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Islam and Rastafari

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Messenger: Alexander Sent: 9/30/2007 8:36:24 AM

Thank you for your words, sister Ten, it was truly uplifting and strengthening to my spirit to read that.

Messenger: Ten Sent: 9/30/2007 10:34:04 AM

Blessed Love I
Praises, thanks for the words. Know what you stand for and do good. It was good to reason, JAH BLESS.

Messenger: Dominic Sent: 9/30/2007 12:12:49 PM

Whats wrong with the Twelve Tribes of Israel interpretation of RASTAFARI?

Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 9/30/2007 7:37:24 PM

"If you learn from them bless, but if they refuse to learn from you too then continue in your trod and know JAH as you do."

That's really the best point.

"As much as they claim their interpretation to be sacred..."

That was unfair. Sacred? What a word... The I couldn't use a better one than that?

Well, for my part I refuse that. I don't claim any interpretation... and definitely not a sacred one.

Messenger: zambia96 Sent: 12/5/2010 12:49:29 PM

You are such a fool to even say such thing as that those are not ARABIAN facial feature those are Aethiopic Facial feuture arabs and Indian inherited from us ! read a book son

Asia is a continent in which republics were unusual in early ages. Here history reveals monarchies under despotic rulers, who were worshipped as though the subjects were mere slaves. India until late ages was under a very different form of government. In early Buddhist times we find the land full of aristocratic republics. This was the same form of government to be found on other Cushite sites. Here in a more isolated clime, remote from outside influences, the old Cushite communal form of government has come on down to our times. Much can be gained from a study of this unique system. Out of it came the gentleness of the Hindu and it was the environment that nourished his exalted mental attainments. Again it is too lightly considered, when we remember that this form of life produced artists and craftsmen who brought into existence lost arts and a skill and originality that we do not today attain. It is a common error to suppose that the tribes that the Aryan invaders found were savages. Ancient annals represented the Cushite Indi as wise and skillful. Heeren said that these writings represented the early Hindu as a commercial people, that their merchants could travel from one

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of the Nile flowing through Barabra (Ethiopia) and the mountains of the Moon.

Even the name Hindu is Ethiopian. Ancient records of authority made Hind and Sind sons of Cush. Philostratus. in Vit. Apollon (Lib. II), says, "The Indi are the wisest of mankind. The Ethiopians are a colony of them, and they inherit the wisdom of their fathers." The separation of India from the parent Cushite stock was in ages long before the rise of the so-called Aryans in India. The older Greeks always associated the sacred waves of the Indian Sea with the wonderful Ethiopians. Ephorus stated that they occupied all the southern coasts of Asia and Africa. As in Chaldea they brought to the aboriginal tribes of India the knowledge of metals to take the place of stone implements, they brought the knowledge of the arts. Their funeral remains all over India reveal the stone circles and upright massive menhirs of North Africa. They understood in those far distant ages how to make hard earthenware, iron weapons and ornaments of gold. Today in a state of degenerated art, Sind is the only province where the potters craft is artistic. Before Megathenes, a Greek ambassador to the court of the non-Aryan Chandra Gupta, about 300 B. C., the Greeks mentioned as Indi only the Cushites of the areas between the Hindu Kush and Persia.

The name India means black, and Condor thinks that it was employed only to designate the home of the Asiatic Ethiopians. Let us look for a brief space at the land. India has often been described

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as almost a continent of itself, surrounded as it is by high mountain ranges to the north with the spurs stretching out to east and west, leaving only two natural passages down into the peninsula. India has a rich and varied climate and landscape. First come the Himalayas with their colder atmosphere, then the vast, fertile, densely populated plains of northern India watered by the Indus, the great Ganges and the Bramaputra. These have the greatest volume of any rivers of the world. South of the great northern plain is the elevated plateau of Decan. The Ganges has meant so much to the life and development of the country that it is a sacred river to the Hindu. Almost all the traffic of the country passes up and down this river. Southern India has a tropical climate. The Indian plains are sultry but Decan and the slopes of the Himalayas enjoy a temperate climate. There are two annual seasons the rainy and the dry.

Modern books deal with forest destruction in India and the wearing out of the land. These are the result of conquest and the crowding back of tribes upon the more waste areas. The great Indian rivers cause terrible disasters through floods that sweep off cattle, grain, stores and houses. The mighty currents undermine and carry away soil to build up monstrous deltas. Still with all these disasters India has an age old system of agriculture and we see everywhere the evidences of a people long skilled in agriculture. Northern India produces the plants of the temperate zone in profusion. Southern India abounds

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in tropical verdure. Two harvests are sometimes reaped in one year. Rice grows in the irrigated districts. Many think that cotton was first developed in India and that many other important plants found there their origin. We find indigo, jute, tobacco, sugar cane, cocoa, the date and other palms. Among the tropical fruits are the orange, lime, citron, melon, pineapple, fig and other fruits. The dense growth of tropical woods affords some of the world's most important plants. Here we find resins, gums, perfumes and varnishes with hundreds of other articles of commerce or luxury.

