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Messenger: Nick1234 Sent: 4/18/2008 7:39:46 PM


It's hard to express myself in a way that many will not get offended or think i am just a bitter angry man. Truth is, i am neither of those things. But there is a time and season for all things and as a Christian there is a time to be angry.

"Be ye angry and sin not.......". Eph 4:26a

I'm not sinning being angry against the atrocities and abuses of Priesthood and the Catholic church in general. Through pictures and accurate history I have shown on my site that the Roman Catholic Church, The Vatican was behind the inquisition of the Jews that took place during WWII. I would say it's more of a sin to not be angry. the Lord commands "Be ye angry...."

John the baptist was angry. He was preaching against the sin of a king with a loud voice. God said that he was one of the greatest prophets that ever lived.

Jesus was angry too and He didn't sin. He rebuked the religious hypocrites and even fashioned a whip at one point and beat them out of the temple. It was the same Spirit that controlled Nehemiah who did similar things out of zeal for righteousness and godliness.

Today Christianity has been shipwrecked. i believe a lot of you love the Lord but you're not taking a stand against atrocities in this world and in this country.

The Bible is strict against lying. Bush lied to us. Many 'Christians' still stand by this president. Why? he hasn't repented of lying to get us into a war. They are now saying that a million Iraqi civilians have been murdered in cold blood over there.

Many soldiers have committed suicide. And yet almost the whole 'Christian realm is silent'. that makes me angry and maybe makes me think that YOU are now the religious hypocrites that Jesus beat out of the temple.

Why wouldn't you raise your voice out of the Holy Spirit's desire to have free course through your body. God wants to talk through you. he wants His voice to be heard. Paul said "Preach the gospel" Rebuke, reprove, exhort with all long suffering.

Do you know that when Jesus was preaching to the people it states, "and He CRIED with a loud voice...." Do you know that means He "Screamed", "Shrieked" (John 12:44)

So brothers and sisters. It must be done. Raise up your voices against sin.

Romans 10:14-15: 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

I praise God for all of you who are making a stand but this needs to be preached in the pulpits. The 'Christian Leaders' need to be looking at things and taking a stand. Don't be afraid of persecution. The Lord says that's a sign a authenticity. If you keep quiet you are going along with the oppressor. Open your mouths against this beast system!

Thank you, Thomas Richards

Messenger: Nick1234 Sent: 4/18/2008 7:42:06 PM

....George W. Bush could well be the nation's first Catholic president. This isn't as strange a notion as it sounds. Yes, there was John F. Kennedy. But where Kennedy sought to divorce his religion from his office, Bush has welcomed Roman Catholic doctrine and teachings into the White House and based many important domestic policy decisions on them. ~Source

Messenger: Nick1234 Sent: 4/18/2008 7:45:48 PM

Pope Benedict XVI reasserted the primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says other Christian communities are either defective or not true churches and Catholicism provides the only true path to salvation.

The statement brought swift criticism from Protestant leaders. "It makes us question whether we are indeed praying together for Christian unity," said the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, a fellowship of 75 million Protestants in more than 100 countries.

"It makes us question the seriousness with which the Roman Catholic Church takes its dialogues with the reformed family and other families of the church," the group said in a letter charging that the document took ecumenical dialogue back to the era before the Second Vatican Council.

It was the second time in a week that Benedict has corrected what he says are erroneous interpretations of the Second Vatican Council, the 1962-1965 meetings that modernized the church. On Saturday, Benedict revived the old Latin Mass — a move cheered by Catholic traditionalists but criticized by more liberal ones as a step backward from Vatican II.

Among the council's key developments were its ecumenical outreach and the development of the New Mass in the vernacular, which essentially replaced the old Latin Mass.

Benedict, who attended Vatican II as a young theologian, has long complained about what he considers its erroneous interpretation by liberals, saying it was not a break from the past but rather a renewal of church tradition.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which Benedict headed before becoming pope, said it was issuing the new document Tuesday because some contemporary theological interpretations of Vatican II's ecumenical intent had been "erroneous or ambiguous" and had prompted confusion and doubt.

