing, let InI be of one accord and one resolve to “have a grand time, ina mount zion, have a grand time”!
Now, in order to be a genuinely international congress my Boboshanti brethren, who have bravely held a torch alight and upright for 50 years, will have to tolerate the presence of all the nations of the Ithiopian Realm during national and global groundings, and therefore set meeting spaces where the flags of all brethrens can fly, and grounds where other cultures besides the Boboshanti one can practice – for instance, where all night Nyahbinghi could ride up with InI crowns uncovered or, where Tewahedo priest could minister to the christian brethren. This will increase their priestical duties within the congress, however they are capable to do it. There are few differences amongst traditional Rastafari regarding the fundamantals, only some doctrinal and cultural specificities of mostly benign nature, such that all can agree “More Obedience to His Majesty” be the theme of the global. Therefore, beloved Idrens, PLEASE let none cause commotion if a one say “Holy Imanuel I” or “Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” or “JAH Rastafari” – please, my beloved family, I beg of you. HIM have it this way for a reason and a parable, please let none of InI act so wise as to judge the ways of HIM Almighty, simply let InI enjoy and witness this Istic revelation unfold – a nation shall be called after His name, a nation of the redeemed, a nation of holiness, a nation of the called and chosen and faithful. It MUST be however the collective duty of ALL to secure the royal grounds from wickedness of ANY kind – mark my words, beloved family, even ONE hypocrite will eventually crash the program! The Rasta nation cannot be secured by police and soldier, please remember that – it must be secured by free will righteousness, and NO wicked shall not enter!
Royal Idrens, I have now somewhat of an unpleasant duty, in order to move forward with global Inity in its reality, which is to make known on the record my little complaints and requests of my brother Christians in the Rastafarian movement. I received word from Sistren Dr. Desta from Ethiopia that whites are now migrating to Ethiopia, acquiring properties, opening businesses and so on, all with the active support of the 12 Tribes organization. One such white lady in Shashamane apparently got very feisty with her, and others have interpreted their coveting of the black inheritance as proof of their greater love for HIM!
Now, when His Majesty give black people of the west a precious piece of their ancestral homeland, and my brother want to say “No! it is for all people, and whites must come too” then this inevitably must cause complaint! InI see now more than 50 years after the question get answered already, that it get pushed upon the global agenda again – WHAT DOES REPATRIATION MEAN? – this is how reactionary some ones can be, while appearing to be the most progressive! For Rastafarians to actually collaborate with the outflow of African wealth, generated by African labour, to europe and america would have been unthinkable, and yet this is what faces the nation now. In this regard, there may be yet another point of divergence from the Rastafari tradition. Idrens, most respectfully and humbly, please permit me to say the following.
InI have noted, my Christian brothers, you take public opportunity to make snide remarks about “traditions of old men” in reference to Rastafari faith, I know you hold the view that christian sistren are more “liberated” than traditional sistren, and that you are the “real Rastafarians” even though your mansion is the newest to emerge, and drew the base of its membership from the mulatto middle class and whites. Of course, you are more organized than the poor blacks, give thanks Jan Hoi, for you have been given the education and skills to be so! And you have chosen, perhaps by habit rather than conscious intent, to exploit the black man rather than serve him, very much consistent with the history of Jamaica. My brother, you have called a man a prophet for repeating what has already been revealed for 2000 years, for this I have no cause with you. You have adopted the ‘dreadlocks’ as a hair style against the wishes of Teacher Hibbert and your Abuna, for this I have no cause with you. Now you are implying to the whole world that InI traditional Rastafari are not Christians, for this I have a complaint and a request, for it is a straight slap in the black man face!
I pray the I, my brother, that you will no longer say or, imply such things, no longer confuse innocent Ethiopians with such Rastafarianism, no longer propagandize casually against the tradition – rather simply show the same Christian tolerance InI have been showing you for decades. Even if only for the fact that the traditional Rastaman was here before you, (not to mention, generated that interest in Ethiopia and Orthodoxy which you inherited) and established that personal relationship with the King of Kings which is and will forever be to InI the fullest validation of InI faith in the land of the living. I am pleading with you, my brother. If you are a christian Rastafarian and find that this does not apply to you, then please try to enlighten your brother to whom it does.