These wonderful and useful plains and fruits of India are not the result of accident, but are the fruit of the genius of some continuously agricultural race. These products were the foundation of the age old art and commerce of the Indies, that in the days of Columbus made the route to India the world sought quest of western nations. Nearly every article that produces commerce abounds in India. All the shrubs and herbs needed for the healing of the nations may be found there and are used as native medicines. Rice and millet are the staple foods, though sweet potatoes, onions, barley and garlic are much used. The vast forests are densely populated with wild animals and birds. The leopard, wolf, tiger, hyena, fox and jackal abound, the lion is extinct. Snakes and reptiles cause innumerable death. The tiger is in every part of the country. One tiger in the course of three years killed one hundred and eight persons and another caused thirteen

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villages to be abandoned. There is a government price on the tiger's head. The tamer animals are deer, sheep, goats, antelope, oxen, camels, mules, horses and many birds. With this rich flora and fauna a distinctive ancient life developed and flowered as gorgeously in religion and art.

A glance at India today reveals a great difference from the old condition of opulence. The country has grown overpopulated. Many districts are so overcrowded that the natives can hardly secure land to cultivate. Life in the British Isles is very congested, the population being about 213 to a square mile, but in India we find 271 to the square mile. In England the people support themselves by working in the industries. India has very few large towns. Millions are struggling to live and support themselves on half an acre. If the rains fall short by only a few inches, there is terrible scarcity of food and thousands die. This condition is due to the fact also that the old industrial system of the Hindu has been destroyed. Once they manufactured in their homes and thus kept themselves from want. During the centuries of misrule after the various conquests of India, the land became full of robbers and armed bands. Since introduction of railroads by the English, the natives are slowly moving from the congested districts to the few remaining spare lands. In ancient days each rural family was rooted to the spot of its ancestry.

The first glimpses that we catch of the Hindu in historical times we find a people of varied

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ethnology. The popular theory emphasizes an Aryan invasion that took place in late ages, compared to the primitive times when the deeds of the Indian epics were, enacted. As late as the authoritative records of history, the most powerful kingdoms of India were ruled over by non-Aryan princes. These were the Indi of the ancient records. This ruling race had produced the culture that passed down, and just as across all the wide belt of the equator the civilization of the ancient Cushite was appropriated--here it was not destroyed. So intermixed are all the classes of the Hindu today that all Brahmin, and Soudra have identically the same formation of skull, the old formation of Ethiopia. This later Brahmic type which has only ruled India in the Christian Era is Turanian in the same sense that the races of western Europe may be so called. These Turanians entering India were inferior in culture to the Indi. Today after continued conquest, we find great peoples using literary languages among the Dravidians who represent the primitive Cushite stock. Such are the Tamils, Telugu, Malayalam and Kanarese. Authorities dispute the claim that the black Rajputs were the same race as the invading Turanians. The ancient books read without prejudice reveal a deadly contest between Brahmins and the Kshattriyas, the original royal stock.

The literature reveals that this hostility did not come to an end until the Brahmins gave up the hope of holding the sovereignty and took over the custody of the ancient books and the

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priesthood. We read in Buddhist India, p. 44, that it is a common error to suppose that the tribes with whom the so-called Aryans came in contact were savages. Some were, but there were also settled communities with a highly developed social organization, wealthy enough to excite the cupidity of invaders. These people were too much addicted to peace to be able to offer prolonged resistance, but they were strong enough to impose many of their ideas and institutions upon their conquerors. On page 59 we read, "It is now generally admitted that there are no pure Aryans in India, in spite of the theoretical restrictions on intermarriage. Aryan, Kolarin and Dravidian could not at the time of the rise of Buddah be recognized. Long before the theory of caste had been brought into working order a fusion sufficient at least to obliterate completely the old landmarks had been accomplished." In the ancient books of India there is, no mention of caste. Long before the time of Alexander all the Hindu were a dark race.

Baldwin declares that Indo-Aryans were but a small proportion of the whole population of India. All over the country are masses, whose dialects reveal that they did not belong to the Indo-European group. Cushites entering India in primitive ages perhaps found aboriginal Malays. They did not exterminate them but conciliated, civilized and to some extent absorbed them. This was the Ethiopian custom over their wide domains. In the central provinces an aboriginal Malay race forms a large proportion of the

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population, showing that the Cushites may have refused to intermix. The struggle represented as taking place between these Cushites and their conquerors might have been but a later emigration of their race as the Cassite invaders of Chaldea. We would think this from the identity of skull formation of all the racial divisions of India. The hill people of the Himalayas have always been fair, as we find Cushite people on all the continents where they were not exposed to the torrid rays of the sun. The Casdim or Cassites of ancient days occupied the highlands of southwestern Asia from Caucasus to the highlands of India. Does it not seem more reasonable that this learned race as proved by the Chaldeans and Elamites sent the type into India that made her ruling class.

