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Messenger: Ark I Sent: 2/21/2014 11:40:36 PM

But,the I's have not realy answered the question:if the sabbath is kept holy when performing physical action on it but not sining.

To properly observe the Sabbath, the I is not supposed to do physical activity, unless it is an emergency.

Messenger: RAS-NATE-1995 Sent: 2/22/2014 5:28:35 AM

Blessed love Ark I; I don't like all the wavering,I just needed a straight answer as the I has given. Thanks and Ises to the Iest Itinually;JAH RastafarI;Menen I;

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 2/24/2014 11:33:25 AM

Through studying the Torah, I sight that there are only a few specific rules about keeping Shabbat hola.
Iman should:
-do what pleases Jah (Isaiah 56:4)

Iman should not:
-desecrate Shabbat (Isaiah 56:6)
-do as the I pleases (Isaiah 58:13)
-gather manna (Exodus 16:22-30)
-gather firewood (Numbers 15:32-36)
-plow or harvest (Exodus 34:21)
-kindle a fire (Exodus 35:3)
-trade (Nehemiah 10:31, Amos 8:5)
-carry loads (Jeremiah 17:19-27)
-do the labor involved in preparing, buying and selling in Nehemiah (13:15-22)

Ex. 35:2 for breaking the Sabbath…death!
Genesis 2:17
Ephesians 5:14.

There are some direct statements in Scripture for those who are now part of the commonwealth of Israel (Eph. 2:12-18) who are being made into the Tabernacle of Yahweh (Eph. 2:19-22; 1 Pet. 2:5-9; 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1; Rev. 21:1-3) and keeping the perpetual covenant of the Sabbath (Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 31:13-18; Heb. 4:9).

With each of these there is a specific context that must be examined.
The usual word used for work is avodah. A couple other words used in Scripture include ‘amal or yaga’, which relate to toil. The Word used at least 167 times in the TaNaKh (law, prophets and writings) is mela’ka. It is from the root l’k which produces the word for messenger, mal’ak, as well as the message they carry mal’akut. Mela’ka is not associated with physical exertion, but rather those actions that are involved in creative projects, such as what we see in the work of the Tabernacle or in Yahweh’s creative work summarized in Gen. 2:1-3.
Sabbath is a day of rest from creative, mela’ka activity in order to honor God’s finished creative work. By ceasing to produce whatever is newly fashioned on this day, we acknowledge the sovereignty of the Creator who brought all things into existence.

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 2/24/2014 11:47:48 AM

The last part of the above post is from an email that a One sent to Iwombman. This man is a "Torah walker" as he calls himself, or in other words a Messianic Jew. Still, his studies and statements might apply to Rastafari who study the Bible.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 2/24/2014 10:41:25 PM

Give thanks for the references from scripture.

Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 3/7/2014 2:19:06 AM

Those were the days of the Jews. Fo I and I around dis time, Every Day is a Sabbath Day. Every Day I and I do JAH works.

The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.
-Jesus Christ

Whatever the task may be, man may begin it but he cannot complete it, unless God sustains and supports him. If he fails to accomplish the task on which he has set out, having worked to the best of his ability, he is not to be maligned by being called lazy.
-Haile Selassie I

Messenger: RAS-NATE-1995 Sent: 3/7/2014 6:53:25 AM

Yes Melchizedek.But what you mean for InI every day is a sabbath?InI have come to the conclusion on this reasoning that to keep the sabbath properly InI must rest from all activity to restore InIselves.And I don't think that InI are conridered lazy for being pasive on the sabbath coz the day is ment for resting. BLESSED LOVE;RastafarI;

Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 3/7/2014 8:25:36 AM

Yes I, true, the sabbath is a day of resting. I respect any I that rests on the sabbath and is tired of the week. I and I humble for the I. But then again, there is youts that will do some physical activities on the sabbath like play soccer. I man don't say they wrong. If they play soccer whole week and don't go to school or work then there is fyah for them. Education is a must. Jah works is righteousness. Righteousness Endures for Ivah.

Back to the strict sabbath of the jews, sometimes I see Iyahs selling on a sabbath, they are working with money on the sabbath. Now this would be wrong for a jew to do this, but for Rasta, I won't blame, because the Iyah is doing works to put food in the belly of them and family. So, would the I tell all those Iyahs selling fruit and such on the sabbath to go home and rest? I certainly won't. If I were an hungered and stranger to a place, and I see the fruit stall and wants to buy fruit, but the I in charge say, its sabbath, I have to wait till sun-set or tomorrow before I can buy, won't the I think this guy is insane? I mean, its hot, the I is dying of thirst and wants to buy water, but the I in charge of the water tells the I the water is closed and will only open after sun-set or tomorrow because it is sabbath; won't the I think this Iyah is playing?

Messenger: RAS-NATE-1995 Sent: 3/7/2014 9:06:30 AM

I ovestand your point.And what the I wrote is the reason I posted this question about the sabbath day.But why do you say the yutes must go to school becoz of education? Berhane say:if I would be educated I would be a damn fool.Surely he was talking about the Babylon Colombus Marco polo miseducation system.InI education is different,InI learn Iritual education,survival education and exposing Babylon education.

Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 3/7/2014 9:33:40 AM

Its because I read the Words of His Imperial Majesty.

I read this:

Higher Education

A well organized education should not be one which prepares students for a good remuneration alone. It should be one that can help and guide them towards acquiring clear thinking, a fruitful mind, and an elevated spirit.

The educated person that Ethiopia and countries of our level needs is not one who had stuffed bits of knowledge into his mind. The needed educated individual is one who uses the ideas he obtained from his lectures, books, and discussions to the best advantage of his own country and his own people. It is he who disseminates new ideas in harmony with the economic and social aspects of his own community so that fruitful results would be realized. This is the educated person who can show segments of knowledge he accumulated in his learning, inventiveness in a new situation.

Ethiopia is a country with her own culture and mores. These, our cultures and customs, more than being the legacy of our historical past, are characteristics of our Ethiopianness. We do not want our legacies and traditions to be lost. our wish and desire is that education develop, enrich, and modify them.

You all know the continuous effort that Ethiopia is exerting for the development of a profound and high standard education. We need educated and trained persons for research, for the study and development of our country's resources, for technology, for medicine, for the law, and the administration for our people according to their custom. These are the needs that constrain us to provide, at all levels, education free of charge. And students, ever mindful of this privilege, should endeavour to recompense their country and nation.

The opportunity for education, afforded to the fortunate in our country, is not given to them for a fashion or a mode. It is given for a purpose, for a task, for a high reponsibility for full and exhaustive use, for the benefit of our country, and the coming generation. We have just explained to you the type of result, and responsibility that we expect from you students. It is on you, the members of the faculty that we must rely for this result. We realize the heavy responsibility we have entrusted to you. We hope that you too, while believing and accepting your responsibilities as your sacred duties, will, produce for Ethiopia persons who take pride in you and their education and are ready for the call of service.

It is you who must mold the minds of your students that they may be wise, farsighted, intelligent, profound in their thinking, devoted to their country and government and fruitful in their work. It is you who must sense as the example.

On their part also, they will have to learn not only formal education but also self discipline that should be worthy to be inherited. May the Almighty God be with you in the fulfillment of your duties.

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Haile Selassie I