The new document — formulated as five questions and answers — restates key sections of a 2000 text the pope wrote when he was prefect of the congregation, "Dominus Iesus," which riled Protestant and other Christian denominations because it said they were not true churches but merely ecclesial communities and therefore did not have the "means of salvation."

The commentary repeated church teaching that says the Catholic Church "has the fullness of the means of salvation."

"Christ 'established here on earth' only one church," said the document released as the pope vacations at a villa in Lorenzago di Cadore, in Italy's Dolomite mountains.

The other communities "cannot be called 'churches' in the proper sense" because they do not have apostolic succession — the ability to trace their bishops back to Christ's original apostles — and therefore their priestly ordinations are not valid, it said.

The Rev. Sara MacVane, of the Anglican Centre in Rome, said that although the document contains nothing new, "I don't know what motivated it at this time."

"But it's important always to point out that there's the official position and there's the huge amount of friendship and fellowship and worshipping together that goes on at all levels, certainly between Anglicans and Catholics and all the other groups and Catholics," she said.

The document said that Orthodox churches were indeed "churches" because they have apostolic succession and enjoyed "many elements of sanctification and of truth." But it said they do not recognize the primacy of the pope — a defect, or a "wound" that harmed them, it said.

"This is obviously not compatible with the doctrine of primacy which, according to the Catholic faith, is an 'internal constitutive principle' of the very existence of a particular church," said a commentary from the congregation that accompanied the text.

Despite the harsh tone, the document stressed that Benedict remains committed to ecumenical dialogue.

"However, if such dialogue is to be truly constructive it must involve not just the mutual openness of the participants, but also fidelity to the identity of the Catholic faith," the commentary said.

The top Protestant cleric in Benedict's homeland, Germany, complained the Vatican apparently did not consider that "mutual respect for the church status" was required for any ecumenical progress.

In a statement titled "Lost Chance," Lutheran Bishop Wolfgang Huber argued that "it would also be completely sufficient if it were to be said that the reforming churches are 'not churches in the sense required here' or that they are 'churches of another type' — but none of these bridges is used" in the Vatican document.

The Vatican statement, signed by the congregation prefect, American Cardinal William Levada, was approved by Benedict on June 29, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul — a major ecumenical feast day.

There was no indication why the pope felt it necessary to release it now, particularly since his 2000 document summed up the same principles.

Some analysts suggested it could be a question of internal church politics or that the congregation was sending a message to certain theologians it did not want to single out. Or, it could be an indication of Benedict using his office as pope to again stress key doctrinal issues from his time at the congregation.

In fact, the only theologian cited by name in the document for having spawned erroneous interpretations of ecumenism was Leonardo Boff, a Brazilian clergyman who left the priesthood and was a target of then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's crackdown on liberation theology in the 1980s.

Messenger: Nick1234 Sent: 4/18/2008 7:51:46 PM

Murdoch defends News Corp
by John Cooke
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation is just like the Jesuits, he told a mostly-full Gaston Hall yesterday, “except we don’t insist on vows of poverty or chastity.”

The Australian-born Chairman and Managing Director of News Corporation, which owns MySpace, Fox and other media organizations, described the dilemma faced by newspapers and older media outlets in adapting to new technology, especially the Internet.

News Corp ChairmanRupert Murdoch discussed challenges the media faces as technology advances yesterday in Gaston Hall.
SAM SWEENEY“You can never be sure where this industry will go,” Murdoch said, “because new technology destroys the old ways of business.”

Murdoch, whose company acquired The Wall Street Journal in August 2007, defended the role of newspapers. Although he admitted that print publications are hemorrhaging profits and audiences, Murdoch described the Journal as “the daily of the American dream,” adding that, as local papers are forced to make more cutbacks due to loss of revenue, national papers like the Journal will play an increasingly prominent role.

“The Wall Street Journal is unique; it’s a national paper read by affluent and influential people,” he said, predicting that the Journal’s reader base will likely read the newspaper for content they wouldn’t be able to find elsewhere.

During the question and answer session, Murdoch touched upon more controversial aspects of his media empire, most notably the alleged bias of the Fox News Channel and his own reputation as a far-right conservative activist.

