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Messenger: Ras power Sent: 9/25/2008 10:36:55 PM

the character of lucifer

13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit

isa 14

the character of christ

Messenger: RasRanga Sent: 9/28/2008 7:04:51 AM

Ras power,
I meditated pon your words of isdom and came to the overstanding dat both flesh and spirit are equally important and Jah irated all iration.

Itinual ises unto the most high

Messenger: Ras power Sent: 9/30/2008 9:52:25 PM

yes it is . jah spoke every thing into existance, but man he made with his own hands.

christ said all that i have is shall rise itin the last day.

we are to be resurrected not with spirit only but with ths same flesh.

jah want ini to have the same care with our bodies as we do with our spirit.

the flesh is the vessel for the spirit, we must have a acceptable temple.
blessed love

Messenger: Ras power Sent: 9/30/2008 10:12:28 PM

its not your truth or my truth. its jah truth.

and why there have always been people like me

are u the first like u are, and dont give i honours,

i only reflect jah words.

it like malcom x saying white and black there own way
martin luther king say together, one way is endorce by jah

2+2=4 thats the truth. no matter what any man believe

that how i see truth. we may deffer

If we permit ourselves to be tempted by narrow self-interest and vain ambition, if we barter our beliefs for short-term advantage, who will listen when we claim to speak for conscience, and who will contend that our words deserve to be heeded? We must speak out on major world issues, courageously, openly and honestly, and in blunt terms of right and wrong. If we yield to blandishments or threats, if we compromise when no honorable compromise is possible, our influence will be sadly diminished and our prestige woefully prejudiced and weakened. Let us not deny our ideals or sacrifice our right to stand as the champions of the poor, the ignorant, the oppressed everywhere. The acts by which we live and the attitudes by which we act must be clear beyond question. Principles alone can endow our deeds with force and meaning. Let us be true to what we believe, that our beliefs may serve and honor us.

dont want to bore u, much to say


Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 10/1/2008 11:44:47 AM

Enough is enough

Right now i a burn fyah pon this vanity, because its only vanity that i can see that would make you argue like this over nothing.
You would do well to read the quote you put up yourself.
When a man is reasoning with his idren, and the idren begins to see insults and slights where there is none, all i see is vanity and ego.

why have there been people like you??? i dont even know what that means.
I was just showing, if you didnt overs, that ini Rastafari,as a people, have always said Burn politicks, anyone who knows ini trod from the beginning knows this, ini have always said stay far from them,ini have always known that you cant mix up inna pollution and expect not to get polluted. If you check BoboShanti,you will see politicks is just not allowed.
But i see thats why, upto now,you wont use that word politiks, even though we both know thats what we are talking about, becaue you know if you say politicks, you will have to admit,thats how its always been amongst ini.
But there are always exeptions, and thats alright.
Thats why i gave the example of Sam Brown, to show that even though ini as a people say burn politicks, there have been Rases who attempted to get involved in politicks
Come off your high horse brethren, i dont give you no more honour than i give to all Rastafari.
I said honourable mention to Sam Brown, not you.

But you know what shows i vanity most of all?? i will show you

you say things like this to i
"have a telivesion station, a radio station, community government, etc that is what his majesty expected of ini, progressive, not saying we are not, i am included, but we honestly dont put the effort and energy to i faith and works. which should be paramount. "

This is why its so hard for i to reason with you. Here i am thinking ini are reasoning on involvment in politicks, and you say something like that. Seriously, What kind of Rastafari would go against someone
saying things like, we need to own radio stations,we need to build schools,we need to work in the community,more energy etc.....Ras Power,do you actually think that i am going against that???, you must have a very low opinion of i.
Community government??? Isnt that why a Mansion like Bobo is called the Government of the poor and havenots?
But Bobo burn politicks still. Is that so hard for you to overs`?

and then you put up this quote from the 1963 summit.

"If we permit ourselves to be tempted by narrow self-interest and vain ambition, if we barter our beliefs for short-term advantage, who will listen when we claim to speak for conscience, and who will contend that our words deserve to be heeded? We must speak out on major world issues, courageously, openly and honestly, and in blunt terms of right and wrong. If we yield to blandishments or threats, if we compromise when no honorable compromise is possible, our influence will be sadly diminished and our prestige woefully prejudiced and weakened. Let us not deny our ideals or sacrifice our right to stand as the champions of the poor, the ignorant, the oppressed everywhere. The acts by which we live and the attitudes by which we act must be clear beyond question. Principles alone can endow our deeds with force and meaning. Let us be true to what we believe, that our beliefs may serve and honor us."

Have i said ini should not speak out on world issues,right or wrong?
Have i said ini should compromise to to fear and threats.
In fact, have i said ANYTHING, that goes against this quote?
Ofcourse not, and you know i would never go against it.

So to i, its only vanity and ego that can do this.
Its only when a man wants to "win" an "argument" that he starts talking about things that is not even part of the reasoning.

I am very disapointed in the i, though i doubt if that matters to you.

