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What is Yoga?

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Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 1/23/2013 6:14:51 AM

Greetings Idrens and Sistrens.I have read somewhere on this forum where it was said H.I.M practised yoga everyday with the Bahtawi.What is dat yoga and who are the Bahtawi and what is the connection of both yoga and the Bahtawi to Rastafari livity? BLESSED LOVE

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 1/23/2013 10:37:57 PM

Yoga is movement, stretching and meditation for the health of people's body, mind and Irits.

It originates from the Hindu people in India.

Messenger: DURU Sent: 1/24/2013 10:51:45 AM

Blessed to all.

Yes I , d translation of yoga is d union with JAH ,and its benefit with health is not its purpose but just d fruit of it,
On d western world its mearly a stretching,and doing certain postures and meditation is wrongly translated to concentration. D purpose of meditation is to watch d mind to transcend it to consciousness from d mind or create a gap between mind and consciousness. Its because of d dominance of d mind ,majority is living unconscious and being controlled by d mind and create fear,desires,greed and separation by creating concepts and living life more complicated and unnatural ,losing d simplicity and beauty of life and d purpose of meditation is to be conscious of it, d mind is a very good servant but a bad master.
Simply by being conscious of d mind it will loose its power to dominate and create destruction.
Wat I know it also originated on ancient KMT perhaps developed on india or d evidence is still present in india,but since hindu culture is older than christianity and has more similarity with afrikan culture and d very essence of afrikan culture is d union to JAH and nature makes it a great possibilty of its afrikan origin ,in fact man originated in afrika obviously spirituality too.


Messenger: DURU Sent: 1/24/2013 11:11:36 AM

Blessed to all

Yes I,Bahtawis are d ascetics of ethiopian tewahedo church such as d sadhus of india , bahtawi and sadhu gave up d earthly desire for meditation ,its livity is based on meditation and r considered as holy man,mostly living on caves to meditate , its purpose on society is simply to inspire man and remind InI to live life simple avoiding earthy wants but not avoiding earthly needs and is a discipline of spirituality to avoid greed , its not dat not to enjoy earthly pleasure but not be possesed of it by greed and to be joyous without depending on materialism ,to be free from desires , to be joyous is to celebrate life,to be 1 with all.


Messenger: jessep86 Sent: 1/27/2013 7:07:29 PM

Yoga means "To Join" "To Unite" " TO Yoke Together"

Yoga is IandI

Practice makes perfect, and IandI become united, joined, yoked together, as Christ the Son Rastafari and The Father Jah are One.

Christ was a Yogi, he lived a life of Yoga, that is doing and living a livity in accordance with THE WAY and in harmony with JAH, a livity that he became The Living Word of Jah and one with Jah by doing jahs Will and become that word, truth and light, by meditation, prayer, teaching, studing, serving working, walking, hiking up mountains to pray and get away in deserts to be alone to overcome the inner demons of temptations, Yoga is IandI Livity that Unites as ONE IandI with JAH
remove all Illusions ,See The truth
See the truth, Remove all illusion..

Messenger: Sister Sent: 2/7/2013 4:31:17 PM

yoga is the way of bringing mind and sense organs under control to know our true nature, not through intellectual knowledge; making the mind one-pointed so as to see the universal self.

True spiritual practice is a commitment to do everything it takes to see the deepest truth there is. yoga can be used to work on negative karma and behavioural patterns and an acceptance of pain that leads to purification.

I experienced fear-less natural childbirth resulting from practising yoga during pregnancy and birth. Yoga is a way to deepening of spiritual experience for anyone, not specific to Hinduism, a moving meditation and a natural aid to wellbeing.

Messenger: apollo Sent: 2/8/2013 11:29:06 AM

Blessed Love.

Thanks for sharing now a know that His Majesty practiced Yoga, i practice meditation everyday it is very nice, Meditation increase Brain's energy and clean the Body. I learned that The herb also increase concentration in Yoga or Meditation.


Messenger: Warrior Dove Sent: 2/8/2013 10:03:19 PM

Yoga is also a Livity; one that fits with I and I trod.

Blessed Love

Messenger: Baba Sent: 2/14/2013 4:56:04 AM

Greetings sisters and brothers!

Is there a proof, such like an utterance from we lord HIM QUADAMAWI HAILE SELASSIE, dat yoga is "good"?
Cause InI never found a trusted source about dat....
InI concern about yoga and yogis/saduhs is dat dem worship idols, an JAH dont like dat, so why should InI practice dem rituals?


Messenger: NordMan Sent: 3/8/2013 3:37:04 PM

HIM speech to Rahdakrishnan

"Were the thoughts of Plato and Socrates, the beliefs of Christianity and Judaism not harmonized with Hindu philosophy; were Yoga and its various stages not exposed to Western thought; had Western religion and philosophy not been exposed to the philosophy and religion of the East through Your Excellency's persistent endeavour, how much the poorer would human thought have been!"

Haile Selassie I, Oct 13, 1965

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