While admitting that maintaining neutrality is difficult, Murdoch dismissed allegations that he influences the editorial stances of many News Corp outlets. “My personal views don’t affect the editorial pages,” he said, citing his publications’ endorsements of Tony Blair and the new left-wing government of Australia.

“We’ve always been a catalyst for change, so we inspire fear,” Murdoch said in reference to his critics.

In response to concerns about News Corp’s consolidated media ownership, Murdoch repeatedly defended his business tactics, indicating that News Corp facilitates a broader range of voices to be heard.

“Everything we’ve done has been to create competition,” Murdoch said. “We think it’s a public service.”

Messenger: Nick1234 Sent: 4/18/2008 7:55:22 PM

Just wanted to say that I appreciate what your doing. Knowledge is power, and power against this false religion they call "The Roman Catholic Church". They and the Jesuits have been behind every single war and downfall of man. They are the exact people who have been controlling nations threw their greed and had of those few who have stood up against them. They have run parallel with the goodness of Christianity because that is the deception. When the day comes "and it will", then the evil beings will reveal themselves and by that time if the people of the U.S. haven't gotten off their thumbs then they will suffer a great punishment for the sake of Christ. It is coming and it is coming fast. All nations....all people need to wake up to the world around them.
No one see's the goings on of their world because they have been well conditioned to "Just accept" what is being given to them, through the very very slow process of the media, which are owned and controlled by the power elite.
All this time it Really HAS been a religious war of God and Satan. I totally agree with you about the food issue as well.
In the bible in Genesis it tells that we were to eat of the fruit of the trees and that would be our meat. Instead we have been given processed meats, and processed everything. They won't tell you about Vitamin B-17, or how sodium fluoride is actually poisonous and yet we all us it to brush our teeth. It is all so is for one "Population Control",
secondly it is all about controlling the masses of this world, and making us accept it. The number of the beast is "the micro chip". I won't keep you with that, I say "Keep up the good work of the lord and may you be blessed in your heart and may he protect you from harm.
God Bless

Messenger: Nick1234 Sent: 4/18/2008 7:58:24 PM

Pope Always Wears White, Visitors Wear Dark -- Illuminist Symbolism Dating Back 4,000 Years Ago! White/Black Dress Symbolism Shouts That The Pope Is God!
Subtitle: When any Illuminist leader anywhere in the world, visits the Pope, he or she wears almost always wears black, while the Pope wears white. This symbolism dates back to Zarathustra and Zoroasterism . Its use today is pure Illuminism!
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.



"... in February, 1997, Netanyahu and his wife, Sarah, traveled to the Vatican, where, dressed in black, they met with the Pope, who was, of course, dressed in white (another Zoroastrian contrast)." Tim Cohen, Antichrist and A Cup of Tea, Prophecy House, Inc., 1998, p. 411.

What on earth does Tim Cohen mean when he states that it is "Zoroastrian contrast" for the Pope to be dressed in white while his visitors are dressed in black? The answer is multifaceted, and is imbedded within Satanic Illuminism; please allow us to explain it for you.

In Black Magick Witchcraft, the color white is considered the preeminent color. Since the color, white, is comprised of all colors, and black is a lack of color, white is considered most powerful; black must give way to white. Further, white is considered to be inherently based in the spiritual, since white is the color worn by Zarathustra, the founder of the pagan religion of Zoroaster, and quite possibly, the precursor to Antichrist. In late 1996, I received an email from a person who identified himself as a Black Magick Satanist; he stated that, while I understood much about Black Magick, I needed to be aware that the book, "Thus Saith Zarathustra", by Nietzche, would be the "Bible of Antichrist".

Take look at Zarathustra below.

Please examine these images carefully. You will note that, except for the one image called "Tortoise", Zarathustra is dressed in white. In one of the images, Zarathustra is surrounded with a halo around his head, signifying that he is "divine". Indeed, he is the foretold Messiah figure of the Zoroastrian religion, thus making him a perfect type of the coming Antichrist.


