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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Nothingness Sent: 8/9/2012 3:45:43 PMHidden - Foolishness

Thats because Duru complicates the  issue when there is no need. Duru is simply trying to express the universal self by rapping the idea of rasta ism  around it.  What happens when you die is simply this, you loose your body and mind, in fact your consciousness and all it's content; which is the body/mind and yes including your ideas of rasta since it is only concept. Nothing happens particularly to the wicked or the righteous, these are simply your modes  of though and have nothing to do wit the reality. They are simply the content of your mind.  Once the spark of consciousness disappears the idea of the person also goes.  All is not jah, jah is jus a word in language. All is everything and everything is all, you cannot say any more about it, you cannot know any more. You can only know through negation, what it is not.  Duru  It's no wonder these Rastas don't see you as a wolf in Sheeps clothing.  From your other posts it is quite clear that you have an understanding of the universal self. Your efforts to put it across by moulding the concept round your belief system is simply contradictory. You cannot take the principle of the universal self and colour it with idea of rasta. How can jah be all? No concept is unifiable. They are simply ways of thinking. There can be no unification in thinking.  Jah is jus an idea that the mind identifies with. You can drop it just like you drop the shirt off your back. The concept of the universal self and the idea of jah are diametrically opposed and one contradicts the other. One represent freedom the other ideological slavery. It is clear from you reasoning that you have an understanding of the ultimate.  But it also appears that you also have a ego to maintain.

Haile Selassie I