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Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 1/17/2019 10:26:39 AM

By far and large its the democrats that want the open borders, because like you said they make serious money and have a continuous voter base. Even some Republicans benefit too but Trump really wants this to stop as it is killing the economy and thousands of people. Its why the powers that be want to remove him so badly. The wall is a necessity. They have created a humanitarian crisis and the Democrats want it to continue. The people want tye wall, Trump wants the wall. Babylon wants the show and destruction through the open border policies. Look at Europe. Its a top down behind closed doors global agreement to foment this. Border security is the only way to slow this down. The wall is the best way to achieve border security. Trump is for real. The establishment hates him for it. Its not all theater. This is a very real problem that requires very real action. BUILD THE WALL

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/17/2019 11:10:10 AM

Without a doubt the best documentary commentary about The Wall produced to date:

With $5 billion devoted to it, just think of the possibilities!

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/17/2019 11:42:49 AM

Let's see, the crack cocaine epidemic, targeting African-Americans, was engineered by the CIA and covert Pentagon operatives in the 80s under the Republican Administration of Ronald Reagan, in part to provide funding to the Contras and other CIA covert ops, and in part to lockup African-American voters for prison labor. Of course, the Democratic Gov. Bill Clinton was also simultaneously facilitating cocaine trafficking through Mena, Arkansas. But let's not forget the explosion of global trafficking of heroin (including into the US) out of Afghanistan brought to you by the CIA once the Republican Bush Administration invaded and occupied that country in 2001. Then again, Afghan heroin kept right on flowing into the US under the Democratic Obama Administration. So I think the notion that Democrats are profiting more than Republicans from selling access to the US through circumvention of the CBP is incredibly naive (or disingenuous).

The thing you overlook is that none of these fat cat politician wants the situation to change. It's NOT the lack of a wall that allows people and contraband to enter the US. If the people with the power wanted to stop the flow tomorrow they have everything that they need to do it. There's no will to stop it because everybody (both parties) are fine with the status quo.

Think about it and maybe the little light bulb will come on over your head. The wall is just a divisive political distraction. Per an anonymous CBP official and consistent with common sense: with the technical, logistical, financial and human resources currently available, the flow of everything and everyone that we don't want coming into the US could be stopped in the morning - no wall required -- just the order for comprehensive interdiction. Nobody, not Mr. Trump, not nobody is going to give that order.

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 1/17/2019 11:59:36 AM

I'm not worried about the Hells Angels bro. You are the worried one, all up in a panic.

The wall will not stop illegal immigration. Most of the illegal immigrants in the country came to it legally and they over stayed their visas.

The wall is pure idiocracy
Pure waste

Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 1/17/2019 12:12:31 PM

Pure necessity. Walls reduce illegal immigration 99%.. 1000's walk across every day. The wall will stop that and then we allocate the appropriate resources to deport those who abuse the visa program. Simple. Build the wall! Its being done! Love it!

Why do you have walls on your house? Pure idiocy? Hahaha. You are extremely ignorant on this one bud.. Accept the loss.

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/17/2019 12:29:48 PM

BANNED H, Maybe you missed this message to Garvey's Africa, so i'll share it with you:

"You say: 'in reasoning ... Ones don't need to come to a conclusion of agreement. Many ctucial[sic] reasoning sessions end in disagreement.'

You're absolutely right about that, G.A. I&i concur 100%.

This forum is not a competition or a debate wherein one is judged to see who 'wins'. It's a sharing of thoughts, beliefs, ideas, concepts, interpretations, observations et al. It's designed to stimulate discussion, thought and reflection influenced, at least in theory to some extent, by our mutual reverence for His Majesty (although this is not mandatory).

i mean, seriously, does anyone really expect to post a paragraph on here that will spark an epiphany in another and trigger a change in deeply held convictions? It could happen, but not very often."

We don't need the win/lose references here. We're sharing. Everyone who derives satisfaction from the reasoning "wins".

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 1/17/2019 12:38:47 PM

The walls on my house keeps the roof up and the cold air and rain out.

What's extremely ignorant is thinking building a wall will solve problems in the USA. Also questions like "why does your house have walls" lol! That is also exteremly ignorant.
Babylons in a panic! Your loss, not mine


Messenger: The BANNED -- Hemphill Sent: 1/17/2019 1:09:45 PM

To keep out unwanted, invasive, elements!! Haha thank you! Point proven! And the only thing babylon is in a panic over is Trump stopping their plans by building a wall, in this instance. It stops their flow of drugs and aex slaves and voters. Yeah they panicking

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 1/17/2019 1:27:04 PM

Boyee you got it twisted! Been down this path you already, not going there again, it goes nowhere, just in cirles. Said all I need to say and it stands:

The wall is a waste and it's pure idiocracy.

Infowars gots you in a panic bro! Babylon is in a panic! Thats why they want to build a wall because they are in a panic. That's why all those countries that built walls built them: PANIC!

Jah Love and Guidance

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/17/2019 1:46:09 PM

Talking to you, Hemp can be kind of like talking to a wall -- no dialogue, no assimilation of information presented by other participants, just populist slogans scrawled across it in spray paint.
i don't know people's ages here, but if anyone remembers the "Drug War" of the 1980s then you'll be aware that there is NO SERIOUS EFFORT being made EVER to curtail illicit drugs flowing into the US. The sanctioned flow of drugs is permitted and protected. The demand is met by supply, and that balance is adjusted by pricing, It's a very well-established business in which the CIA and corporate bankers are up to their ears. Putting up a wall will have absolutely ZERO IMPACT on the flow of drugs entering the US. i cannot believe that at this point in history, with everything that we've experienced and everything that we know from excellent, independently verified reporting by insiders, that anyone would still believe the fairy tale that the US government is trying to impede or stop illicit drugs from flowing into the US. The drug trade is very carefully planned, execute and controlled-- and not just by organized crime or international rogue cartels. Drug addition among the population is very well monitored also. It just flabbergasts me to read you write of building a wall along the border: "Completely effective at stopping... drug running".

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