Surely treu treu words,Bro Ark I.....truth must be revealed itinualy
Iman haffe so much things to say pon this,ye know....Been argueing a lot with some of them babylon shrinks...and evry time they just keep on denying,and not giving complete answer to the I,when i ask them...Cause them know iman speak the truth....Iman went tru hard times,ye know,not meself was ill or weak,but a good friend of mine is once inna while..so,cause he{I bro}couldnt defend him rights and so,nor couldnt observe any at all,cause of them drug.Iman did it fe him.
Medicines for use in the ``physical health question`` are just developed to mek money out =of it...So,first them haffe find people who wanna buy those..Next thing Babylon knopws that there are people in need of physical strenght,evry day again ,evrywhere and all the time...So,Babylon build them Hospital,which buy them medicines..These medicines are produced at a factory,so it gives a lot o f work fe the people who work at the factory also,that seems to be good for the unemployement..Next thing them a go brainwash the people,with tellin them that they are not really ``okee`` or so,or not reaally ``sane``,when ye haffe certain signs of a certain sickness/weakness of the spirit...Than them tell ye that the ONLY solution is to use them drugs,and to live ye live,but always use the drug.And the things Ark I said about the drugs,are treu,sadly...Them dokters,and whatsoever they call themselves,never talk about the spiritual being,bout our innerselves,that that will help ye inna ye inner struggles ye facing..Cyant blame them either,them nah know what them doing,,Ignorant again...But even after i did me speaks,them still defend Babylon ways,so them also choose to be ignorant....And these are the people that had a good eduacation????NAH MEK I LAUGH,PLEASE
So y all see,it a just a commercial bussiness,just to create jobs and means to use....Them only haffe one thing in mind...``MEK PROFIT ,MEK MONEY`` Culture -vultures ,i would say...i m gettin angry..Babylon so foolish inna all their doings!!!!
Just beca me Rasta and say them i opinion ,i beeen accused many many times,or been send away,tellin the I that i see these things wrongs and so...NAH NAH NAH..me nah deal with folly and Babylon studys,me deal with JAH....Ital is how it a go be,nah just some tranquilizers fe but only remove the problem fe a while,but not completely///Cyant dig that,,,and the whole society just follows that protocol.
Thats also their excuse all the time ``..we overstand ye,but we just haffe do our jobs withoin our restrictions and ways...````
Then i tell them they sold their souls fe the wicked blood money and so...and if they reaslly should care,as them do say,then them wouldnt act like they are doing all the time....so,evrytime me bounce against that bigg babylon wall,them so ignorant and foolish.Me nah wanna fight,but to such iman haffe say straight the truth,and nothing but JAHTRUTH
I would recommand to all that think that they should need a shrink:
Face thy times of trouble{it wont be an easy task,but after completeing,ye will be healed FOREYVA},inna ital way,come to know thyself,and you will know JAH...then,if ye know JAH,just simply follow his words,and i can tell fe sure,if ye are upright..eeeh,that JAH will strenghten ye,He will lift ye up ,out of the pit,back into The Light
Remeber to always keep faith,no matter how harsh the crisis may be,always haffe give JAH all the thx and praises,even when ye days seem to go wrong....ALWAYS KEEP FAITH IN JAH
About the shrinks and their protocols,me nah gonna say nothing no more,cause it meks the i really getting upset,me nah want that,but that how it a go,when i discuss things like these,it can mek i so mad,ye know...Me is peacefull rasta,nah deal with violence,,but there are some of these moments,that i really want to pull one of these shrinks from his desk and really threathen him,or let him eat those chemicals he gives to the patients....Fortunately iman can control the I.....BUN DOWN BABYWRONG,BRIMSTONE AND FIYAH A COME DOWN