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It is not Wrong to eat Meat

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Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 3/8/2013 7:52:37 AM

Rasta is not about what you eat. Jah don't care what you eat. Jah does care for every child of Jah. So lets not fight anymore about food. Lets not fight anymore of what we eat. Thats making 'rasta' look ridiculous. We eat food together, because together we are hungry. Together we work, together we build and develop humankind, Jah children is together children of Jah. Together we are filled.

So stop argueing with rastas who eat meat and vegeterians. Stop it. You look ridiculous argueing of food. Jah don't need humankinds to argue of food like dogs. We are not dogs. Jah is a Human Being. Together we are made in Jah image. Together we are humankind. Its not because you try to be bob shanti now Jah will take you. no. Jah is need I and I to be filled, and no dis respect another's food, let your neighbour get filled too. Jah don't care of strict diet anymore. Jah care for is to let the hunger be fed.

So stop fighting with each other. Let us come together in one love in peace and in joy together ones and ones, and let us witness as mosiahs sees Jah prophecy is fulfilled through Selassie I.

Jah Bless

Jah RastaFarI

Selassie I

Messenger: jessep86 Sent: 3/8/2013 12:02:29 PM

Chica, I feel you

All Rastas can agree that Rastfari is from the beginning, The Way of the beginning was perfect, but man has fallen away from the perfection in the garden.

In the beginning the situation was perfect including diet, fruits abundant and so nurtouring on would not eat to eat much and the air was so full of life giving spirit energy breating was different, back then in beginning im sure pollon was in air and the smell of flowers was a delight everywhere.

After the flood it became lawful to eat animals because of the conditions of earth, the abundance of plant foods was no longer......They could not be sustained without eating their fellow animals who carry the same red blood that bears withness to all things on earth along with the water and the spirit.

Bible says to drasin out all blood befor eating it,,,but INI dont mind this becuse INI eyes are on Zion the perfection, as was in the beginning so will be in end and Rasta is prearing for the gardens of bliss, not babylon diet and factory farming, rasta is preparing for living in zion, not dying in bbaylon, in thought word and deed, in prayer meditaion and repentance, INI am paving the road back to the glory of ourselves befor the fall, for INI want to live as befor the fall, not after!

Haile Selassie Guides

Even if one has to eat meat to live, does not mean its their most Ideal choice, cant choose the best if dont got the choice!
If Selassie was always in place with abundant plant foods, like the blue mountains of Jamaica he would not eat meat,

One can look at just the murderer and condemn ,or can look also at the reason why murdered someone and justify

One can condemn meat eater, or can look at why them eat meat and justify them.. Forgive them....

Peace and Love

Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 3/8/2013 12:17:24 PM

Rasta is not about the outside of how you look. You are not here to Judge another of their life style, and culture, what they eat, or wear. You are here to serve the most High. Stop saying You must do this to become rasta. You are WRONG then to say you must do certain things to be rasta. WRONG. You are from the rastas of satan. I and I are Rasta of Jah RASTAFARI by believing Jah is I and I creator and Knowing I and I is to serve the Head Creator Jah RastaFarI. So stop argueing and fighting one another. None of you rastas can burn fiya. You are not supposed to burn fiya on your neighbour. You who burn fire are come in vain. You are rasta of satan. You are confused in false doctrines. You believe Ital to be vegan. When Jah Comes, Jah will burn even the vegan who think Jah will take them only, but they have not the Christ with their faith. You are not Jah. You are not BOBO ASHANTI. You can only belong to the Mansion of either, but you are not God.
I and I are here to serve Jah. Jah put chemicals in nature, and it is in I and I righteousness to use chemicals, because we find even chemicals in vegetables and in everything. So don't be foolish. Jah gave us Chemicals to use. Don't be fooled thinking chemicals came from white man. Jah make everything.
Jah is black human being. Jah mades everything with black hands and a black head, even the Black Christ is Jah. So stop wasting yourz time trying to be Jah. Use I and I time wisely to serve Jah in gathering together in one love, one peace, and one joy. Together we love one another. Together we are in Peace. Joyfully we are together here to serve a Almighty Jah RasTaFarI
Haile Selassie I Emmanuel I Jah RastaFarI

Messenger: NordMan Sent: 3/8/2013 3:00:19 PM


No Ras say rastas from satan.