Remember your sacred history: the "Wise Men" who visited the baby Jesus on camel, as recounted in Matthew 2:1-12, were "astrologers" [Amplified Bible Commentary , p. 1076]. Further, they were "Magi" astrologers, which tells us they were descendents of the "Wise Men" of King Nebuchadnezzar's court during the time of Daniel.

Since the three Wise Men were religious scholars, and part of the king's court, they had access to the writings of Daniel. Further, the three Wise Men were Magi, which was an order of the Pagan Medo-Persian religious order of Zoroaster.(Dictionary Of The Bible , edited by William Smith, The S.S. Scranton Company, Hartford, CT, 1904, p. 501.) The Magi were ancient interpreters of dreams and were astrologers (monthly prognosticators). We see them in the Old Testament in the court of the Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar gathered around him the top religious men of the religions of the nations which he had militarily conquered. Daniel was also part of the court of Nebuchadnezzar. In Daniel 1:20, God tells us that Daniel was 'ten times more wise and understanding than all the learned magicians and enchanters'. The Magi were part of those magicians and enchanters. Then, in chapter 2, Daniel saves the lives of all the enchanters and magicians because he could interpret the king's dream when they could not. Over and over again, Daniel demonstrated that his God was able to interpret dreams, unlike their gods. The Magi had come to the point where they greatly revered Daniel and his writings.

Therefore, they had access to Daniel's prophecy detailing the precise coming of Messiah, and they knew that they were living within 33 years -- a man's lifetime -- of the mathematics of Daniel 9:24-27 of being fulfilled. Because they knew the prophecy from "Daniel's God", they were primed to expect the appearance of the Jewish Messiah.

Thus, when God caused His "star" [Shekinah Glory] to arise in the East, these Magi knew in their hearts that this was the sign for which they had been awaiting. Of course, since we see that the Holy Spirit was active in their hearts in Matthew 2:12, we can probably safely conclude that, at the time they saw God's "star" arising in the East, the Holy Spirit activated their long and arduous journey.

Thus, we can see that Zoroasterism has a long history in the annals of time, and that some of their Magi were active in fulfilling God's Plan for the birth of Jesus Christ. However, we must not lose sight of the fact that these Magi were pagans through and through, back then, and they are just as pagan today. While they considered the Jewish Messiah to be "divine", they considered Him to be only the Jewish god, no different than the gods of the other nations of the world.


Now, at the the End of the Age, as all the signs point to the soon appearance of Antichrist, I was told by a Satanist that Zarathustra is a type of Antichrist. And Zarathustra wore white! He was a spiritual leader, and he wore only white.

Further, in this picture of him we can see that Zarathustra is making a hand gesture with the thumb extended to the right and slightly up, and the forefinger pointing upward. This gesture is called a "mudra", defined by the Dictionary of Mysticism as "a mystic seal of Oriental occultism; a series of occult signs made with the fingers, and considered to have magical effects ." [Quoted by Dr. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, p. 231; Emphasis added]

But, then, Dr. Burns tells us that this "mudra" is a method of telling us that a person is a supernatural being, a god. "In addition to mantras and yantras, the third way of representing deities is through gestures (mudra)". [Ibid.]

Now -- notice the Sun behind his head, another symbol of the Divine! The Sun behind him is also a symbol of God, the Sun-God. The Master standing in front of the Sun reflects the glory and the power of the Sun. But, Satan the Hydra Serpent is also symbolized by the Rising Sun! [Cisco Wheeler, Former Black Magick Satanist]

Thus, Zarathustra is saying in this picture that he is Deity, he is God, the Lucifer Sun-God ! [Ibid.]

Finally, notice that Zarathustra is carrying a Staff of Authority, or a Rod, in his left hand. This Rod is also a symbol of the Lucifer Sun-God . There is tremendous Satanic power behind a Staff -- Rod -- of Authority.

The Pope's staff on which the Crucifix is suspended comes directly from this Zarathustra Staff of Authority! The Staff of Authority is yet another symbol of the Illuminati, a symbol dating back over 4,000 years! But, consider the the Pope's Staff of Authority; it now carries the pathetic, twisted figure of Jesus Christ on a Twisted Cross; in the 6th Century, Black Magick Satanists created this staff in derision of the traditional Catholic Crucifix, but adopted it later as a symbol of their Antichrist [See RC100 for full details].