Not least because that which is known as Christianity is the root faith of Ithiopia and has been called by different names in different ages and different regions, there is no nation, kindred or tongue in which His name is not called. Was not Kentake’s minister reading Isaiah when Philip baptized him? (Do you not think our ancestors kept the Book of Philip which was cut out by the romans?) Was not King Ezana reading the psalms of David when Frumentius brought the news of the Nazarene? The faith of Ethiopians is true, living and unchanging, and even its symbology in Ethiopia far predates the rise of Iasos the Nazarene 2000 years ago or, even the Nile valley culture of Coptic Egypt. It is the faith of King Ras Tafari. In His Majesty’s faith there is no “blood” or “death” of Christ involved, it is the life of the Nazarene and the faith of the Nazarene HIM testify about.
The livity of the Rastaman is an authentic black christian livity, even Israel is a black Egyptian title adopted by a hebrew shepherd, and the only ones who won’t know it are the deaf, dumb and blind puppets of the babylon matrix that “faked all Christianity for 4001 years”. [Bro. Howell] What InI are not, is idol worshippers, unlike the overwhelming majority of romanized christians of the world. What InI will not do, is trade in InI black orthodoxy for the traditions of roman elders, as many a ‘prophet’ has done. What InI will not do, is ever deny the full Ivinity of HIM, for InI see this Man and it is not many who see Him.
This brings man to another burning issue, which touches upon ‘race’ as that conceptual entity entered the tradition through the Garvey movement – there is in the prophecy, from Genesis to Revelation, no something about race, and The Gong never revealed no something about race, and of course, InI know how HIM feels about the philosophy of racism from which the concept of race was born in 18th century Europe.
Ever since the UWI report on the Rastafari movement published in 1960, it has been basically assumed that the Rastafari faith grew organically from the UNIA and/or Garvey movement whereas, upon further examination this has proven to be not strictly true. What is true, is that the main influx of Garveyites into the tradition happened in the late 40s-50s after the UNIA became defunct and the EWF rallied. These Idrens’ Rastafarian faith may indeed have emerged from the Garvey movement, for they also appear to be the ones who embraced the “Jah” concept – perhaps a creative attempt to interpret the ‘Jai Rastafari!’ chant used by the few ‘coolies’ on the Pinnacle, which means ‘Victory Rastafari!’ – and the Jah concept is most often used to avoid dealing with the Black Supremacist fullness of HIM Ivinity, the one true and living I Am who dwells in Ethiopia. Many a reggae musician today speaks of Jah, and has completely dropped the King of Kings’ name, for Jah is to them some type of mysterious spirit god floating about in the sky.
It is a matter of record that the UNIA and Mr. Garvey himself, more than once, both in NY and JA, harshly attacked Bro. Howell and “the Rastafari cult” (UNIA words) which should not shock anyone who knows that far harsher attacks and treason were aimed at Jan Hoi Himself! It is notable that The Gong never returned unto the UNIA any verbal attacks, and the personal relations between the two great ones remained cordial. The sharp decline in Mr. Garvey’s fortunes and the dysfunction of the UNIA likewise should not be shocking to anyone. This in no way negates the good the great freedom fighter had already done in awakening black peoples of the world to a higher idea of being Negro, and instilling in them the desire to organize and empower themselves. What should be appropriately recognized is the greater input of “modern Ethiopianism” in shaping the foundation of the Rastafari faith. Any resurgence of Garveyism has within it the same self-destructive potential exhibited within the UNIA, and is not the best way to utilize the historical value of the UNIA experience. The best way, in my humble opinion, is to bring the same determination and courage, the same patriotism and love of black people, the same resolve to be organized as Hon. Mr. Garvey did, to our present situation – only do it in the Black Supremacy way, not by imitation of the white way!
It is also true that His Majesty Haile Sellassie I of Ethiopia is the one who actually achieved all the things which Mr. Garvey had promised to black people – the liberation of Africa from foreign rule, the resolution to bring about a central, united government for all Africans, and provision for the repatriation of Africans in the diaspora. It is further true that it is the Black Supremacist Rastaman who has built an abiding Iritual and cultural edifice such as no bureaucratic black organization can match to this day.
Please, my beloved Idrens, I hope none will read this as an attack on Hon. Mr. Garvey, rather it is an attack on a half-truth placed on a pedestal by the UWI report of 1960, supported for obvious reasons by Garveyites in the movement, as also by the folkloric “look to the east for a black king” prophecy. (The folklore should be left to the people – they know what they are doing - it should not be repeated or indoctrinated by the priests.) The Rastafari livity represents a fundamantal advance over Garveyism, and is the only black redemption movement which has successfully defeated the self-destruct programming of babylon mind control, through the spiritual and cultural repatriation which the righteousness of salvation brings. It is for this cause, I pray that InI no longer submit to the repetition of this half-truth without full clarity. Did not the great patriot say, a people that fails to Ivers their own past will have to suffer a future shaped by others?