5000 years ago we have shown there was no branch of the Aryan race that could have produced the Rig-Veda. 5000 years ago no Japhethic nation possessed blacksmiths, chariots, and the civilization that the Rig-Veda reveals. It seems to be the story of the passage to the southwest of Hindu colonists from the mountains of Hindu-Kush (Cush) down into the plains of India. Note the name of the region from which they came. In the beginning these invaders took Dravidian wives because most probably they, were primarily of the same stock. 3000 to 4500 B. C. the father is represented with the ancient Cushite traits in all their glory. He was priest of the family. He conducted human sacrifice, for which the horse sacrifice was substituted in later

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ages. There was no burning of widows and woman enjoyed a high position. The Rig-Veda represents these people at this far distant age as blacksmiths, barbers, coppersmiths, goldsmiths, carpenters and husbandmen. They fought from chariots as did all Cushite nations. They settled down as husbandmen to till the fields. Unlike the modern Hindu they ate beef. They adored gods identical with those of Egypt, Chaldea and Ethiopia. Who were these people who 4500 B. C. possessed towns and built ships? Semites and Turanians had no such arts.

When the Hebrews left Egypt they did not understand the art of welding iron. Persians in late ages used Egyptians as their carpenters. The historic Greek and Roman at this early age had not emerged from caves and use of rude stone tools. Let us glance at the Goths as they appeared on the plains of western Europe as late as the Christian Era and see if we find the race traits that the Rig-Veda reveals. They possessed no knowledge of metals. They scorned images and temples, therefore they had no priests. The name of not a single Gothic deity has come down to us. They showed not the faintest glimmer of the mentality and austerity of life of the Buddhist. They were coarse and gluttonous. They loved strong drink and would lay for days in drunken stupor in the ashes of their hearths. They appropriated the gods of the long headed race of western Europe, Odin and Thor. They knew nothing of agriculture being a nomadic race fitted for conquest. They had no communal interests

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as the people of India, they were extreme individualists. They battered down the grand structures of antiquity, they did not create them and smashed the art treasures of ages. Even in the Middle Ages they had developed none of the traits of the gentle Hindu and regarded not the rights of others unless compelled to do so by the sword.

Beside this picture let us line the Hindu priest. His is a type that early was devoted to ceremony. His whole life was mapped out for stages of discipline. When he had reared a family and gained a practical knowledge of the world, he retired into the forest as a recluse, using nature's wild foods. Here he practiced religious duties with increased devotion. Next he entered upon an ascetic and rigorous self-denial, wandering as a religious mendicant, wholly withdrawn from joy or pain, wholly absorbed in final absorption into the deity. He ate nothing but what was given him unasked, remained not more than one day in a village. Throughout his life he took no wine, curbed desire, shut out tumults of war, his duty was to pray and not to fight, to study-and practice self restraint. The Brahmin represents a race in India that holds supremacy not by force of arms but by vigor of hereditary culture and temperence. Dynasties have fallen, religions have spread themselves over the land and disappeared, but since the dawn of history the Brahmin has calmly ruled.

As late as the Gręco-Bactrian and Scythian inroads 327 B. C. to 544 A. D. we find the fairest

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districts of northern India still in possession of Cushites. In almost every part of Oudh and the northwestern provinces are to be found ruins ascribed to this race, which reigned at different periods from the fifth to the eleventh centuries A. D. The early invaders found as the Vedas describe, these people in possession of wealth, having cattle, cities and forts. The literature represents them as making alliances with the native Cushite princes, this would have been impossible if they had not been of the same race. The Nubians (Cushites) of old Ethiopia will not intermarry with Arabs or Egyptians. Some superficial interpretations of the Vedas attempt to make out the Dravidian Cushites as disturbers of sacrifices, lawless, without gods, and without rites. This would not describe Cushites anywhere in the world. For at no stage of their development do they seem to be without sacrifice, law and religion, which rites they gave to the ancient world. That section of the Vedas describes Cushites finding the aborigines of the country without these rites, which they naturally at first opposed.

To those who read the Rig-Veda intelligently and without the confusing glasses of prejudice, these mutilated and interpolated writings are but a description of the familiar traits and customs of Cushite Ethiopians. The Brahmins were probably a much later and intermixed branch of the inhabitants of Hindu-Kush. That they were intermixed we can tell by their cruelty. Full blooded Cushites are very gentle. The fact that the Brahmins altered the Sanskrit writings to such great

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extent is proof itself that they were not the original authors of these works. They took over and appropriated much from Buddhism that would appeal to the masses when they found it otherwise impossible for them to sit in the saddle of the priesthood. An ancient treatise tells us of the early Cushite element, that they adorned their dead with gifts, with raiment, and ornaments, imagining thereby that they shall attain the world to come. Their ornaments were bronze, copper and gold. One non-Aryan chief described this race as of fearful swiftness, unyielding in battle, in color like a dark blue cloud. This old type is represented today by the compact masses at the south. These Dravidians constitute forty-six millions of southern Indians today. They represent the unmixed Cushite type. All the rest of the blood of India is heavily mixed with this strain.

