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Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 1/26/2019 7:25:39 PM

Once again, all the blame for the continued shut down is on the democrats. They ALL voted for border security and improved barrier in years past.. Even voting for MORE money to be spent on it than the proposal put forth now.. The ONLY reason they refuse to do it now, is that its Trump. Thats it. They have decided to portray Trump as hitler and their brainwashed lemmings believe whatever the TV tells them, well now they are enslaved to those constituents because if they pass anything 'orange hitler' wants, then their voters will melt down and call for those dems to be removed.. Quite the pickle they have put themselves in.

I pointed this out a while ago -- not here --.. Trump can get North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un to the table and find peaceful solutions, but the democrats refuse.. Says so much right there.. Haha the dems are truly demented. They have created complete hysteria about Trump using fake news weaponized mainstream media.. They literally celebrate abortion as a womans right, but call border security 'immoral'.. Yes.. That is the upside down world they have created, and now they have to navigate through the hysteria they created..

Oh, and by the way.. Trump is not receiving ANY money for being President while the Democrats in congress continue to get paid throughout this shut down.. So once again.. Y'all are completely wrong with your virtue signal. The congressional dems continue to get their checks while they refuse to negotiate for a solution to open the government. Then they have the audacity to use their own created issue to say Trump is doing it.. Lol. Pure projection and complete hypocrisy. Trump has lost billions since taking this job and has daily death threats.. So what are you even talking about? You have no idea. You just virtue signal to follow babylons narrative.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/26/2019 10:45:39 PM

I inherently feel like disagreeing with Hemphill on this topic. Probably due to his seemed alliance with a President. Doesn't matter who the president is its what the president represents... The system of Babylon

However upon reflection

If Hemphill is a white American. Then in actual fact. I can't criticise his patriotism. As I would be and HAVE BEEN the same if it came to the topic of foreign immigrants within Africa or Ethiopia.

As a black PanAfrican Ethiopian I would agree with everything he is saying if the shoe was on my foot.

.blessed thoughts

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 1/27/2019 2:10:38 AM


It's not the same. The difference is that Mexico once was California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas... It would be as if the colonialists in Africa told the Africans that they are "illegals" and "aliens", and that they are not welcome in their home lands. That's what the colonialists have done in the USA. That's what Hemphill is supporting. Trump even stole more land, from the Lakotas, so these crimes CONtinue in this here Babylon.

Love and Life over hate

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 1/27/2019 2:38:49 AM


How can you speak of brainwashing, when you just parrot Infowars and Alex Jones? Again, Infowars and Alex Jones campaigned and helped fund Trump's presidency, could they be more biased?

Not only do you parrot, you dress yourself with infowars t-shirts. I doubt anyone on this forum wears a CNN t-shirt nor are they mindlessly repeating the liberal media as you do infowars.

Even your name calling and criticisms is the exact verbatim of the conservative media outlets, like "virtue signaling" "snowflakes" "triggered" and on and on you go parroting.

Does Polly want a cracker?

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 1/27/2019 2:55:56 AM

The colonialists tried and wanted, to do that in Africa, and still they try... Give thanks for the works of His Majesty and the I them that fought and still fight against the downpressors.

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/27/2019 3:16:57 AM

Jahcub Onelove,
America the Babylon does so many appalling things in the world and seems to get away with most of them, but I&i try to not let it bother me because we know & understand that the tables will be turned in time and that there will be justice done. This is guaranteed. That's the beauty of H.I.M. But as i wait patiently for that, my spirits are raised by witnessing the fact that so many Mexican people have returned to their stolen homeland north of the current boundary of Mexican territory, and continue to do so, in an overwhelmingly peaceful, non-violent movement. Millions now occupy and have resettled the lands violently stolen from their ancestors. Like the power of water to slowly erode a huge mountain, the power of the movement of JAH people is slowly effecting justice for that monstrous crime committed by America the Babylon.

i like to see the tone of these reasonings remain respectful and don't think that they should degenerate into personal attacks although i know it can be hard at times when someone else does that incessantly. i have to confess that "Does Polly want a cracker?" made me fall off the chair laughing.


Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/27/2019 6:18:44 AM

"If Hemphill is a white American. Then in actual fact. I can't criticise his patriotism. As I would be and HAVE BEEN the same if it came to the topic of foreign immigrants within Africa or Ethiopia."

We need to be careful not to equate xenophobia with patriotism. Mr. Hemphill portrays himself to be different in this respect (i.e., that he is neither xenophobic nor racist) and we should accept what he says as the truth unless we know differently; however, as an American, i can verily testify, based upon personal experience, to the existence of a large, politically influential/decisive cohort of the white-skinned American population that is unapologetically xenophobic and that does not want to have to share what they received for free as a birthright with people of a different appearance or who speak different languages. This is inherently repugnant to a RastafarI who knows that JAH gave the earth, and all of its constituent parts, to All Imanity to SHARE, not to one group or another to wall off for themselves and segregate themselves from other parts of Imanity. We are not racists or xenophobics, but instead I-niters of Imanity.

Patriotism, in the case of America, entails recognizing that we are a land in which the ancestors of all but a small percentage are recent (i.e., within the last 2 centuries) immigrants and most of those immigrants arrived without financial requirements or any requirements for proper "documentation" and/or official permission. People with the chutzpah to leave their homelands and travel to the U.S. empty-handed to make a new life for themselves are the essence of what has given the country is "maverick" quality.