Now, we know two very important facts: Zarathustra is the Lucifer Sun-God, and he always wears white! Thus, in modern Illuminism, this Zoroastrian belief is completely carried forward. The top spiritual leader wears white and he is considered the Lucifer Sun-God ! When any Illuminist meets with him, he is considered "inferior" and wears black.


This white/black symbolism is also considered Yin/Yang, the occult belief of "balance in nature". Occultists also believe that good and evil are equal but opposite, and are inexplicably interwoven. "The most ancient magical devices which reflect this basic duality is the created world. The circular 'Tai Chi' is of Chinese origin and denotes the circle of existence which is made up of the alternation of light (Yang) and darkness (Yin) ..." [Magic Symbols , Frederick Goodman, p. 51]

Why do Illuminists use the White/Black color combination? Since a Satanist considers White/Black as a representative of Yin/Yang, Freemasonry depicts this dual symbolism through their black/white tiled floors as depicted above. Notice that this depiction of a Masonic floor has the Goatshead of Mendes in the exact middle of the floor, another symbol of the Lucifer whom they serve.


The more highly ranked Illuminist will wear white, while the more lowly ranked person will wear black. If an Illuminist meets the Pope, he will almost always wear black, to signify the inferiority, or subordination, of his rank. If you see someone meeting the Pope wearing a different color, you may safely assume he is not Illuminist.

Before we go on, let us restate one critically important a spector of this white/black symbolism regarding the Pope's visitors. In Illuminist thinking, when the Pope wears the white dress, he is harkening back to Zarathustra, who wears the white because he is God, the Lucifer Sun-God ! Therefore, the Pope is declaring to all the world that he is God, and is superior to all other men. When Presidents Bush, Clinton, Reagan, along with Queen Elizabeth II and Former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, all wore black as they met with the Pope, they were all acknowledging the Pope's superior position as a religious holy man! They were also acknowledging that the Pope is their God!

In Revelation 13, we see two beasts arising upon the world scene. From verses 1-10, we see Antichrist arising as the "First Beast", displaying great Satanic power. But, then, in verses 11-18, we see the "Second Beast", a religious person who "has two horns like a lamb", thus signifying that he will present himself to the world as a Christian leader, and will be accepted as such. However, his inner heart will "roar like a dragon", thus Biblically symbolizing that he has the heart of Satan. Further, we see that this Religious Beast will possess, and display, the same Satanic powers that the First Beast possesses [verse 12]! This Second Beast is also known as the False Prophet .

The False Prophet will command the religious nature of the Kingdom of Antichrist, while Antichrist will command the Political and Economic. Thus, it is not outside the realm of Biblical exegesis to believe that the False Prophet may consider himself to be god. In fact, a terrible falling out between the First Beast [Antichrist] and the Second Beast [False Prophet] is foretold in Revelation 17:16, where Antichrist absolutely destroys the Second Beast and his religious system.

This falling out could very well occur because the False Prophet considers himself to be God and tries to wrest control over the Political and Economic realms from Antichrist. In fact, Catholic author, Malachi Martin, in his book, "The Keys To This Blood", states that the Pope has been promised by a direct revelation from the Virgin Mary herself that, after the New World Order has been established, she will cause a global Marian Apparition, in which she shall tell all the peoples of the world to worship and follow the Pope. One can only imagine the response of Antichrist when the Pope attempts to wrest complete control from him, not being content with just being the top religious leader! Since Antichrist will command the world's armed forces, with its nuclear warheads, it is not a stretch of the imagination to think that the Vatican may be bombed with a nuclear warhead! Listen to the wording of the prophecy: "And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will be the very ones to hate the harlot (the idolatrous woman); they will make her cheerless ... they will strip her and eat up her flesh and utterly consume her with fire." [Revelation 17:16]

Today, we see how this prophecy could be fulfilled: While Illuminist leaders today acknowledge the Pope as god, they are not happy about doing so. The only reason the Pope figures prominently in this plan to produce Antichrist is because the Plan realizes that man is inherently religious, and his religious side must be satisfied. Therefore, the False Prophet must be allowed to stand initially beside Antichrist, empowered by the same occult power. But, when the False Prophet attempts to overthrow Antichrist to seize absolute power himself, Antichrist will annihilate him and his false religious system.