These Dravidians that the untruthful book seeks to represent today as despised outcasts when they are still a very important division of the Hindu population, entered India in primitive times by the northwest passage. They were a part of that advancing wave of the Old Race that swept eastward and westward, peopling primitive Arabia, Egypt and Chaldea. The rich merchants of the ancient Indian commerce had been Dravidians. One of their greatest kingdoms was Pandya so noted in the Sanskrit writings. The Nandas in Behar of whom the great Chandra Gupta sprang and his greater grandson Asoka, were non-Aryan. These were of the supposed-to-be degraded Sudra. The Takshak and Naga nations

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who figure so largely in Sanskrit traditions are words purely African. Koch or Kush (Cush) form the masses of Bengal and Behar. By virtue of their descent from the old dominant race they retain their name of Kshattriya and call themselves Rajbansis a term exactly corresponding to Rajput. The rajas of Kuch Behar claim a divine descent. The name Rajput means of royal descent. It was the title of the old conquering class of the ancient Cushites. There was alliance between them and the Brahmins. We find distinguished bodies of the Kshattriyan so-called caste received into the Brahmin caste and for the same reason sections of aboriginal races manufactured into Brahmins.

In the Hindu Puranas the Dravidian kingdom of Pandya was given two dynasties. The first had seventy-three kings, the second forty-three kings. The last king of the second dynasty was overthrown 1324 A. D. by the Mohammedans. No other Dravidian kingdom can boast so continuous a succession as the kings of Madura. The chronicles enumerate fifty Chara kings and fifty-six Chola kings as well as many minor dynasties. Dr. Deiche and Isaac Taylor thought the Hindu alphabet derived from the south Arabian and adopted a thousand years later by the Brahmins. The early history of the Dravidians is yet to be deciphered from mouldering palm leaves and more trustworthy inscriptions on copper and stone. Like the Minoan script of Crete and the Merotic of Ethiopia this is a third of the Ethiopic stem the has not been interpreted. In the

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territory of the Dravidians, we find extensive ruins of ancient temples, fortifications, tanks, bridges and vast remains.

The Dravidians in ethnic type are Ethiopian and are the race of India from which her civilization originated. Megathenes said that the natives of India and Ethiopia were not much different in complexion or feature. Dravidians are short like the race of the Mediterranean called Iberians and the Chaldeans. Their complexions are black or very dark. Their hair is plentiful and crispy. Their heads are elongated with the nose very broad. They occupy the oldest geological formation of India. They are descendants of that race of black men with short woolly hair that were the primitive inhabitants of ancient Media, Susiana and Persia, mentioned repeatedly in the Iranian legends, and whose faces look out at us from the sculptures of Babylon and Nineveh Dravidian is spoken by forty-six millions of India, not including the numerous uncultivated hill tribes and retired communities. A form of speech similar to it is spoken in Beluchistan, which originally was Cushite. In all the political changes that come to India, the communal type of life to which these natives cling never changes.

In ancient times India was ruled by Rajas, who were assisted by a council of elders. Sometimes the Raja was influenced by a queen mother or dowager. In Cushite races lineage was traced through the mother. The succession of the Rajah was traced in the same way. This was changed upon the ascendency of the Brahmins. Turanians

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trace lineage from the father's side. Some authors have sought to prove that the metronymic system or inheritance through the female line is evidence of promiscuity in the beginning of human life. In savage life men and women pair in mating, also among anthropoid apes proving that this instinct is as old as the human species. The spirit of the Cushite was to honor and exalt woman, therefore lineage was thus traced. Nephews when born of sisters were treated as sons and inherited the property to the exclusion of sons. Devalle described the queen of Ilaza as a black Ethiopian. He said she ruled like a woman of judgment. Marco Polo described the inhabitants of India as black and adorned with massive gold bracelets and strings of rare and precious gems. They had temples and priests. Vasco de Gama while circumnavigating the globe found the inhabitants black.