Rastafari choose too eat fruit herbs and veggies to connect with Jah.
Food is a tool and controling it is another. Just different levels. Due to the differences in where ones are in their trod some lack overstanding of that. IandI should know that the road is rocky and be grateful for the tools given to get by and through.

Rastafari Sons and Daughters overstand Oneness and through Oneness sight Haile Selassie I as God, Creator and Savior.

Rastafari read the Bible and other holy scriptures. Rastafari don't deal with no slavemaster purpose. The Bible is a tool for Man. Man is not a tool for the Bible. Man is a tool of Jah.

Rastafari people love fire and appriciate the cleansing. Fire is not a "wish to hell", its a ticket closer to the Father.

Fire burn lowering Jah to the levels of men. Jah is the Man of Right and is manifistated on earth to the Fullness in HIM Haile Selassie I.

Rastafari blessings

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 3/8/2013 10:53:41 PM


You come hear with this topic, telling RasTafarI people that RasTafarI people eat flesh. You came and brought this contention and argument, so who is the person of satan then? You see I don't say "rastas of satan", as you like to say, because there is no such thing. Those two word don't come together, no such thing exists.

I have no argument with those that eat flesh, but if a person wants to talk about what RasTafarI people eat, I and I eat vegetables, and some of I and I eat fish also, but I and I don't eat the flesh of other animals.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 3/8/2013 11:01:19 PM

You say,
So stop argueing with rastas who eat meat and vegeterians. Stop it. You look ridiculous argueing of food.

You have hardly made any other post here except for your arguments about eating flesh. Is that the only thing you can speak about?

Messenger: jessep86 Sent: 3/8/2013 11:12:42 PM

Jah did not inject cows with artificial hormones and fed them grain to make them have more toxic meat

The milk is toxic, them factory meat is toxic, if going eat animal products, hunt it your self, milk a healthy cow or goat

dont eat something that was never loved, dont eat suffering pain, dont support animal abuse,

karma will come for those who support the factory farming of animals in ungodly conditions
they will reap what they sow

in thought word and deed, get what you give, or repent and be forgiven

turn to righeousness,listen to god within, spirit of truth will guide

Jesus did not tust turn the tables in the temple but also freed the animals from the cages, they were going be sacrifieced in fire

so INI should not fill our body mind heart temples with thoughts of money and too much sacrificed animals....

besides this the 10 commandments says:Thou shall not murder....

It does not say thou shall not murder people,

In the great exodus of Moses Jah provided MANNA for his people of repartriation exodus 16 but they craved their old way and craved meat of animals...(it can be addicting) numbers 11

Jah provided the quail but while it was still in their mouth

the lord brought upon them a plauge.....

is what your craving really necessary for the trod to ZION?

I know whats right for I Hola Spirit is Confirmation and assuration, do what you beleive in and live up

Becomming vegan has brough I closer to the creato and creation, oneness and unity and a true Rastafari teachings will always encourage the most healthy plant based diet possible to ones situation and environment.....Bless Up In health wealth and wisdom.


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 3/8/2013 11:39:21 PM

Black Heart, the I said,
I n I know de eating of an animal by anada animal is canibalism.

That is not true, animals eating other animals is part of the Balance of Life.  Haile Selassie I made it so, this balance promote Life, and some animals have been made eat flesh, and some have even been made to eat rotted flesh of animals.  Even the bacteria and viruses are part of this balance.

Some animals are made with a structure to only eat flesh, and some with a structure only to eat vegetables.  And then there are animals all along the range from mostly flesh with some vegetables, to mostly vegetables with some flesh, and everything in between.

A dog can survive on vegetables if given the right kind of food, but a cat can't.  There are certain nutrients that a cat can only get from flesh, and would not survive on only vegetables.

Humans have a structure where they can survive on only vegetables, or on mostly flesh, or various ranges in between.  For good health, vegetables should at least be the majority of a person's liveth, with flesh in moderation as an option.  Despite what people say, the digestive system of a human is neither like a carnivore or herbivore, it is something in between, from the length of intestines to the structure of our teeth, and other aspects of our digestive system.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 3/9/2013 12:03:42 AM

Some in the TTI may eat goat and other flesh, in the TTI , you will find people that do many things that RasTafarI normally don't do.  RasTafarI people have been living a particular way for a long time now.  Many people are less strict here or there, but there are certain lines that are not normally crossed.  So while there may be exceptions, the majority of RasTafarI people will never cross those lines, because it goes against I and I Nature and Thoughts.

