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The Pope

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Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 2/3/2005 3:18:21 PM

I would like to bring up this subject to see what the different opinions and views are on the subject of popes and the current pope in particular. No particular subject just a broad reasoning unless it turns to go a certain way.

Much Love and Blessings


Messenger: Dreadnut Sent: 2/3/2005 4:46:40 PM

The pope as well as others, have been involved in a long history of secrecy. Not only mafia associated, but also with the freemasons as well. The whole goal of the priesthood from the beginning days of egyptall the way until the time of the roman catholic church, priesthood was used for control. Priests atarted out in the very first universities of mankind. They were known as the Mystery Schools. This was a place were only initiates were allowed to come to be oraly given the "arcane and hiddn knowledge" which today becasue of the wonders of science we know now that some of these secrets, are nothing more than judgemnts based off of emotinal response rather than intellectuial response. But this knowledge was kept from the masses, the Pope's of old could have control by means of fear over the people. This is where the Hell misconceptions have derived from. The people who were not initiates would be forced to surrender to the wil of these people because they "contained the sercrets to salvation." Indeed they call him the vicar of christ, which is silly because that translates to - The representative of annoited with oil. Christ is not a name of someone, it means annoited with oil. King Daivid was a Christ, King Selassie... and so on. The pope uses the doctrine for control and manipulation, which goes against the preservation of life.

Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 2/5/2005 11:34:58 AM

InI research give me verified facts concerning the pope

The office of the pope, is the antichrist!
His title is equivalent to the sum of 666!
He fulfills all the Iblical qualifications for being the antichrist from his name, its title, his actions, his leadership, and especially his unification with govts. to form a new world order where govt and church is one in the same

i have seen pictures of him kissing the holy quoron and embracing jewish rabbis, this leads me to believe the new world order will become a reality in his lifetime

Messenger: gideon Sent: 2/5/2005 2:47:37 PM

Vicar of christ means someone who acts in the name of christ, like a power of attorney.
In the chaos that existed at the time, people decided to get together and form an organization so that they could increase their power. The principle of collective security.
It is like when people decide to measure distance according to miles, or inches or whatever. There is no such thing in nature as an inch, but people invent it to make things easier. And when a large number of people organize together and they all use the same units of measurement then they are able to increase their power by collective security.
The Catholic organization made up many names that don't exist in nature, but they did it for the purpose of establishing a way for people to work together. They invented the country, government, money etc. These are useful tools that help people to work together to do what they want to do.
Unfortunately people have used these tools for bad purposes as well as good purposes. What people do with a tool doesn't make a tool good or bad.
The Pope and the Catholic organization have created many tools that are very powerful and can be used for great purposes.
Remember earth itself is a tool that mankind can use for good or bad, and we do not blame the maker when people use earth in a wrong way.
The system has become a stumbling block today and many people are so confused. What's more, many of those in power take advantage of the confusion to do evil things, and also they encourage the confusion. But this is not the fault of the system. When you stumble over soething it is because you weren't looking where you were going, or you were walking wrong. It is not because of the stumbling block.

We should take the weapons of the enemy and make him return the way he came. Those weapons can be very beneficial in the right hands.

Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 2/5/2005 3:51:16 PM

aight Gideon much RASpeckt, pass me an oozie

Messenger: Dreadnut Sent: 2/6/2005 12:47:08 AM

My bredren, Vicarius Filli dei means "He who stands in the Place of Christ" Not acting, taking the palce. If you take the time to go and read the doctrine of the church, they believe that he is christ on earth, that is why he has been given the power to change divine law.

Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 2/6/2005 11:45:05 PM

who gave him the power to change divine law, his followers

the ible says you will know the antichrist and babylon cuz he/she will attempt to change divine law

Messenger: gideon Sent: 2/7/2005 9:27:53 AM

These comments are coming from a lack of understanding of the Catholic faith. Take the place of christ and act in the name of christ, it is just words. The main fact is that these people realize that mankind are the voice of Jah in creation. Whatever men do in creation it is the father acting through them, note what Jesus said to Pilate. Even though the ruling and the logic were faulty Jesus was sure that Pilate's will was actually the will of God, in terms of creation. Read it.
The next point is that Jesus taught that it is the spirit of actions that are important, and that the old principle of adherence to the law written in stone was no longer paramount. Therefore Jesus said, mankind is lord of the sabbath. It means that man does have the right to supercede the sabbath laws about not working etc.
So if the Pope saw fit to change the day of congregation to sunday, who are you and me to question that? He made a decision and his followers made a decision to accept his decision. That is creation power, the spirit of Jah.
You are seriously missing a very important element of the message of christ, which is that we have to right to do what we see fit, and no law can condemn us whether we are right or wrong. Please go to some christian site and I am sure you will find explanations, especially if you ask them, they will say what I just said.

Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 2/7/2005 2:06:50 PM

Been there, done that!

So if it is okay to change the sabboth from the 7th day to the 1st, what other commandments is it okay to alter?

Peep the facts!

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 2/7/2005 9:41:43 PM

Gideon, you said,
You are seriously missing a very important element of the message of christ, which is that we have to right to do what we see fit, and no law can condemn us whether we are right or wrong. Please go to some christian site and I am sure you will find explanations, especially if you ask them, they will say what I just said.

The law condemns wickedness, but no law exists that condemns righteousness, so righteous Ones are not under the Law, because there is no law against them.

I have no desire to go to a christian site because I know that they will say what you say. I prefer to listen what Christ say, not "christians".

Jah alone is a Christian.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

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