Arabia was once a portion of the ancient Cushite empire. Some authorities claim that it was the original seat of Ethiopian culture. The ordinary encyclopedia and historical book give but little light upon the early race life of Arabia. When our research has gone deeper we will find that the true ethnic story of Arabia, Asia Minor and India have not yet been told. Recent books have rewritten the history of ancient Greece, as the findings or archaeology reveal other races and other sources for the civilization of Hellenic lands. The history of Arabia needs rewriting. This chapter is a contribution in that direction; the sum total of the careful investigations of scholars and investigators whom we can trust. The ancients gave Arabia a triple division. Petrea the stony, Deserta the desert, and Felix the happy. They did not assign to these any very distinct boundries and much of the real surface of Arabia is unknown to us today. Yemen includes the whole southwest quarter which possesses many advantages in climate and soil. Here existed to almost our times the late flowers of a rich primeval civilization, which did not spring from the Semitic race, which is in possession of Arabia today.

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Arabia Deserta, is the land of the Semitic Arabian for we, find two races incorporated in the term Arabian. The ancient Adites and Thamudites were of Ham. The ancient inhabitants of Arabia Petrae were of the "Anu" of the "Old Race" of Egypt. The Semitic Arabians trace their descent from Heber of the race of Shem. Deserta had the Euphrates for its eastern boundary. The inhabitants live a wandering life, having no cities or fixed habitations, but wholly dwelling in tents. These are called Bedouins. When the Scriptures spoke of Arabia it referred to a smaller territory than the vast region we call Arabia today. Hebrews spoke of Kedem as the land to the east of them. Arabia Petrae lies south of the Holy Land. In this region dwelt the Edomites, Amalkites, Cushites and other tribes. Arabia Felix lay still farther south being bounded by the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the ocean. This country abounded in riches and especially in spices and is now called Hedjaz. It is much celebrated because the cities of Mecca and Medina are situated in it.

Having never been really conquered, Arabia has known no changes saving those of nature. There the deserts and mountains have always secured them from conquest. Nejd the central plateau is an important region regarded by the Arabians as the stronghold of their cherished institutions and traditions. Nejd is the favored land of the date palm of superior species. It is the special pride and ornament of the country. The coffee plant is highly prized. This central

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highland is surrounded on all sides by a broad desert belt. In general features, Arabia resembles the African Sahara of which it is but a continuation. Its general characteristics are African. Arabia roughly summed up is composed of one third coast ring and mountains, one third central plateau which is tolerably fertile, and one third desert circle. Throughout the highland of Nejd, though the days are hot, the nights are cool and pleasant. Here epidemic diseases are rare. It is very hot below in the plains. Sayce says that the divisions of "sandy," "stony" and "happy," so familiar to the Greeks and Latins is unknown to the Arabians of today. This is because they were terms used by the earlier Cushite Arabians.

Arabia was originally settled by two distinct races, an earlier Cushite Ethiopian race and a later Semitic Arabian. 'The Cushites were the original Arabians and dwelt there before Abraham came to Canaan. Ancient literature assigns their first settlement to the extreme southwestern point of the peninsula. From thence they spread northward and eastward over Yemen, Hadramaut and Oman. A proof that they were Hamites lay in the name Himyar or dusky, given to the ruling race. The Himyaritic language, now lost, but some of which is preserved, is African in origin and character. Its grammar is identical with the Abyssinian. The Encyclopedia Britannica in its article on Arabia says, "The institutions of Yemen bear a close resemblance to African types. The inhabitants of Yemen, Hadramaut,

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[paragraph continues] Oman and the adjoining districts, in shape of head, color, length and slenderness of limbs and scantiness of hair, point to an African origin." The first inhabitants of Arabia were known to the national traditions as Adites. The Scriptures called Ad a descendant of Ham.

These Cushite Arabians were given to a settled life and not to the wandering habits of the Semitic Arabians. They were fond of village life, society, the dance, and music. Among the cities the most ancient and populous were in "Happy Yemen." Like the Cushites of Egypt, here was the marvelous reservoir of Marib constructed by the Himyaritic kings. Their descendants of today are good cultivators of the soil, traders and artizans and averse to pastoral pursuits. All of these traits distinguish them from the Semitic race. They have much more to do with the African coast than the Asiatic. Marriage with extreme facility exists between all classes of southern Arabia and the African races. There is the absence of any caste feeling between these Arabs and the still darker natives of Africa. All of this points to a common origin. Keane thinks that these people of southwestern Arabia, at a remote period found their way across the narrow strait of Bab-el-Mandeb and secured a permanent foothold on the Nubian steppes. These Himyaritic Arabians call themselves Ęthiopians still in diplomatic and elevated circles.

Arabia in the average book is described as a dreary barren waste, the home of the Semitic Arabian. In the most sterile regions we do find

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this race. They are a nomadic people wandering from pasturage to pasturage, as their ancestors have done from time immemorial and as they shall probably do to the end. The Arab despises agriculture and the customs and restraints of civilized life. There is constant resistance among them to anything like regal power or organization. There is some similitude between them and the Cushite Arabians for they have long lived in proximity; yet there is rivalry and the enmity that would spring from difference in race. The Semitic Arabians are compelled to a pastoral life because they occupy the most waste portions of the plateau. Their condition involves them in constant quarrels over wells and pasturage. This caused the separation of Abraham and Lot. Extreme want makes them plunderers of caravans. They are utterly ignorant of writing or books. This division of the inhabitants has no remembrance of the ancient geography of Arabia, because they were not then the inhabitants. The only authority that they recognize is that of an elder.