Has the False Prophet been selected yet? Yes, he has, in early 1991. In August, 1991, I was sneaked into a special "Members Only" seminar at the Boston House of Theosophy. The New England Director presented his seminar which was entirely on how Antichrist will be staged. In the course of this seminar, the Director stated that the Pope was a "proper receptor" to the Christ, and he would be the top religious leader of the new global religion [NEWS1052]. This striking revelation branded the Roman Catholic Pope as the Biblical False Prophet!


Let us now review how this white/black symbolism is carried out in the news of our day. You have already seen, above, President Clinton dressed in black, while the Pope was dressed in white. When President Bush met with the Pope, he was dressed in black, the Pope in white.

NEWS BRIEF: "Pope leads world prayer day", by BBC News Online, Thursday, January 24, 2002,

Notice the first picture. In this picture, the Pope is dressed in white, with two sets of people on each side, most of whom were dressed in black. Remember, if a person is dressed in black, he or she is an Illuminist; if a person is dressed in another color, that person is not an official Illuminist. The Pope is definitely given the preeminence by his seating arrangement -- being in the center with people coming to him on each side. Further, this kind of arrangement is visual symbolism of the spiritual belief of the Illuminati, that "all roads lead to Rome". All spiritual journeys, down whatever spiritual roads a person travels, will ultimately lead to Heaven. This is the theme of this entire "Global Prayer Meeting" held this day in Assisi, Italy.

Further, note the almost unbelievable red color of the background behind the Pope and his participants in this picture above. This deep red speaks of the Illuminati, as it is their color of human sacrifice and of Spiritual Warfare. Please study the Satanic symbol of the forces cooperating to produce the New World Order, "I Witch". As you can see, the blood flowing from the letters, "I WITCH" just below the Eye of Lucifer, represents blood. This flowing blood symbolizes the understanding of the Illuminati that the Kingdom of Antichrist can only be achieved through much blood, rivers of blood. If this color seems like the Lenin red of Communism, you are absolutely correct! In Seminar 2, America Determines the True Flow of History, we demonstrate how the Illuminati created Communism to be the exact opposite system [Antithesis] of the existing Thesis system of the West. Further, Rothschild -- the founder of the Masters of the Illuminati along with Adam Weishaupt in 1776 -- literally means "Red Shield", the kind of red you see behind the Pope and his religious guests!

When you go back to the BBC article at you will see the small picture of the Candle-lighting Peace Ceremony, you will see that all but one religious leader was dressed in black.

NEWS BRIEF: "Pope lights beacon of hope", BBC News Online, Thursday, January 24, 2002, by Peter Gould,

In the feature picture, you see the Pope sitting to the left, while French Grand Rabbi Samuel-Rene Sirat attends to him. Thus, you have the spectacle of a Jewish Rabbi attending to the current representative of one of the most Anti-Semitic posts in all history -- the Vatican! How could any self-respecting Jewish rabbi be seen in a picture in which he is being depicted as spiritually inferior to the Pope! Further, how could any self-respecting Former Prime Minister -- Netanyahu -- go before the Pope dressed in inferior black? Why would any Jew thus prosrtate himself before the current office holder of an office that openly cooperated with Hitler during the Holocaust?

The answer was given by Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago:

"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." [Rev 2:9]

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;' [Rev 3:9]

Back in the First Century, the Christian Church had people sitting in the pews, claiming to be Jews, but were not; they were "of the synagogue of Satan". As we have repeatedly stated, the Jewish flag, with the evil Satanic/Illuminist symbol of the Hexagram right on it, is proof positive that the nation of Israel was established by the Illuminists, not true Jews. Every leader since 1948 has been Illuminist, not true Jews. Time and time again, I read anguished cries from true Jewish citizens, saying how could Peres-Barak-Sharon act the way they are in reaction to Arafat's bloody terrorist attacks? Why, these Jews cry, could they not act vigorously to protect their own Jewish people? Why do they repeatedly turn a blind eye toward the murderous Arab attacks, allowing innocent Jewish blood to drain out on the soil of Israel?

