Blessed Heart of Sabbath. I have a question about 12 tribe philosophy or those who do not see Selassie as Jah or even the Messiah. I see Selassie as part of the Holy Trinity, 1 in 3 and 3 in 1. But many ras, especially the 12 tribe don't even see Selassie as the return Messiah, but simply sitting on the throne waiting for the messiah to return. This is how it was told to I, if I am wrong please correct I. I am not posting this as a debate but simply for clarification.
See u can't just praise Jah and not the son. "No one could go to God except by the son." (paraphrase) St. John 14. So, how can u praise Jah(whoever u believe him to be), but not praise the son? If you believe selassie is just waiting on the throne for the messiah, then to I that doesn't make sense. Because u don't see him as Jah and u dont' see him as the messiah, then how do u see Rastafari?
N e wayz, can ones and ones explain this to I and don't come with argument or debate. I just want an answer without judgement. I am seeking a real understanding. Give thanx!