I will seal up soon, Idrens, only let me say this – I am not in favour of ongoing use of as InI royal platform of reason, however if we are to continue doing so, I only suggest that InI set 1 Idren from each of the 3 mansions to function as an editorial team for the Inity index. This is necessary now, I think, for the liberal policy of Sis Mary Dread enables the Yvonne Gayles and Nathaniel Blakes of the world to cause enormous damage! If need be, a specially appointed site can be setup with whatever communication software required – I volunteer the technologies under InI command, which are currently hosting as well - whether message board, weblog, calendar, chat room, mailing list, project management or, any combination of them, to be placed under the administration of this team of editors, one from each mansion. Some such arrangemant is now a requiremant if the Internet is to be used in a publicly visible way.
One final word, beloved family, if I may, to explain why I have such passion for this tradition and this nation called after I Father’s name. It is because this is my only hope to breathe an air of freedom in this whole wide world! When the Rastafari faith nation can secure its sovereignty within the African Union of nations, then within that precedent can black people in every region of the planet find that fullness of freedom which stands under His Majesty’s flag. For the African Union is only the beginning of the full revelation of Black Supremacy charted by HIM, the global Inification of the Incient Ithiopian Realm – from the east of the great river of India to the west of the setting sun, said the Kebra Negast – InI will be the only ones left unconquered and unbowed in the final, to whom will be the gathering of the redeemed multitude.
Yes, I am a long time torch bearer for The Gong, and thanks to Jan Hoi, responsible for the revived interest in Howell and the Key. Yes, I am an outspoken defender of the national cause over the mansional cause, and thanks to the King of Kings hopeful for the revived national platform. So, my Rasta family, now you know why! If any Idrens have comments or questions, I will be happy to respond on the MSN message board of Rasta Ites. I can be reached at by email.
"Thus, alone, in 1896, alone in 1925, alone in 1935 and along at Geneva in 1936, Ethiopia fought for those principles of freedom, independence, territorial integrity, non-intervention and collective security that have become today the implicit precepts upon which the United Nations are based and which, through that struggle, have so substantially contributed to the achievement of independence and the end of colonialism in Africa." - HIM
For each and every one who has patiently read through to this point, I give thanks lovingly and humbly, and pray that Rastafari shine His Ivine countenance on the I with a thousand blessings. My esteemed and beloved brethren and sistren of the Rastafari faith, permit I to take I leave now with this prayer that peace and love be upon the I and the I families for Iver more, in the name of InI Father Majesty Ras Tafari Almighty and His Loyal Empress Menen! I am the most unworthy of all your brethren,
A servant of Ras Tafari,
Binghi Haiasi
[Order of the Nyahbinghi]
[Admin, Rastafari Online]
1) H.I.M. Emperor Haile Sellassie I of Ethiopia, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of Judah is the Almighty in person, and that I and I Rastafari keep FAITH in H.I.M for the full and final salvation of Man unto Iternal Life.
2) The collected WORD of Emperor Haile Sellassie I are the true and Ivine [divine] foundation of righteous governance, and the only recourse for the world to achieve international morality and collective security.
3) The Ithiopian [Black] peoples of the world have a divine right to govern themselves, as represented by the Lion of Judah, the flag of the SOVEREIGN Ithiopian Realm of Emperor Haile Sellassie I, the Root and Offspring of Great David, and Grand Cordon of the Order of Wise Solomon.
4) I and I Rastafari will uphold the kingciple [principle] of AFRICAN UNITY as represented by the Organization of African Unity founded by Qedamawi Haile Sellassie I, and such organs [e.g. African Union] as are legitimately derived from the said root organ OAU.
5) I and I Rastafari will uphold the right of all Africans to repatriate to Africa, including the descendants of those taken from Africa against their will; and in particular, uphold the rights to REPATRIATION granted by Emperor Haile Sellassie I Himself.
6) I and I Rastafari are a separated priesthood of Qedamawi Haile Sellassie I Almighty, and ONE NATION belonging to the African continent, regardless of the number of mansions and houses of the faith I and I are blessed with.
7) I and I Rastafari will uphold the spiritual and cultural values of the Incient Ithiopians, and promote ITAL livity [culture] as the best and most appropriate lifestyle for Rastafarians and Africans alike.