No true Jew would act like this, they say. These people are absolutely correct: these leaders are not true Jews, at least not in Jesus' eyes. Further, we know from the Hexagram Flag that these leaders are Illuminists, which means they truly are of "of the synagogue of Satan".

Thus, an Illuminized Jewish leader will have no trouble appearing beside the Pope dressed in inferior black, giving the spiritual superiority to the Roman Catholic Pope! Both the Illuminized Pope and the equally Illuminized Jewish leader share the same New World Order goals. When will the Jewish people wake up? Jesus says they will first be thoroughly deceived by the Antichrist who will arise.

"I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive." [John 5:43]. This man, coming in his own name, is Maitreya the Christ, the New World Order Messiah. He will claim to be the Jewish Messiah for whom Jews have been waiting for 4,000 years. He will "fulfill" all Old Testament Messianic prophecies and he will pour forth great Satanic power resulting in "lying signs and wonders" [2 Thess 2:9]. This Illuminized false Messiah -- Antichrist -- will be greeted with full acclaim by nearly all the common Jewish citizens.

These deceived poor souls will not awaken to the true nature of their False Messiah until he walks into the Temple at the mid-point of the Tribulation Period, and profanes the Holy of Holies so much that God will consider his actions to be the "Abomination that causeth desolation" [Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15]. At that moment, Jews will realize their true Messiah would never, ever profane the Temple Holy of Holies in this manner; therefore, this "Messiah" must be false.

At that moment, Jesus' warnings of Matthew 24:16-23 come into full play, as Antichrist will pursue them to attempt to eradicate all Jews on earth. But, in accordance with Revelation 12:6, 13-16, God will supernaturally protect His remnant of Jews from destruction. How large will this "remnant" be? God tells us in Zechariah 13:8; God's elect remnant of Jews will consist of one-third of the population. God will allow Antichrist to kill two-thirds of the population, and this doomed segment will contain all Jews caught up in the Illuminist system or belief structure. Thus, when Jesus returns, He returns to a nation now fully comprised of Elect Jews, they "shall look upon Me Whom they have pierced" [Zechariah 12:10] and recognize Jesus as their Messiah as He descends from Heaven!

Now, let us return to our article, at

About two-thirds of the way down, you will see the Pope clad in his customary Zarathustra white, surrounded by a considerable number of Catholic priests in the Basilica clad in black. Does this mean that these priests are all Illuminists of inferior rank? Doubt in not! In a number of Roman Catholic articles, we demonstrate that the traditional Catholic Church has simply been a practice of White Magic Witchcraft [NEWS1334]. Further, since Pope Paul IV, the church has been practicing Black Magick Witchcraft [RC100], the same prophesied religion of Antichrist [Daniel 8:23-25]. This picture simply reinforces the Illuminism into which the Roman Catholic Church has fallen.

Throughout these pictures, one message screams loudly and clearly: To the Illuminists, the Pope is God, the Lucifer Sun-God!


This is the only picture of Zarathustra in which he is not dressed in white; rather, he is dressed in a light blue, called Tortoise. In the religious dogma of Illuminized Satanism, the robes of the most highly ranked priests were colored this shade of light blue. Thus, you can see that Zarathustra is dressed in robes of the highest ranking priesthood, which is certainly fitting, since he is considered divine, a Messiah figure.

But, Cisco Wheeler, former Black Magick Satanist, says that this depiction in these light-blue robes is a new depiction of him. This change from traditional white robes to these light blue means that powerful, magick ceremonies have now occurred that brings Lucifer into the ceremonies, manifesting himself into this dimension through ritual. This new depiction of Zarathustra in these blue robes is a signal to fellow Illuminists that the hour of Antichrist's appearance is, indeed, close.

