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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: the rock Sent: 12/27/2003 11:00:55 AM


The Lion of Judah has prevailed
Haile Selassie I, Elect of God
King of Kings of Ethiopia

It gives us great pleasure to appear before this distinguished assemblage and we bring you the fraternal salutations of the Ethiopian people.

The people of Ethiopia and Trinidad and Tobago are joined in a massive and continuous effort to create for themselves a new and better way of life. They face many of the same problems. The hopes and aspirations which they share derive from the same essential beliefs in the nature and destiny of man. It is thus inevitably true that there should exist between those two great peoples strong and lasting ties of friendship and understanding

Your role as the representatives of the people is a particularly critical one in the councils of the twentieth century. The manner in which a representative of the people should properly discharge his responsibilities has long been a matter for learned discussion among philosophers and political scientists.

The world of the developing nations is creating new problems for the scholars to ponder as new societies are emerging to deal with the intricate and explosive questions of national and institutional development.

Is a representative responsible only to a constituency or to the particular group or interest which has chosen or appointed him? Certainly this responsibility Must be an element in the thought and action of such a man, but there are higher values and greater interests and responsibilities than these.

Obstacles, Sectional, tribal and other divisive factors often pose major obstacles to national development. In their expanded sense, as narrowly national and ideological interests, they threaten unity and progress.

No one is today so foolish as to believe they any one nation constitutes a perfect monolith of faith and ideology. Nor could anyone wish that there should be such utter vanity of thought and aspiration.

The systems of Government which have sought to impose uniformity of belief have survived briefly and then expired, blinded and weakened by obsessive reliance upon their supposed infallibility. The only system of Government which can survive is one which is prepared to tolerate dissent and criticism and Which accepts these as useful and in any case, inevitable aspects of all social and political relations.

The tolerance of dissent and criticism within a Government proceeds from a single essential premise: that the Government exists to serve the people generally. Government servants, whether designated as representatives or not, have a trust to work for the general welfare.

The same trust exists among the member states of international organizations. The members of such organizations must adhere to some tacit or expressed conception of international welfare.

Common Goals

In the case of the Organization of African Unity, it is an African Unity, it is an African welfare; in the case of the United Nations Organization, it is world welfare.

In one way or another, the member nation must accept in thought, spirit and action the basic premise of their institutions that men of all races, beliefs and status share some essential common goals.

From this premise, no great and easy actions follow as corollaries. The representatives of peoples and nations can only come together with open and objective minds and willing hearts to engage in dialogue, without rigid dogmas and slogans and without violence.

Working in this way achieves no instant Utopia. It may, however, enable us to achieve together what it is possible to achieve and to move forward steadily, if not always in great haste, with some degree of harmony and mutual understanding.

Domestically, we can build strong and happy and resourceful societies. internationally, we can force the end of oppression of man by man and nation by nation. We can bring about the security and mutual trust which will open the way to the greater human achievements for which the needs of mankind now cry out.

Permit me to express my heartfelt gratitude for the reception accorded me by the people and Government of Trinidad and Tobago.

Words of Ras TafarI

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/27/2003 12:40:51 PM

Radhakrishan Receives Degree From H.S.I.U.
October 13, 1965

The Lion of Judah has prevailed
Haile Selassie I, Elect of God
King of Kings of Ethiopia

On the occasion of Your Excellency's visit to Our country it gives Us special pleasure to receive you at this institution itself dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and truth. It is altogether fitting that Your Excellency should be the focus of this occasion, for Your Excellency has yourself since your youth been dedicated to that cause. Your marked achievement to the august rank of Professor at the youthful age of twenty-eight, your consistent endeavour to pursue knowledge and the numerous books that have flowed from your pen, to this bear witness.