Unquestionably, there is an sentiment of racism in the desire of many (but, not all) to curtail northbound immigration from south of the current U.S. border, and the transparently disingenuous attempts to deny that insult the intellects of those for whom it is plain to see (especially the immigrants themselves).

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/27/2019 11:37:10 AM

While I have mentioned America did comit genocide to the natives and in my opinion do owe reparations and this may even include land reparations to native people's of America and to its offspring of chattel slavery......

This post is about borders and the subject of immigration. It isn't about reparations.

Just as in Africa..... Ethiopia protected it's borders and against Eritrea for example. Despite Eritreans having as much right to Ethiopia as Mexicans do to America. 'Jah' didn't give the Earth. Ethiopia has immigration policies too! He opened his doors to I MAAFA but otherwise was as strict as anywhere else in order to protect his sovereign Nation.

Immigration is a tricky subject

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 1/27/2019 11:57:20 AM

This is a good example of 'group think'.. One person, one time, writes an objectional post in an air of agreement -- if the shoe was on the other foot -- and instantly we get people jumping on him to tell him how he is wrong to even think about agreeing with me.. Lol..

And infowars is by far and large the best news organization in the world. They have been for a long time. I have supported infowars long before Trump ever came onto the scene. They accurately break down the world situations and tell the truth. It is why they are systematically censored and destroyed. Literally arresting their reporters and harassing them everywhere they go. They have broken so many stories and exposed the system like no one else. Very few people knew of the secret societies down to who the people are and where it started and what bills and legislation they pass to move the agenda along before Alex Jones and infowars. They are enemy number 1 because they are real. Just like Trump. Thats why infowars reports accurately on Trump. Truth is not bias. I have been asking you to debunk infowars but you havent even tried. And if you did, I almost garuntee you would pick some mainstream media talking point.. You have no argument here. Just towing the mainstream narrative some more.. No surprise.

History escapes you all huh? Much of the territory you speak of, having been 'stolen by America, was in fact french settlements before America bought it from them.. Secondly, Cali, Ariz, Tx, New Mex, were desert and largely uninhabitable, especially on a large scale. Now they are thriving with development and opportunity. This is not to justify the conquering of land, just a recognition of how things are today. But again, this entire argument of 'stolen land' is a fundamental belief of the left or liberals when they chant 'no borders, no walls, no USA at all'. Focussing on the past wars and ignoring the new wars. I have brought so much evidence of the frontier of international warfare that threatens ALL of human existence and you have sided with the system everytime. Defending the censorship moves and A.I. surveillance state again and again. The system is so far past what you are focusing on with 'stolen land' as they are pushing for a one world government where they have ALL land and ALL people are removed or enslaved to it.. They are able to move the ball down field by keeping us, the masses, distracted and focused on past wars and you keep falling for it..

They ONLY way to stop this one world government is to reestablish populism and nationalism with national boundaries. Individual nation states working together instead of handing all power over to a group of unelected babylonian bureaucrats. THAT is the goal and they get people to simplify the situation by just calling it racist or xenophobic to want to have a sovereign country.. Go figure.. Pull at the emotions to dumb down the conversation and get people to lay over, to not be offensive, and slowly be conquered. Well I recognize the programming, Infowars destroys the programming, Trump moves against the programming, so we ALL get demonized by the leftist tactics.. You say you dont support the mainstream media, but all you do is repeat their talking points time and time again.. You probably think the Covington Catholic highscool boys with MAGA hats surrounded and bullied that native american man huh?? Even though all evidence shows the exact opposite.. A perfect example of fake news.. And those are the people running the universities teaching the selected 'history' you all parrot here about stolen land.. But you dont see it and you probably never will.. No matter how many times I am proven right by what happens next..

GARVEYS AFRICA: This post is about borders and the subject of immigration. It isn't about reparations.

Just as in Africa..... Ethiopia protected it's borders and against Eritrea for example. Despite Eritreans having as much right to Ethiopia as Mexicans do to America. 'Jah' didn't give the Earth. Ethiopia has immigration policies too! He opened his doors to I MAAFA but otherwise was as strict as anywhere else in order to protect his sovereign Nation.

Ahhh!! You know how MANY times I have brought up H.I.M. immigration policies here? Everytime I get jumped on and censored for being 'foolish'.. LOL! Yes, you see it!! Thank you!

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 1/27/2019 12:22:08 PM

Also, and I forgot to put this in, America has been the most open country in the history of the world as far as immigration goes. 'The wall' is not to stop immigration one bit. But to stop illegal undocumented immigration, that even Obama and the Democrats were against a few years ago, and the extreme dangers that inherently brings.. To strengthen national sovereignty by enforcing borders is NOT xenophobic or racist. Especially when you keep in context the fact that Trump has gotten rid of disastrous NAFTA and renegotiated trade with Mexico and Canada AND put heavy taxes on those companies who go off shores to use those countries and peoples as cheap labor..

Collective individualism.. Sovereign nations in control of their own countries working together for an internationally collective well being. That is diametrically opposed to the open border one world government that babylon is pushing for.

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