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Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 1/17/2017 8:29:20 PM

Well. I tried!
If interested, click the links in the above above post to find the pages for the Iself, as these images were only screenshots of what I saw on those pages anyway.
Ises Djehuti

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 1/17/2017 8:37:57 PM

LOL!!!! @ "Oh how very convenient for you mr. strong"


Nice post Sis! Love the Kemetic roots! WELL DONE!

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 1/17/2017 8:55:23 PM

A few linguistic connections to the Kemetic BARIKI or BEREKET

Tanzania: "Mungu ibariki Afrika" (God bless Africa)

Swahili "barak(a)" as a noun meaning "blessing, prosperity, abundance

Arabic barak(a) is cognate with Hebrew baruch

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 1/17/2017 9:48:11 PM

Ises Goddess!
Yes to be clear, Barak/bariki are Kiswahili words, and Bereket is Amarigna. They are both very clearly coming from Medu Neter BRK tho, as are the arabic Barak and the hebrew Baruch! Give thankhs for adding to that list! Wow this thread is meshing with the AfuRaKan Linguistic Family Tree thread =)

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/18/2017 12:48:56 AM

But how can barak = bless if bless come from barak biblically speaking..... some circular business... almost like using the same word to define the same word

I find the Hebrew BRK = to kneel down. Also a name of a military leader who supposedly slaughter the Caananites.
Whereas BRQ = light / to shine.

"The word bless, found numerous times in English translations of the Bible, is a purely abstract word that cannot be sensed, nor is it in motion. In order to interpret this word correctly we must find its original concrete meaning. In Genesis 24:11 we read, “And he made the camels “kneel down” outside the city.” The phrase “kneel down” is the Hebrew verb ב;;ר;;ך;; (B.R.K), the very same word translated as “bless.” The concrete meaning of ב;;ר;;ך;; is to kneel down. The extended meaning of this word is to do or give something of value to another. God “blesses” us by providing for our needs and we in turn “bless” God by giving him of ourselves as his servants."

"Extended meaning" - a deh so it reach?

BRK or BRQ still in I books is not the same as Bless. Bless must go.

And talking of kneel down or talking of light/shine seems it always come back to sun worship. True skygod. Power to RA

Haile I

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 1/18/2017 1:08:21 AM

Yes Garveys Africa! That is exactly the point I was trying to make, and the I clarified it further. BRK (barak, baruch, bereket) does not mean the same as bless. That is a bloody trick.

Yes I, in modern hebrew the word ב;ר;ך; also means knee. Iman is right, kneel is a much closer meaning than blood sprinkle.

And, if ones and ones visit that ipetisut link, it is clear that the MDU NTR is depicting an act involving foot(B), mouth(R), and outstretched hands(K). Which definitely describes a kneeling act of praise.

Giving th ankhs

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/18/2017 1:22:14 AM

Just to add, in the Kimbembe languages Balika also means to shine. As BRQ in hebrew is to shine and buraq in arabic is lightning.

This seems to fit in nicely with the picture the I posted of akhenaten as a lion kneeling..... under the shine and lighting of atens rays

But yes I JC Iman agree with this reasoning and will be removing the wordsound of the norse god blood sacrifice and the hebrew who slaughtered the caananites. Much less will I be bowing or kneeling.

High Praises (to attach high value to - CLEAN etymological history on dem 1! I checked!)

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 1/18/2017 1:37:30 PM

Haile King. Very true. As the I said, always come back to sun worship.

To each their own way, as a yogiwomban I will keep on kneeling =)
Oneness + Th ANKHs

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 1/18/2017 1:40:16 PM

And yes, in full Igreement, that blood connotation is gonna be wiped clean from Iyah lips.
Ises I

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 1/18/2017 4:33:40 PM

The yoga sun salute features postures (asanas) and several Chi Kung movements are similar to those of Mes Rem (Moslem / Muslim) solar salaat positions (Rakaat or Raka'ah). All 7 positions are found in Ta Meri (Kemet/Egypt)

This particular scene (to the left above) is from a chapter within the Pert Em Heru called "Chapter of Drinking Water in God's Domain." This theme is also found in Coffin Texts (Spell 359) where there is a focus on drinking water not to get burnt by the fiery lakes in the underworld. The recital of Chapter LXIII enabled the deceased to avoid drinking boiling water in the Duat. The water in some of its pools was cool and refreshing to those who were speakers of the truth, but it turned into boiling water and scalded the wicked when they tried to drink of it. May the great water be opened for Ausar, may the cool water of Djehuty and the water of Hapi be thrown open for the Lord of the horizon in this my name of Pedsu. May I be granted power over the waters like the limbs of Setukh, for I am he who crosses the sky, I am the lion of Ra, I am the slayer who eats the foreleg, the leg of beef is extended to me, the pools of the Field of Reeds, limitless eternity is given to me, for I am he who inherited eternity, to whom everlasting was given. Chapter 62 PERT EM HERU SUT ("BOOK OF COMING FORTH BY DAY [LIGHT] AND BY NIGHT [SHADOW]).

Salat (ṣ;;alâh) is an Arabic word whose basic meaning is "bowing, homage, worship, prayer."

Isale is a Yoruba word meaning underground, related to Asar.

Isi ana or isi ala is an Igbo phrase meaning "head to the ground" bowing in submission. Ala is mother earth in Igbo spiritual tradition.

Islam is Arabic for "submission". The phonemes/syllables (s-r/s-l) are remarkably similar.

The Kemetic word for prostration is DJEN and relates to surrender, humility and devotion, and in many reliefs it is clear, as the one shown above, that the initiate is prostrating

Genesis 17:3 "And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him..."

Psalm 95:6 "O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker"


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Haile Selassie I