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Why Haile Selassie?

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Bro Jahphet Anbesa I Sent: 3/21/2004 2:44:16 AM

Greetings I

Ark I... I was searching for the bible quote of Esdra the I gave me, but I couldnīt find it in I bible. I thought, maybe it is just called different, so I searched for it in different on-line bibles(KJV etc) .... but there I also couldnīt find it. Is it a apocryphical book? Or is it just not contained in I bible?

The baptism...
I was baptised myself in the catholic "church".... and I often think about it. Of course, this canīt save you, but maybe condemn...
Because what is it when a follower of the beast makes a mark on your head? .... read it in revelation.

Bro Gad I

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 3/21/2004 2:48:46 PM


Yes, Esdras is an apocryphical book.

I don't site baptism as the mark of the beast. People will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Nefertiti Sent: 3/21/2004 11:23:34 PM

BELOVEd bredrens and sistren, Rasta far I

Jah manifests in living things. so anything that is LIFE is JAH. Jah words are sounded and powered in storms and darkensses and such are not coincidences....KNOW the voice of the the mother knows her baby's cry, the youths knows its mother's scent...a father will not promise bread and deliver a stone....

Guidance JAH

Messenger: afreeka Sent: 3/22/2004 6:17:52 AM

yes , greetings ,
no disrespect taken , Anbesa , absolutely .
i&i clearly overstand what you asked the i's .

you see ......RasTafari could be this for me and that for you . And there is no bad in this . see?
One Faith cannot be explained , cause you may never see RasTafari as i&i see H.I.M. , and it is true for the contrary too .
sO everyone got to search the truth for oneself , because it is a personal journey , it is not something that fits in everyone as the same . this is my counsil , meditate and search the words oF The Allmighty , and if you will find then good , if not , good the same . Cause what is good in Jah sight is your heart and your thoughts and your action being pure and true , not that you sight Selassie I . seen ?

do good , treat your neighboor as you would treat yourself , love all .

in Micah , Jah say it well .

you seh you read me post , really ?

caw i&i never say , i&i believe dis or dat .
the contrary i&i has said .......MI NAH BELIEVE , I DON'T BELIEVE .
I&I KNOW . and this is something i&i can't explain .
How you know this is good and this is wrong ?? cause you know , right ?
and how you know ? Jah planted the seed of overstandin in you , sothat you nah haffi to believe it is good because tis or dat .
How will you explain dat ?

no explanations by other men can fit what YOU feel , ya dig ?
it is something goin on between JahJah and you , a personal trainin ..

i&i hope you take mi words as no disrespectfull and try to overstand what i&i am tryin to seh .........

JahLove , truth & rights ,

RasTafari , Earth Rightfull Ruler .

Messenger: Bro Jahphet Anbesa I Sent: 3/22/2004 7:46:03 AM

Greetings I

Yes, I get what the Is them saying!

Ark I... you can buy without the sign NOW, completely right. But now isnīt the time of the beast... and I am shure the beast will come as Pope and when he really creates a complete rule, no one will be able to live under the devils Rule through the Pope without beeing baptised.

But shure, it is not important if a guy signs your head, important is, if you follow this then....
So what will be the sign of God?
I think, the sign will not be ON the head, but IN the head... seen?
The sign is on your mind, those who follow Jah have the sign of God and his incernation on their head, the bible say... the sign of God JAH and of his incernation on earth RASTAFARI... that is all that Iman have on/in I head/mind.... that is what Iman is living for!
So it is important what is in your head, not what is on it.
You can choose yourself what sign you take!
But there are also those who are righteous and "cleaned there cloth in the blood of Isus" without taking the sign.... without following JAH RASTAFARI.

Bro Gad I

Messenger: Benjahmin Sent: 3/22/2004 8:10:22 AM

@Bro. Gad I
Th `I did ask what will be the sign of GOD ?
Well the sign of JAH is a heart of flesh....while the sign of Babylon is a heart of stone.
It is not the Bar-code or a passport engraved to the Hands-bones, it is not the figure of the Pope.......those are mere Symbols of Babylonian Power and is the Spirit within man....which will give that sign...better one hears the trumpets call !!!
JAH Love

Messenger: Ras John Sent: 3/22/2004 8:31:12 PM

Yall wanna know what the mark of the beast is???

You see it HUNDREDS of times a day.


Can't buy or sell without that, can you?


Ras John

Messenger: Bro Jahphet Anbesa I Sent: 3/23/2004 9:12:32 AM

I understan what the I is saying, but where do you see the 666 there?

Bro Gad I

Messenger: Benjahmin Sent: 3/23/2004 9:29:52 AM

@Bro. Gad I
Well the threescored 6 is to be seen it in the name of the it in the barcode , be it in constructionmathemathics of old Pharaos astonoshing amount of cars ( mostly big-money-man -cars) have the 666 on their licence-plate.
I see that number to be a symbol for Babylon-mentality....which all people will have on their hand or their forehead.....meaning in their actions and thinkings....and not as a visible tattoo or something like that.

Messenger: Ras John Sent: 3/23/2004 7:45:26 PM

I have heard from a number of people that 666 was the Roman emperor Nero's address. He would kill Christians for entertainment in public places like the Collisseum (sp?) and things... I don't know much about him, most of what InI know about him is from what I learned from a Catholic priest (a Benedictine monk, actually) when I was younger.

It's all metaphores and things... Today there are many Neros, slaying the righteous for entertainment...

Burn them!

Ras John

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Haile Selassie I