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Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 3/7/2014 1:50:17 PM

Ras Nate 1995

The I said,black Israelites practised the sabbath,why shouldnt I?

If the I is Israel then go ahead.But InI talk about the Incient Itiopian perspective,did the Incients practise the sabbath?
I also heard that the keeping of sabbath by the Nyahbinghi started not that long ago.The Incient elders didnt chant Nyahbinghi on sabbath,its only now we chant binghi on sabbatikal

Messenger: RAS-NATE-1995 Sent: 3/7/2014 2:11:24 PM

According to what is written in the Kebra Nagast yes they did.It say Queen Makeda was told about the God of Israel by Negus Solomon,and from then Itiopians worship HIM,so if they worship Him it mean they also kept the Sabbath,right...

Messenger: RAS-NATE-1995 Sent: 3/7/2014 2:11:29 PM

BTW:has the I never heard of an Itiopian Israelite...?

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 3/7/2014 2:25:44 PM

He's talking about the Ancient Ethiopians, the Kushites and Aksumites pre Christianity. They were giving praises to the Sun and moon as in Ancient Kemet. To suggest they were keeping the 'sabbath' would be reaching without some good evidence

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 3/7/2014 2:39:52 PM

The Kebra say so and dats how judaism came to Africa,but we had our own spirituality long before.
Even the Ethiopian priesthood was established long before the Israelite,and even the throne.

My Idren
Ithiopia is the mother,Israel the daughter.Look to Itiopia for the source of everything that Israel practice and taught.
Moses Law was taken from Egypt by Moses.The miracles dat Jesus parform,he was taught by Egyptians.
Israel got its everything concerning spirituality from Itiopia.

Messenger: RAS-NATE-1995 Sent: 3/7/2014 3:52:34 PM

Yes I.I agree that Itiopia is the source of all wisdom.JAH RastafarI is also an Itiopian,but HE doesn't deny the keeping of the sabbath or any other practice of the the Israelites/Judaism.I don't see anything wrong in keeping the sabbath holy,I also don't think it's in vain or made up,coz I notice that on the sabbath the Irits are much Ier.

Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 3/10/2014 10:43:43 AM

Does the I think I a waste I time wit idleness? No Mhun. I and I a wake early in the morning a learn in the Education. First the education in a I and I land was of the babylon arien race, but that a changed when Haile Selassie I came into power. Haile Selassie I built school and the Haile Selassie I University. Haile Selassie I Built the HIGHER EDUCATION and this HIGHER EDUCATION can be found in a Africa States where BLACK In Powerment is in Rule. In Africa, the blacks rule, and the white education is replaced with the black man's education which is FREEDOM to EDUCATION and the Grand Builder of Higher Education is the Emperor Haile Selassie I. Education is Freedom to Learn. I and I is free to learn. The Emperor only ask that one must help Africa in return for I and I's Freedom of Education. And I and I will go learn Education on the Sabbath because I and I see it that I and I is fullfilling the Emperor's wishes and Creation.

Jah Ras Tafari

Messenger: RAS-NATE-1995 Sent: 3/10/2014 1:14:46 PM

"The possesion of degrees alone does not classify anyone as fully educated." H.I.M. Haile Selassie I
I pesonally didn't go a school for about 3-4 years already.and when I did go,i used to be much more idle than now,I also educated Iself in a way that 30 years of school can't educate.Yes bredren,I agree that education in universities and schools is important for the growth of a people and a country.But the real education only begins when you finish school...

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 3/10/2014 2:21:42 PM

Ras Nate... you said you notice on the sabbath the Irits are higher?

Which sabbath would this be?


Based on who your talking to you get a different sabbath..... And is this a new thing? Or would the Irits be high on that particular day ever since creation? - for example 2000 years ago when there was no 7 day week before the adoption of the Julian calender...... how would the Ancients decipher when the Irits are high if there is no concept of the 'week' as we know it?

Was there a specific instruction from Jah (with the adoption of the Roman calender system) that we should keep one day out of their week holy?

Messenger: RAS-NATE-1995 Sent: 3/10/2014 4:01:00 PM


Iman keep the Sabbath on saturday.

I think if it's like the I sais,then it's not realy becoz of the day itself that the Irits are Ier,but we in our minds know that the Sabbath resting day has come,so the Irits are Ier becoz of our conciousness that it's sabbath and the seventh day.It's hard to explain Idren but I notice it's true,every sabbath I feel that the Inecction to Selassie I is stronger,and in the Iyabinghi InI have the Sabbathical chanting wich also is considered SPECIAL becoz of the day...

(In Israel jews start the Sabbath on friday evening and finish on saturday evening.)


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