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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 3/11/2011 1:24:23 PM

A magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck Japan, triggering Tsunami waves and causing casualties.

Japan quake ranks as 5th largest since 1900

(AP) – 2 hours ago

PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — The massive earthquake that struck off the coast of Japan Friday ranks as the fifth largest in the world since 1900, scientists said.

The magnitude-8.9 "megathrust" quake is similar to what happened during the 2004 Sumatra quake that spawned a killer tsunami and the earthquake last year in Chile. In all these cases, one tectonic plate is shoved beneath another.

Such earthquakes are responsible for the most powerful shifts in the Earth's crust.

Japan is at particular risk, sitting in the "Ring of Fire" — an arc of earthquake and volcanic zones stretching around the Pacific where about 90 percent of the world's quakes occur.

"The energy radiated by this quake is nearly equal to one month's worth of energy consumption" in the United States, said U.S. Geological Survey scientist Brian Atwater.

More than 80 aftershocks greater than magnitude-5 have been felt since the Japanese rupture — a number that scientists say is normal for a quake this size.

USGS seismologist Lucy Jones said a friend who was in Tokyo for a tsunami planning meeting noted the shaking after the initial shock lasted for about five minutes.

Scientists said the quake erupted 6 miles below the ocean and about 80 miles off Japan's eastern coast. It caused a 186-mile rupture in the sea floor — longer than the coastline of Washington state, said USGS geophysicist Paul Earle.

The rupture triggered deadly tsunami waves that washed away homes and boats along coastal Japan. Waves rippled across the Pacific, but so far had caused little damage in Hawaii. Alerts were posted even to the west coast of the United States.

Two days earlier, the region was rattled by a magnitude-7.2 quake that scientists now consider a foreshock. Foreshocks are basically earthquakes and are only identified as precursors after another quake follows them. After such an event, there's only a 5 percent chance of an even bigger quake coming later.

"This was one of the rare instances where a big earthquake is followed by a bigger earthquake," said USGS geophysicist Doug Given.

Japan's worst previous quake was a magnitude 8.3 temblor in 1923 in Kanto that killed 143,000 people, according to the USGS. A 7.2-magnitude quake in Kobe in 1995 killed 6,400 people.

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 3/11/2011 1:32:10 PM

The 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami (東;北;地;方;太;平;洋;沖;地;震;, Tō;hoku Chihō; Taiheiyō;-oki Jishin[3]?, literally "Tō;hoku region Pacific Ocean offshore earthquake") was an 8.9-magnitude megathrust earthquake that created tsunami waves of up to 10 metres (33 ft).[4] It was measured at 7[5] on the Japan Meteorological Agency seismic intensity scale in the northern Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, with an initially-reported magnitude of 7.9,[5] while the JMA's tsunami warning listed the magnitude as 8.4,[6] later updated to 8.8.[7] The earthquake focus was reported to be off the Oshika Peninsula, the east coast of Tō;hoku on 11 March 2011, at 05:46 UTC (14:46 local time) at a depth of 24.4 kilometres (15.2 mi).[8] News reports by Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) indicate that at least 1000 people have died and another 530 are missing in six different prefectures,[1][2] although it is feared the total number of dead could be far higher.[9][10]

The magnitude of 8.9 made it the largest earthquake to hit Japan in recorded history[4] and the seventh largest in the world since records began.[11][12]

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 3/11/2011 4:14:28 PM

Major Tectonic Boundaries: Subduction Zones -purple, Ridges -red and Transform Faults -green

Messenger: Nazarite I Sent: 3/12/2011 12:05:57 PM

Seems things are going downhill in Japan...

Huge explosion at nuclear plant damaged by the earthquake

Serious times indeed.

Blessed love.

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 3/12/2011 9:13:01 PM

Yes I,

Serious times. I also heard a man in Northern California was swept out to sea by a Tsunami wave caused by the quake.

I read that they don't think any radiation has escaped, but they won't be completely sure for another few days.

Messenger: Nazarite I Sent: 3/13/2011 1:13:01 AM

Things don't add up when they talk about the radiation. They say no radiation escaped but at the same time they put in a 20km exclusion zone around the plant and start distributing anti-radiation iodine tablets. It could just be precautions and I am no expert but from the pictures I have seen of the explosion, I would be surprised if there wasn't some element of untruth in what I and I are hearing.

And now they are also talking about another reactor at the same plant possibly having gone into meltdown and radiation levels having "risen above permissible limits".

Reactor 3 at Fukushima plant in trouble

The Tsunami wave as well appears to have been devastating. Looking at some of the before and after pictures of some of the towns and the devestation is almost unreal.

I heart and prayers go out to the people suffering there.

Blessed love.