The word, "Tortoise" speaks of the slow, deliberate pace at which events are moving the world into the Kingdom of Antichrist, the New World Order. As the fairy tale tells us, the race belonged to the tortoise, not the hare! The Illuminati Plan to produce Antichrist was designed to proceed "slow as molasses", but very thorough. We Christians want to go to Heaven so badly we are constantly asking, "When, O Lord", or "How Long"? We must adopt patience, not despairing when events do not occur when we think they should; further, we should not be thinking that, just because the next step has not followed within a certain period of time after the previous step means that the process has stopped. Too many American Christians have come to the conclusion that, just because the next step did not occur quickly after 9/11, the process to the New World Order is off. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Events are again going to start spiraling toward new heights of terror and/or war.

Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

Messenger: Nick1234 Sent: 4/18/2008 8:02:21 PM

Fr. Jonathan Morris (born August 22, 1972 in Cleveland, Ohio), is an American Roman Catholic priest and vice-rector of the Legionaries of Christ seminary in Rome, Italy. He is currently a news contributor and analyst for the Fox News Channel.

From 2002 to 2004, Morris worked as a theological advisor in the making of Mel Gibson's motion picture The Passion of the Christ.

Messenger: Nick1234 Sent: 4/18/2008 8:02:59 PM

Roman Catholic Fascist Bill O'Reilly -Early life/Education: O'Reilly was born in New York City to parents William and Angela O'Reilly, from Brooklyn, New York and Bergen County, New Jersey. His father was an accountant for the oil company Caltex. After graduating from Chaminade High School, a private Catholic boys high school in Mineola in 1967, O'Reilly attended Marist College. While at Marist, O'Reilly played punter in the National Club Football Association,[5] and was also a writer for the school's newspaper, The Circle. An honors student, he majored in history. He spent his junior year of college abroad, attending Queen Mary College at the University of London.

After graduating from Marist College, O'Reilly moved to Miami, Florida at age 21, where he taught English and history at Monsignor Pace High School for two years.

O'Reilly now makes 9 Million dollars a year being a Roman Catholic Nazi-Fascist.

Messenger: Nick1234 Sent: 4/18/2008 8:06:05 PM

CIA FBI Who formed the CIA? It was a Catholic Knight of Malta, William "Wild Bill" Donovan. He was considered the "father of the CIA." he was also the former head of the OSS before he was used to create the CIA.

Messenger: Nick1234 Sent: 4/18/2008 8:09:15 PM

Francis Cardinal Spellman - Jesuit-trained at Fordham University in New York and the American College in Rome; Archbishop of Rome's wealthiest and most powerful Diocese; Military Vicar of the American Empire controlling the Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasonry, the Knights of Columbus and the Mafia's Commission; the acting King of the Pope's Fourteenth Amendment Holy Roman American Empire ruling from his Palace in the city of the Empire State along with his Papal Maltese Knights of the Roundtable overseen by the Professed Jesuits Jesuits under Extreme Oath of the Fourth Vow) at Fordham University including now Cardinal Avery Dulles, the nephew of past Secretary, Vice President, and President of the Cardinal's Council on Foreign Relations (1933-1950), past CIA Director until fired by President Kennedy and member of the deceptive Warren Commission.

The Jesuits notorious uncle was none other than The Gentleman Spy, Rome's prostitute Protestant Presbyterian and Shriner Freemason, Allen Dulles. Spellman therefore controlled the Council on Foreign Relations, the FBI, the CIA, Military Intelligence including the Office of Naval Intelligence and the Secret Service, the Power and Mastermind behind the assassination of President Kennedy and subsequent Cover-up, continued by Cardinals Cooke and O Connor.

The present Archbishop, Cardinal Egan will continue the Great Jesuit Cover-up, as evidenced by his Oath as a Cardinal, his first and foremost loyalty is not to the People of the Constitutional Republic of these United States, but to his master in the Vatican, his supposed King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesuit General Kolvenbachs "infallible" god who sits in St. Peter s Chair, Pope John Paul II! For he holds the Devils Papal Office of the Jew-hating and blasphemous Seventh Roman Caesar who has not yet come and, when indwelt by Satan upon rising from the dead, will be the Eighth Roman Caesar - the beast Revelation 17:10,11

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