These Arabs trace their descent from Heber, from whom the line of Abraham descended. Abraham's son Joktan became the first king of the country. According to Herodotus their original home lay between Colchis and the Medes. They lived in Arabia without mingling until Ishmael, the son of Hagar settled among them. Some of these Ishmaelites applied themselves to traffic and husbandry; for Hagar was Hamitic. It was from this class in later days arose the Mohammedan conquest. The tribe of Koreysh claimed

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to have descended from Ishmael through Hagar. They were intimately connected with the southern Cushite tribes that were the originators of the idol worship of the Kaaba at Mecca. The great majority of the Ishmaelites lived a life like the modern Bedouin, who too traced back to Ishmael. Their domains stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea. Their hand was against every man and every man's hand against them. These Arabs will not marry with the settled tribes or with Turks or Moors. The third division of pure Semitic Arabians probably sprang from the children of Abraham and Keturah. In prodigious multitude they cover Syria, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Egypt, and a great part of Africa.

These Semitic Arabians are quite unlike in nature to the Cushite and Hebrew stock, which in early ages must have been deeply permeated with Ethiopian blood. This made the Jew more gentle than the fierce nature of his wilder unmixed Semitic brethren. This intermingling of Hebrew and Ethiopic blood could easily have taken place in the four hundred years of the Jewish exile in Egypt, and later in Canaan they intermingled with the original inhabitants who were Cushite. Let us examine the nature of the pure Semitic race. Sayce. describes their life as full of danger and distress. Our private citizens possess more solid and pleasing luxuries than the proudest emir, head of ten thousand horse. The care of the sheep and camels is abandoned to the women, while under the banner of the emir the men practice the use of the bow, javelin and scimitar.

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[paragraph continues] The dignities of sheik and emir descend in an order that is loose and precarious. If an Arabian prince abuses his power, he is quickly punished by the desertion of his subjects. The natural state of the nation is free, each of her sons disdains submission to the will of a master.

Caravans from the remote times of Job and Sesostris have been the victims of their rapacious spirit. They pretend that the riches of the earth and the fertile climates were given to the other branches of the human family and that they must recover the portion of their inheritance of which they have been unjustly deprived. The caravans that traverse the deserts are ransomed or pillaged. The temper of a people thus armed against mankind is doubly inflamed by this domestic license of rapine, murder and revenge. Each Arab might point his javelin against the life of his countryman with impunity and renown. The jurisdiction of the magistrate was impotent. The recital in prose or verse of an obsolete feud was sufficient to kindle the same passions among the descendants of the hostile tribes. They would wait whole months and years for the opportunity of revenge. The refined malice of the Arab refuses even the head of the murderer, substitutes the innocent for the guilty person and transfers the penalty to the best and most considerable of the race by whom they have been injured.

The bitter hardships of the son of Abraham, cast out without succor, seems to have accentuated the evil of his nature. Sayce reveals a better side of Abraham showing in their hospitality. This

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ferocious Arab, the terror of the desert, embraces freely without inquiry, the stranger who, dares to confide in his honor and enter his tent. He is kind and respectful. He shares his wealth or property with his guest and dismisses him with gifts. Though disdaining law he proudly indulges the impulse of pity and alms. Thus everywhere over the earth where we find people crowded back by climate or conquest to bleak and barren districts we see the change of human nature from gentleness to ferocity. Columbus found a peaceful and gentle people in America.

The foregoing description of Arabia and Arabians found in Ancient Empires of the East, is not sufficient to give us a clear idea of Arabia and Arabians. It is a true and faithful account of the Semitic branch but does not amount for other conditions and races there. Palgrave's expedition to Arabia in 1862 found beside wandering Bedouins and wastes, a rich and beautiful country. Arabia is a vast region. Baldwin reports that he found throughout almost all his journey a settled and civilized country, with cities, towns, villages and a settled government. All of this was the legacy of the earlier culture. In these regions the Bedouin or later Arab counted for nothing. He found central Arabia an extensive, fertile tableland, surrounded by a circle of desert waste. Here were settled nations of the Cushite Arabian stock. Here they had developed for thousands of years the noble breed of Arabian horse. Naturalists agree hat Arabia is the genuine and original home of the horse. Here

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it attained its highest perfection, not perhaps in size, but in form, symmetry and beauty. For endurance, docility and speed for incredible distances these horses have no equals. Sayce says, that the Barb, the Spanish and the English breed are all built on the foundation of the imported Arabian horse.