It is not wrong to eat flesh, but RasTafarI people don't eat flesh, with the exception of fish for some.  And even those that eat fish should know that there are certain times to abstain.  We Trod the way I and I Trod because it is Natural to I and I, and is in support of I and I Role, and the eating of flesh is an obstacle and hinderance to that.

I and I follow the Teachings of Haile Selassie I, but people must realize that I and I have been set here for a purpose, and the things I and I do are for the Support and Strength towards the Livity and Purpose I and I were put here to Trod with.  Some Ethiopian Orthodox monks carry locks, and live a different life than most other people, but that is not because they are not following the example of Haile Selassie I, it is because they are following His example that they do this.  Selassie I Teach people to do the best they can do in the Role they have, the monks know what their role is and they know that thay are supposed to carry locks and do other things even though Haile Selassie I doesn't carry locks and doesn't certain other things they do.

People have many different Roles in Creation, and there are specific things that each of them do that are for the Support and Strength of their Role. The way RasTafarI people Trod is Natural to I and I because this is I and I Natural Role and Structure.  RasTafarI is not a competition or group to join, it is a Structure of a person that defines a particular Role in Creation.  That is why there doesn't exist a person who used to be RasTafarI.  Anybody who says they "used to be RasTafarI" were either deceiving people or were  mistaken about who they were.  RasTafarI never Leave RasTafarI, because RasTafarI is who I and I are.

Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 3/9/2013 4:25:28 AM

I and I

Just needs to explain this; when ones and ones gather together, lets not fight about what we eat. Lets just come together in one peace, with one open heart, with joy and in oneness we are together gathering in one love. Yes, for a weak body it is better to just eat plants, and not eat animals. I and I is grown strong cause Jah make man to be fightable with big creatures on earth, and protective over Jah. Yes, I and I is protecting rasta from the the satan rastas. So when we gather together, lets not reason of what food to eat. Then we sound ridiculous. Thats what dogs do. They send sounds out their mouth for food which may and may not be eatin by other dogs. Greedy and selfish dogs. Lets not be selfish. It is that which comes out of the mouth that is unacceptable, not that which goes in the mouth which is acceptable. If you are on a diet, then DON'T FORCE another to be with you on a diet. Rather be joyful and in peace with rasta, because satan send messages to the hearts of humankinds to fight over food; thats greedy. So lets not be from the old ways of life. For the old ways of life is from the rastas of satan. The new way of life is from Jah RASTAFARI who is the Fulfillment of all prophecy and I trust my diet in HIM. I and I put faith in His diet prepaired for humankind. For HIM make the earth full of fat, and HIM make the lands of Judah full of fat and milk, so I and I can be filled and drink milk and honey. Yes, the Jes-us Christ Immanuel I Selassie I ate the Lamb and enjoyed eating meat and standing in front of the sacrifice. But I don't force I and I to eat meat if you are on a diet. Eat your diet, for the earth is full of many wonderfull foods, of all kinds of diets. But don't say yourz is ital and the others is not ital. Thats selfish, bragging, and not part of Jah Rasta. So Stop It. Ital is all food mentioned in the scroll that Jah gave the Israelits to eat. Meat is also Ital. Don't be selfish and only claim your diet Ital. Jah's creation is Ital. Be Creative, stop trying to be like Jah. Serve Jah. You who are trying to be Jah. You who is trying to be BoBo AShantI. You who is trying to be Rasta. You are confused in false doctrines, and belong to the rastas of satan. Jah Rastas don't care what you eat if you need to eat to be filled. It takes sacrifice and wealth to become on a diet and eat just the right diet plant food. It takes a whole lot of effort to change the food Jah put on earth to eat. Jah put all foods to eat on earth. Jah put meat to eat on earth. So don't disrespect Jah food, and say rasta don't eat meat. Rather say, "NO-THANK-YOU I'm on a diet and only eat..." That would sound much more RAS than to say rasta don't eat meat. And if it sounds more RASS to be good mannered when eating with others, then you can say, I have JAH MANNA and am obedient in front of Jah's eye sight.

Humble Ones and Ones in One Love, One Open Heart, One Peace, and One Joy. Together we live in Peace. Together we are in One open Heart. Together we Love one another.
We be in Joy together.

Respect is all I'm asking for when we eat together, please rastas.


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