Messenger: bredren aaron Sent: 3/14/2011 6:28:04 AM

SOMA, Japan — The second hydrogen explosion in three days rocked Japan's stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant Monday, sending a massive column of smoke into the air and wounding 11 workers. Hours later, the U.S. said it had shifted its offshore forces away from the plant after detecting low-level radioactive contamination.

The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was about 100 miles (160 kilometers) offshore when it detected the radiation, which U.S. officials said was about the same as one month's normal exposure to natural background radiation in the environment.

It was not clear if the radiation had leaked during Monday's explosion. That blast was felt 25 miles (40 kilometers) away, but the plant's operator said radiation levels at the reactor were still within legal limits.

The explosion at the plant's Unit 3, which authorities have been frantically trying to cool after a system failure in the wake of Friday's massive earthquake and tsunami, triggered an order for hundreds of people to stay indoors, said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano. The two disasters left at least 10,000 people dead.

Operators knew an explosion was a possibility as they struggled to reduce pressure inside the reactor containment vessel, but apparently felt they had no choice if they wanted to avoid a complete meltdown. In the end, the hydrogen in the released steam mixed with oxygen in the atmosphere and set off the blast.

Tokyo Electric Power Co., which operates the plant, said radiation levels at Unit 3 were well under the levels where a nuclear operator must file a report to the government.

A similar explosion occurred Saturday at the plant's Unit 1, injuring four workers and causing mass evacuations.

Shortly after Monday's explosion, Tokyo Electric warned it had lost the ability to cool Unit 2. Takako Kitajima, a company official, said plant workers were preparing to inject seawater into the unit to cool the reactor, a move that could lead to an explosion there as well.

The Unit 3 reactor's inner containment vessel holding nuclear rods was intact, Edano said, allaying some fears of the risk to the environment and public. TV footage of the building housing the reactor appeared to show damage similar to Saturday's blast, with outer walls shorn off, leaving only a skeletal frame.

More than 180,000 people have evacuated the area in recent days, and up to 160 may have been exposed to radiation _ pouring misery onto those already devastated by the twin disasters.

Messenger: bredren aaron Sent: 3/14/2011 6:30:30 AM

While Japan has aggressively prepared for years for major earthquakes, reinforcing buildings and running drills, the impact of the tsunami _ which came so quickly that not many people managed to flee to higher ground _ was severe.

By Monday, officials were clearly overwhelmed by the scale of the crisis, with millions of people having spent three nights without water, food or heat in near-freezing temperatures. At least 1.4 million households had gone without water since the quake struck and some 1.9 million households were without electricity.

Officials in one devastated town said they were running out of body bags.

Officials have declared states of emergency at six Fukushima reactors, where Friday's twin disasters knocked out the main cooling systems and backup generators. Three are at Dai-ichi and three at the nearby Fukushima Daini complex.

Most attention, though, has been focused on Dai-ichi units 1 and 3, where operators have been funneling in seawater in a last-ditch measure to cool the reactors. A complete meltdown _ the melting of the radioactive core _ could release radioactive contaminants into the environment and pose major, widespread health risks.

Edano said no Fukushima reactor was near that point, and he was confident of escaping the worst scenarios.

International scientists say there are serious dangers but little risk of a Chernobyl-style catastrophe. Chernobyl, they note, had no outer containment shell.

"The likelihood there will be a huge fire like at Chernobyl or a major environmental release like at Chernobyl, I think that's basically impossible," said James F. Stubbins, a nuclear energy professor at the University of Illinois.

But despite official assurances, many residents expressed fear over the situation.

"First I was worried about the quake," said Kenji Koshiba, a construction worker who lives near the plant. "Now I'm worried about radiation." He spoke at an emergency center in Koriyama, about 40 miles (60 kilometers) from the most troubled reactors and 125 miles (190 kilometers) north of Tokyo

Messenger: bredren aaron Sent: 3/14/2011 6:32:00 AM

Overall, more than 1,500 people had been scanned for radiation exposure in the area, officials said.

The U.N. nuclear agency said a state of emergency was also declared Sunday at another complex, the Onagawa power plant, after higher-than-permitted levels of radiation were measured there. It said Japan informed it that all three of those reactors there were under control.

Four nuclear complexes in northeastern Japan have reported some damage from the quake or the tsunami.


Yuasa reported from Tokyo

Messenger: black imanuel dawta Sent: 3/14/2011 11:31:12 AM

I say, the world will know not peace UNTIL every one of the children of Ethiopia are returned to their vine and fig tree. let destruction reach there there. only Africa will be left standing. millions of Ethiopians will go down because of wrong doings and saying.

Freedom Redemption International Repartriation
NOW and NOW!!!

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