The development of the camel is Arabian. It does not appear on any of the Egyptian monuments. The Bedouin has superstitious love for the pure horses of Arabia. A female is rarely sold. These horses are educated in the tents among the children of the Arabs. This trains them to habits of gentleness and attachment. Their senses are not blunted by abuse of spur or whip. As they feel the touch of the hand or stirrup, they dart away like the wind, if the rider is dismounted in the rapid chase, they instantly stop till he has recovered his seat. They disappear before the enemy like the mist. In the sands of the deserts of Africa and Arabia the camel is a sacred and precious gift. The driest thistle and the barest thorn is all the food they require, Nature has formed cisterns within the camel. He can lay up a store of water that will last him from twenty to thirty days. The value of the camel to the Arabs and Oriental nations is inestimable. They regard it as a peculiar gift of heaven to their race. They were called the "ships of Persia," so dependent was commerce upon their instinct to cross the trackless wastes. A dromedary can cover ten times as much ground

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as a horse. Every part of the camel filled some Arabian need.

To the Cushite race belonged the oldest and purest Arabian blood. They were the original Arabians and the creators of the ancient civilization, evidences of which may be seen in the stupendous ruins to be found in every part of the country. At the time that Ethiopians began to show power as monarchs of Egypt about 3000 to 3500 B. C. the western part of Arabia was divided into two powerful kingdoms. In those days the princes of Arabia belonged wholly to the descendants of the Cushites, who ruled Yemen for thousands of years. Zohak, celebrated in Iranian history was one of these famous rulers. These Arabians hid the sources of their commerce and the Greeks had of them only cunning stories that the Arabians put in circulation about their country. Much of the rich commerce of India, the treasurers of Africa, crossed between Yeman and Syria avoiding the tedious navigation of the Red Sea. Strabo, Pliny, Diodorus and Ptolemy tell us that in very early ages, Yemen reached a high state of civilization. Arts and commerce flourished and wealth was accumulated, literature was cultivated and talent held in esteem. The national writings that survive to this day, tell the same story. This culture had declined before its extinction in the seventh century.

The Encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. II, p. 222, 223) says, "The first dawning gleams that deserve to be called history find Arabia under the rule of a southern race. They claimed descent

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from Khatan. They were divided anciently into several aristocratic monarchies. These Yemenite kings descendants of Khatan and Himyar 'the dusky,' a name denoting African origin, whose rulers were called 'Tobba,' of Hamitic etymology, reigned with a few dynastic interruptions for about 2500 years. They demanded the obedience of the entire southern half of the peninsula and the northern by tribute collectors. The general characteristics of the institutions of Yemen bore considerable resemblance to the neighboring one of the Nile Valley." One of its monarchs subdued the whole of central Asia, reaching even the boundries of China. Another made conquests in Africa. Their chroniclers appropriated the glories and some of the exploits of the early kings of Ethiopia, because Arabia, Egypt, Chaldea, and India were colonies of the Cushite empire. Ethiopia was mother of them all and her rulers under various titles were their rulers. Modern histories speak of the Semitic conquest of Babylon as early as 4500 B. C. which is erroneous unless they explain that these Arabians were Cushite Arabians, another division of the race of the black Sumerians. The line of Sargon 3800 B. C. was of the same race. Each one of these early Arabian conquests was of African Arabs.

While the sceptre of Yemen was outstretched far over the length and breadth of the land and the genuine or African Arabs formed a complete and dense circle all around, the deserts of Arabia remained the stronghold of a different

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race, wild, ferocious tribes, less susceptible to culture, but of a far greater energy. This race was the Semitic Arabian, that had come into the land from the north. They spoke a language akin to the Syriac and Hebrew. Unlike the African Arabians they had little disposition for agriculture, architecture or the fine arts. Their instincts led them to a nomadic, pastoral life. History has left unrecorded the exact date of their arrival and the period that they remained tributary, though often refractory, to the kings of Yemen. In the fifth century of the Christian era, a late date, a leader arose who broke off the bonds of Yemen. He slew the tax gatherer and raised the banner of revolt. He was assassinated and in the sixth century they had narrowed the boundries of the earlier Cushite Arabian monarchies, and both northern and southern communities were coming under the growing power of the tribe of Koreysh.

The Koreysh figure as the descendants of Ishmael. In their artificial annals, says Britannica, me Yemenites or genuine Arabs appear under a cousinly character. On all these points Mohammedan annalists are equally positive. All other trusty testimony is adverse. Their falsifications have found favor with our European writers. Baldwin in Prehistoric Nations, pp. 76, 77, says, that the Semitic Arabians and later Mohammedans confused and altered the earlier Arabian history. They sought to bring upon themselves the glory of the Cushite Arabian name. They have appropriated the names of the old Ethiopians, whose career had long since closed before the entrance

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of the Semites into Arabia. Mohammedan writers give but vague pictures of the conditions of their country. They were not a literary people. and their first attempts were after the death of their prophet. The times of Mohammed were becoming ancient when these men wrote. They had entered Arabia after the extended empire of the Cushite Arabians had declined and disunited. The Semitic Arabian lived a rude nomadic life in obscurity until 700 A. D., Arabian civilization extended back behind them for thousands of years.