If you want to speak further on this, I ask Ark I, an impartial party to intervene. I have nothing further to say

Blessed Love

Messenger: Ras power Sent: 10/1/2008 6:51:07 PM

man y u so personal, thats a general statement. and u act so inoccent, read those post u put were those for me. yes u said some things i did not agree with and said so. u said the last one there are always people like me, so i said why people like me and not u?

i did not say u spoke against those things, but not because they dont call it government, dont mean its not, its basic function is that,

i dont want to win any argument, we reason with facts and reach a conclusion, or else why reason. we seek truth. vanity, man you joking

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 10/1/2008 7:21:18 PM

lol, this is quiet funny really.
ini are talking to one another, you and i, person to person, if that is not personal, i dont know what is

Were those post i put here for you???
ofcourse they are, who was i talking to then?

why people like me and not you?
i cannot believe you actually said that again
is there something wrong with my english?
i cant believe i am going to try to say it again,but here goes,

i am the one saying Burn politicks right?
so ofcourse there have been people like me, because thats what Rastafari has always chanted.
you are the one promoting involvment in politicks, so i said there have been Rases like you, eg,Ras Sam Brown who have promoted the same thing. Even here, if you look right now, i am sure you will find others who agree with you. In fact,i know some Forum members who i would guess would agree with you, but i cannot say their names because i cannot speak for their opinions.
For the life of me, i cannot overstand why it is you find it so wrong to say there have been ones like you. I didnt mean it in a bad way...i dont even know what is bad about it that you keep repeating it as if i insulted you.. Jah Knows

You see Ras Power, this is how a reasoning goes......when one person says something, and the other replies with a Quote from someone, he is doing that only for one of two reasons.
1. to show that he agrees with the other persons reasoning...or
2. to show that he disagrees with the other persons reasoning

is this not true, iyah?
So you put up that quote for one of this reasons. why?
its not because you agreed with i is it? is it, iyah?
if i am wrong, tell i, and i will apologise.

Now, there is Huge difference between politicks and Self Governance.
you should know this
and if you know this, you would have realised that that is what i have been saying all this time
Involving in Politicks....NO, that is a dirty word to ini
Self Governance,self reliance YES, just as ini Father, just as ini Prophet Marcus have taught us

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 10/1/2008 7:40:30 PM

lol, i know i keep saying i am done with this, but it is hard for i to just ignore an idren when i feel they are speaking to i, that would be rude, and thats not how my Mama raised i.
So Ras Power,please let i be. As far as i can see,there is nothing for ini to reason here.
It is really hard for i to overstand what you are saying, to i, it seems like you jump all over the place, perhaps that is my weakness, whatever.
Anway,just know this, anywhere and anytime, i hear someone saying, ini as Rastafari should be involved in politicks, i will be right there to say Burn politicks. Rest assured,there is nothing you can show i that will make i change. Stay far from them and keep your innocence, thats how i sight it
And anywhere,anytime i hear someone say,we need to do more in our communities,we need self reliance,we need schools,we need self governance under Jah rule, then ini will be there to do all that is within ini capabilities.

Blessed Love

Messenger: Eboni Yehuda Sent: 10/1/2008 8:50:26 PM

Ras Kebre AB,

You should be careful who you cast fiya pun. The scriptures say that "For my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".

Read Psalms 33:12 and Psalms 33:18-22

Read Zachariah 14:9 and Zach.14:16-21

Here it mentions that YAH is our true king, and not JC.

But since you bun fiya maybe you can show the I where JC has ever mentioned YAH?

Infact I will do you one better. Show me the name of YAH in the New Testament. Don't bother becuase you can not. The name of God which is YAHWEH/YAH is not in the New Testament scriptures. If JC spoke of his FATHER, then why did he never mention his name once?

Why did none of JC's Apostles in the NT ever mention the name of YAH? YAH's name is written several times in the Old Testament, and the Torah. Yet never in the NT.

The New Testament was made as a tool to decieve true Yisrael.

Also we must have the original translation. Isiah 14:12 Says "son of the morning". Yet the original text says "O morning star, son of the dawn". They purposely took out "O morning star", and only left you with "son of the dawn", which was translated to "son of the morning".

And then we read Revelations 22:16, where JC says that he is the bright and morning star.

Even if we read the current KJV translation, it is still obvious that they are the same people.

Paul, and JC kept telling people to follow them. Why did they not tell us to follow YAH?

Look Ras Kabre Ab, I do not have anything against you, so I will not curse you as you have tried to curse me. I am a child of YAH and can not be destroyed. I have been called by YAH as a remnant in these last days. I am not going against the bible, but I am going agianst any scriptures that do not testify of YAH. I will forever believe in the God of Yisrael, and the Old Testament.

The Word for devil in Greek is Debilios. Devil means "deciever". People think that a devil makes you bad. Well in a way it does, but a devil must decieve by definition. Who has decieved our people more so than JC? What other figure has lead our people faster away from YAH than JC?

YAH is our king. The reason why we are suffering currently from the curses in Deut, is becuase we turned away from YAH, and started following after strange God's that we nor our fathers served.


Messenger: Eboni Yehuda Sent: 10/1/2008 9:13:44 PM

Why would we serve a person who has said that he is Lucifer?

Simple: Becuase that is what happens when we read from the back of a book instaed of reading it from the beginning.

You see my bredren and sistren, this is how bad they have twisted our minds.

Look at it this way my bredren and sistren: Have any of you noticed that YAH never spoke of demons in the Old Testament. Yet in the NT demons are all throughout the literature. In the OT the person is evil if they commit sin. But in the NT, it is the demon inside the person that makes them sin. In the old Testament, a person was stoned if they were found to be evil. But in the NT the demon was cast out of the person. That is an ideology that comes from hell, and YAH's prophets never taught this.

Where in the OT does it mention YAH reigning with ANYONE? YAH is the Messiah as it was in Egypt. And all of Psalms tell of the same thing. Does Psalms ever say JC reigns?

IT IS YAH WHO WILL BE OUR EVERLASTING LIVING KING FROM THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. "Then you will know that I am among you........God mighty, everlasting father, prince of peace is YAH.



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