Today more than ever before man realizes the bond of unity that exists within the race; he is endeavouring to employ the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of the ages. He is employing modern science and technology; he is reaping the benefits, however limited, of political and economic unity; and to that extent, he is transcending the age-old barriers that have divided the race so long and is endeavouring to reflect on the welfare not only of himself and his immediate neighbour but also on the welfare of all the human race. This endeavour is in harmony with the spirit of the mystics of ages gone by " the mystic traditions of the different religions we have a remarkable unity of the spirit. Whatever religions they may profess they are spiritual kinsmen. While the different religions in their historical forms bind us to limited groups and militate against the development of loyalty to the world community, the mystics have always stood for the fellowship of humanity," so Your Excellency has taught us. And in an effort to carry out this teaching to pursue truth - to promote those bonds common to the human race - Your Excellency has dedicated your whole life. To free the human race from superstition and fear that originate from ignorance; to enable him to transcend the apparent obstacles of race and religion; and to help him recognize the blood-ties of the whole human race, Your Excellency has laboured. To this generation, so tormented between modern knowledge and ancient faith, your scrupulous studies have pointed the way by which man may be saved from traditional superstition and modern scepticism.

Were the thoughts of Plato and Socrates, the beliefs of Christianity and Judaism not harmonized with Hindu philosophy; were Yoga and its various stages not exposed to Western thought; had Western religion and philosophy not been exposed to the philosophy and religion of the East through Your Excellency's persistent endeavour, how much the poorer would human thought have been!

In the history of the human race, those periods which later appeared as great have been the periods when the men and the women belonging to them had transcended the differences that divided them and had recognized in their membership in the human race a common bond. Your Excellency's constant endeavour to challenge this generation to transcend its differences. to recognize its common bond and to work towards a common goal has doubtless made this age pregnant with greatness. It is, therefore, in recognition of these labours that We, with unequalled pleasure, bestow upon Your Excellency the degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa.

Words of Ras TafarI

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 6/14/2017 9:41:37 AM

I think this needs brought forward, reasoned and meditated upon due to recent posts..

Finger pointing and name calling are not teachings of H.I.M...

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 6/14/2017 9:46:53 AM

Yes I especially with Zion Black jerusalem spamming post after post.

Messenger: Jahohanahn Zion Black Jerusalem Sent: 6/14/2017 10:28:54 AM

The holy bible contains adequate description of a fool, and Garveys Africa fits the description perfectly.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 6/14/2017 11:21:33 AM

This is about the forum going quite and John coming to take over. the same person who has been chased from this place time after time

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 6/14/2017 12:26:22 PM

The above words of H.I.M are so filled with wisdom and understanding it is a joy just to read them.. Imagine then, how much joy would come from acknowledging and living them! Tolerance does not mean to stand idly by and let others disrespect and walk all over you; and tolerance does not mean to attack those who have differences.. To me, the teaching here says that to have tolerance is to stay true to you while letting others do the same, working together while recognizing that differences and diversity are essential because at the end of the day, we ALL have more in common than we think..

Jahohanahn Zion Black Jerusalem - or what ever name you are using today - if the words of GARVEYS AFRICA are offensive to you and disrespectful to your faith, represent your faith truthfully.. H.I.M and Ethiopia were ruthlessly attacked by Italy, yet after sustaining the attack and making a visit to Italy, he did not jump at the chance to call them all devils or fools.. He had risen above such a mentality and represented the fullness of his faith..

It is no secret that GARVEYS AFRICA does not like the Bible or Yaheshua Ha Mashciach and he is within his rights to do so.. Maybe it comes across a little harsh sometimes but I dont find GA calling people who do appreciate the Bible utter fools and child minded - even if he thinks so.. The man can tolerate such people and work to move forward on things we have in common...

Enough of this back and forth bickering and finger pointing.. It gets us nowhere!

Messenger: Jahohanahn Zion Black Jerusalem Sent: 6/14/2017 12:27:29 PM

I already expressed this point a while back, that we should all put aside our religious and cultural differences and work together towards a common goal of a united and free African kingdom, but the man insists on attacking back and forth to discredit and disregard the religion of black Adam and black Eve, god and goddess, king and queen of the earth. Parents of all Christians.

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Haile Selassie I