To sum up, 3000 to 3,500 B. C. Arabian civilization equaled that of Egypt and Babylon. The ancient glory had departed prior to the rise of Assyria. The same wave that entered Arabia from the north had become predominant in Assyria, which from its monuments had in its origin been Cushite. The fierce nature of the Semitic Arabian and of the children of Esau, whom Abraham had said in blessing their father, "they shall live by the sword," showed in the merciless tortures and cruelties of the later Assyrians. The first Adite empire of Arabia was overthrown 1800 B. C., so long ago that the cause now is mythical. The ancient chronicles speak of a "Flood of Arem," which dispersed the families of Yemen over the northern part of Arabia. This flood destroyed Mareb the ancient capital. Lenormant says in the Ancient History of the East, Vol. II, p. 306, "The Jokanites were subject to the Cushites until the end of the second Adite empire. We may be sure the Sabaeans, who at first

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let them in peaceably made a stout resistance. The Cushites were their superiors in knowledge and, civilization." It had been a Cushite principle to mete out equal justice to aliens. For many years the Semites lived subject to the laws of the Sabaeans, silently increasing in strength. They accepted in part the language, manners and institutions of the Cushites. At last they rose and overthrew those who had given them the light.

None of the ancient empires were able to subjugate Arabia. Bravely for thousands of years she maintained her freedom. When the second Adite empire was overthrown, masses of the Sabaeans emigrated to Abyssinia. Ghez is a living relic of the ancient speech of Yemen. These Cushites clung long to their faith and peculiar institutions. Alexander the Great, hearing of her rich treasures, desired to pit his great strength against her, but death interrupted his plans. Ęlius Gallus, Roman prefect of Egypt, undertook an expedition against Yemen, with an army of ten thousand infantry and fifteen hundred horsemen. He crossed the Red Sea but his soldiers, disorganized by the intense beat, were incapable of laying siege to Mareb. The old Cushites of Yemen stoutly maintained their independence, when other dominions were forced to yield to Rome. After me Mohammedan conquests, which exhausted the Arabians, they were easy prey for the Turks. Thus came the fall of that empire, as Assyrians, taught and inspired by an earlier culture, which carried the arms, language

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and institutions of Arabia over half of the old world, "from the banks of the Indus to the shores of the Atlantic ' from the mid-African desert with its burning sands to the green vineyards of pleasant France." This later flower of Semitic culture "s grafted upon the old Cushite root. The later lines of conquest following the identical pathways of the ancient Cushite empire of Ethiopians.

Messenger: jahxau Sent: 1/4/2011 5:49:41 PM

with jah haile selassie.
greeting to all my brotha n sista rastafari..
help me im still bewildered bout sensitively topic islam and rastafari.
im muslim but it is wrong to be a rastafari?
and there some brotha here mentioning bout islam and rastafari cant mixed together.
and some hatred bout islam and slavery history. that is past .
am i wrong if i live like rastafari teach with my own religion?
im so sorry if my qeustion will ignite fire some of my love brotha n sista here.
muhammad(blessed s.a.w)
jesus christ(holy)
haile selassie(king of king lord of lord)
is teach us same thing?. love peace respect..
im sorry again to all brotha and sista.with humble.

jah rastafari.

Messenger: Fikre Jahnhoi Sent: 1/4/2011 7:13:24 PM

first, i would like to know what yuh mean by

" i live like rastafari teach with my own religion?"

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 1/4/2011 10:18:59 PM

Jahxau said,

im muslim but it is wrong to be a rastafari?

No. RasTafarI is the God of All People, including Muslims.

Messenger: Black Christ Salvation Sent: 1/5/2011 7:22:48 AM

West Africa in general, and SeneGambia particulary, have a LOTS of "Muslim-Rastas"

Blessed love!

Haile Selassie I liveth!!!

Rejoice and give thanks and praise!

Messenger: jahxau Sent: 1/5/2011 7:05:08 PM

jah bless my brotha fikre jahnoi..

i live like what rastafari teach.
full of love.respect any kind of religion,race,culture.
coz in my opinion(sorry if i was wrong) its same with what
my religion(islam) or other religion teach.
but its confusing me when some of my brotha here(early post) claim
dat rastafari is religion and haile selassie as a god and muslim cant live like rastafi?.honestly i do love rastafari live coz its gimme lot of love.unity.peace..and honourly haile selassie for freedom of slavery history.with humble im sorry to all my brotha n sista if my question and my blury opinion is wrong. show me the light.

bless up- jah rastafari.

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