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break the circle and Rise

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Ark I Sent: 1/25/2014 1:25:15 AM

Whoever wants to believe everything in the Bible, do it. Whoever wants to reject the Bible, do it. Whoever wants to do something in between, do it.

What is the point of all this back and forth about the Bible. Whoever will be convinced one way or the other, will be convinced by what has already been said. I have had this forum for ten years and have heard this argument many times and nothing really new has come. Both sides continue to say essentially the same things, and both sides don't convince each other of anything. And both sides thinks the other is a fundamentalist, and they are both right. Both are trying to convince the other of their fundamentalist views.

This is all Babylon training, they have trained people to have a mind of allegiance. Allegiance to products, sports teams, nations, political groups, etc., etc. This makes them well trained to be manipulated to do whatever Babylon wants from them. Some say Ford trucks are the best and GMC sucks, others say the opposite, and others say they both suck and this other brand is the best. Then there are Apple phone/computer followers vs Android followers, pointing out the flaws of the other, promoting the good of their own, and even defending or ignoring the bad of their own, instead of criticizing it so that the company can fix it and the product of the brand they prefer would become better.

I don't support any politician or political party, unless that are worthy of support, which I have yet to see. I have reasoned about I views of their double-face illusion .

Democracy, Republic
The Four Faces of Control

So when I speak with people who are conservative/republican or liberal/democrat (they give themselves these labels), I find that many are so biased towards their party, that they defend what they would condemn if it came from the other party, and condemn what they would defend if it came from the other party. I can agree with the ways that I find agreeable and disagree with the ways I find disagreeable. So it becomes a different conversation then it would between them and another who supports an "opposing" political party. A liberal can no longer speak against the conservatives to insult or stir up opposition in their debate, because I may or may not agree with their assessment, but I won't take it personal and try to turn the conversation around to insult their political party, because I don't support any of them.

This allegiance mentality is the same old divide and rule that Babylon has been using for decades. Instead of using differences as barriers and opposition, I and I should Learn from each other so both can Rise. I and I don't have to agree on everything to Learn from each other.

Instead of arguing with those that don't accept or are against the Bible, show the good that is in the Bible. Instead of arguing how flawed the Bible is and how great Egypt is, show the good example in Egypt. So much time and energy has been spent on this conversation about the Bible. The initial exchange had usefulness, but it lost its usefulness a while ago. Let I and I Reason of things that will make one another Rise and Learn, instead of being stagnant on two opposing views with no intention to change on either side.

Instead of spending so much time criticizing the Bible about its imbalance regarding Man and Woman, show the proper example of the relationship between Man and Woman. This was my attempt:

Man and Woman

I and I need to Learn to Live as Man of Right, God in Flesh, instead of just saying we are God and continue to live like men. So instead of arguing over each other's fundamentalism. Teach each other the Righteousness the I has Learned. So I and I can collect all Righteousness and Rise I and I self as Man of Right, God in Flesh and Woman of Right, God in Flesh.

Marcus - God In Man
Friday, August 26, 1927

0 weary son of sorrow great!

How apt art thou to bow and grieve,

And count all things thy solemn fate,

As if thou canst not self retrieve!

May I not tell the story true

Of that Eternal Force that is-

The Force that makes the world and you;

The Force that rules and ever lives?

Thou art the living force in part,

The Spirit of the Mighty I;

The God of Heaven and your heart

Is Spirit that can never die.

You're what you are in heart and mind,

Because you will it so to be;

The man who tries himself to find,

Is light to all, and great is he.

In each and every one is God,

In everything atomic life;

There is no death beneath the sod,

This fact, not knowing, brings the strife.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/25/2014 1:37:26 AM

Based off of certain texts in this book i hear black people tell I say they aren't Africans as they are Hebrew from Shem(not Ham). I hear Africans tell me they worship a European as in not to see God through their own eyes. I see Africans who explain the wickedness done to them as the will of God, or due to the curse of Ham. I see oppressed people turning the other cheek / obeying their slavemasters and awaiting for their savior Jesus Christ to better their situation rather than relying on their own inner (and outer) self. I see the name of the first slave ship.

More than most I see a fear. A fear that if one acknowledges any other way of thinking in terms of spirituality and beliefs, and acknowledges the legitimacy of another God and or way of living outside of the Bible text; that God will punish you.

For this, people will not allow you to talk about any alternative ideologies no mater how complex or ancient.

People say there is good in the Bible too. So InI say OK, keep that if you wish to stick to certain parts and teachings. But the specific portions of text which attack the true history of Africa, including the way in which the Ancients viewed the woman; this must be Burned / Purified / Defalsified.


Messenger: jehosaphat2011 Sent: 1/25/2014 3:36:38 AM

I over's what the I say.
I realise as much as I may want to put I views across, it will be subject to other views, and this is mutualy Indepedent, so who is Right? Is the trigger of conflict.

Opinion v/s opinion.
Bias v/s bias
predjucice v/s predjudice...

This is not the essence of reasoning.
I have not found a solution, what is The Way foward.
Mankind has become a conflict, I know this was not the initial plan of creation and living.
I really love HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I's Autobiography: My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, and thanks for the resent posting of the last portion of the seconnd volume.
What I really miss in this Forum is this Great Jewel/Light.
Where I come from is really remote and we have no access to many things. I really feel handicapt that I cant get This Book anywhere else.
Could it be possible for the I to e-mail me the whole script? I dont deal with piracy but I got to bring Ras TafarI Works to the Ghetto Youths.
How I long to read HIM Words!
Then can I reason with HIM over the real situation in a this a time.
Finaly I sign in name could be a trigger for bias, I request the I to change it to RasTafarIWork.

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 1/25/2014 9:53:07 AM

Greetings RastafarIWork,

Here is a link to a manuscript of My Life and Ethiopia's Progress II in a Reasoning:

My Life and Ethiopia's Progress Vol 2

The forum used to have both Autobiography volumes posted, but they had to be taken down due to a copyright issue.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 1/25/2014 10:19:31 AM

The people that say that say that Shem is African, so they still consider themselves African. If you think the story is made up then Shem can be African if people want to interpret it that way.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 1/25/2014 10:21:54 AM

Eleazar, I forgot that the I posted the autobiography. I apologize, but I will need to remove those posts also.

Messenger: RasTafarIWork Sent: 1/25/2014 1:45:18 PM

Give Thanks and Isis to The Most High God Jah Ras TafarI, Who Lives and Rules and Reigns over all living flesh: The Iver Giving, The Iver Living, The Iver Loving Father of All Creation.
I am greatly delighted for the provision of I new sign in name.
Eliazar, thanks for I reminder, and the post.
Jah Love and Guidance Itinualy.

Messenger: RasTafarIWork Sent: 2/6/2014 12:08:48 PM

Hail Jah!
Now I need to find volume 1 of His autobiography.
Any help?

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 2/6/2014 1:08:38 PM


Messenger: RasTafarIWork Sent: 2/6/2014 3:09:17 PM

The autobiography of HIM volume 1 was in this Forum, thats the one I mean. Of course buying is an option, anyway I want to print these by the Order of HIM, that "any part of this book can be printed without permission".

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