Greetings I
Its is a sad situation for the I persecuted for practice of faith - they claim we live in a free society but its not free at all. There are ways of fighting back and many ways of resistance, but you have to be careful how you chose to fight back and which battles are worth fighting and which aren't. In this hour look to JAH for strength and guidance and this too shall pass. I believe in the holiness of the herb and also know the possibility of going to jail is not a good thing, its a tough time for the I. The thought of random testing places a scare on things and in this situation I you have to think of the bigger picture, I'm being forward and presumptous but from your statement you said you will continue to smoke but if ganja stays in I n I system for up to two weeks, it will be traced and you could go to jail. That's not fair, but to protect yourself and fight back against the system so you won't be another dread statistic down for what they call "a criminal offence" (!!!), maybe go on a fast - I know it sounds like cowardly advice, but its not. You'd be fighting through abstainence, passive resistance like Gandhi, its just as a thought you're better off outside of the prison system than inside. Bless.