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Messenger: Queen Ile Sent: 12/15/2007 6:06:48 PM

Bless up

Something is in the waters and it takes the strength of the root to pull through for the whole to survive.
At a time it is with the weight of a feather, one must choose to act in righteous order. a notch to the left... and the Ights a go break away.

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 12/15/2007 6:17:39 PM

Well, i will say this...this is what i consider foolish
A rastaman sending out threats and warnings......not to mention on the sabbath day
that is not the Rastafari trod i know and it will never be. that is not the way of I Father
Rastafari is the meekest and humblest pon the earth
Black supremacy does not mean to be full of pride and think you are somehow more special than others. Black supremacy means MORE RESPONSIBILITY on ini children of Africa, to show love,peace, itegrity and heal this world as ini forefathers have done from time beginning, no matter what has happened my people have never rewarded evil for evil...that is the supremacy of the greeks use to say of ini....the blameless race.......that is Rastafari
Like i said before....this man you disrespect so, i know him well to be a good and righteous i wont stand to see him disrespected...for you dont see half the things he does on behalf of Rastafari as i have and still do
The disrespect you have thrown at Ethiopia...i leave that for now

If you come in peace and love and honour. that is what you will find with i....simple as that

And plz, for your own sake...let go the foul is unbecoming of a man named Negus..the i see it ?

Yes, perhaps, you and i might be fools.....but have you noticed one thing....did you notice the absence of one person from this discussion ? a person who you would have thought would be all over this post ?
That should tell you a little about what kind of man you have been disrespecting

Messenger: Negus Amlak Sent: 12/15/2007 7:10:43 PM

Come on now man why dont you follow your friends example, He insult I and I said what I had to say about it to him and it would have been done, but no! you now jump up and start pushing up yourself on I.

when him disraspect I you never jump up and defend I.

He left it alone and you are the one continuing to pushing the dramma.

Since you respect him somuch follow his good example and stop addressing Negus Amlak and address yuh self. Also the stuff about sabbath? Im not a jew so come off that hypocrital sabath argument.

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/15/2007 7:23:55 PM

STOP THE FUSSIN AN A FIGHTIN BREDREN!!! I and I am myself a whiteman yet I and I believe in KING SELASSIE I THE MOST HIGH!!!! Let us learn to reason with each other without conflict!! Why does race matter!!!! All races are African!!! Mankind originated in Ethiopia and then spread out throughout the world. It is not my fault my ancestors chose to live in a colder climate. That does not make I and I evil or inferior. Listen to the holy prophet Peter Tosh

Don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man
You're an African
No mind your nationality
You have got the identity of an African

'Cause if you come from Clarendon
And if you come from Portland
And if you come from Westmoreland
You're an African

No mind your nationality
You've got the identity of an African

'Cause if you come Trinidad
And if you come from Nassau
And if you come from Cuba
You're an African

No mind your complexion
There is no rejection
You're an African

'Cause if your plexion
If your complexion low, low, low
And if your plexion in between
You're an African

No mind denomination
That is only segregation
You're an African

'Cause if you go to the Catholic
And if you go to the Methodist
And if you go to the Church of Gods
You're an African

No mind your nationality
You have got the identity of an African

'Cause if you come from Brixton
And if you come from Weesday
And if you come from Wingstead
And if you come from France


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/15/2007 7:35:27 PM

amlak, you are a funny man.

you say,
Rastafari is the Name of an Ethiopian and I take it that neither one of you are Ethiopian, therfore you lack a GOD consciousness, genetically, you can only study I&I and imitate I and never be I.

I tell you Amlak, you have been in America for too many generations. You are the same as the downpressors who are American, the only difference is that you hate those Americans that are like you, and you don't have the means to do what they do.

I don't judge people by their genetics, but you seem to be very judgmental about people's genetics. So considering that, you actually think you are an Ethiopian. Anybody can tell just by looking at your face that you are not Ethiopian. The time that you were Ethiopian was the time when the descendants of all nations began in Ethiopia. If you at least had the mind of an Ethiopian, that would overcome your genetic distance, but your mind isn't even so.

Ras KebreAB is actually an Ethiopian and anybody can tell just by looking at his face and also his mind.

And when it was revealed to you that he is an Ethiopian, you speak all kinds of wickedness against Ethiopians. That is quite a difference from the quote of yours I posted above.

And in terms of you giving I, Ark I a warning. I should give you a warning before you hurt yourself. Anybody in the past who has been so foolish as to try to curse I has had their curse returned to their own self without it touching I at all, and the curse they cast out grew before it came back to them, so they recieved 7 times worse than they cast out. So when your curse returns to your own self, Iverstand why.

You made a comment about what I said about Elijah Muhammed's vain imagination. It wasn't vain imagination because he said Allah told him, it was vain imagination because he just made up some foolishness based solely on his hate of white people, not based on God.

And you mention about I attacking other people's faith. I speak against wickedness and deception, not faith. And who are you to say anything about that. You attack people and act as if they are inferior based on the colour of their skin. You pretend that you are an Ethiopian, and when confronted by a true Ethiopian you attack Ethiopians and speak all kinds of wickedness against them.

You look at something that a few people have done (like those that went against Selassie I), and you act as if all people of that nation did the same thing. Haile Selassie will blaze you for attacking His people.

You come and try to pretend you are an Ethiopian, and you come and try to pretend you are RasTafarI. But with the same foul breath, you attack True Ethiopians, and you attack True RasTafarI.

You don't regard the ways of Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I. But make up your own foolishness or adopt the foolishness of others and pretend that it is RasTafarI, while ignoring the ways of Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I that are contrary to your desires.

You come here and hide your true thoughts and aspirations. While pretending to be some gentle, loving Man. illusion of illusions, vanity of vanities. Like I said in I other post. I prefer what I see from you now. I was getting tired of the illusion you portrayed.

As I said, all people that speak like you eventually speak all kinds of wickedness against Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I. But it seems with you that it will take longer than most for you to admit to others your true thoughts of wickedness and contempt of Haile Selassie I.

Your mission is to infiltrate RasTafarI and slowly take people farther and farther away from Haile Selassie I, until they get far enough where they will no longer mind if you blaspheme against Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I. This will happen because of all the time and effort you spent to guide them away from Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I, they will be so far that Haile Selassie I will no longer be in their sights. But I don't mind that you take them, because you will never take even One true RasTafarI, because RasTafarI will never leave RasTafarI. You will only take those who are pretending to be who they are not.

So please, amlak continue to try to curse I with more and more "fire", "heartattack", "brimstone", "earthquake" and whatever else you want to throw. And please, get others that are like you to join you as well, the more you bring to your party the better. When the time is due, Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I will strike you down with your own curse.

And you see I still have not behaved vile like you, and I never will because I am not a vile person like you.

Jah RasTafarI Lives and Reigns Iternally.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Negus Amlak Sent: 12/15/2007 7:48:50 PM

Eleazar1234, thanks for advocating for stoping the fussing and fighting, it is all ways good to remind us the high road...
As for you being a whiteman I have no problem with you being white, neither do I have a problem with whatever you choose to believe. you are free to do so, for your beliefs are personal and not my jurisdiction. It is true hamanity originated in africa and migrated to other places in the world, given. I do disagree with the fact that you say your ancestors CHOSE to live in a colder climate. The people you identify as YOUR ancestors were forced against their will go in the hills and caves of eur-asia because of the trouble they were causing amongst the africans. This can be found in historical research not because I say so, dont belive me check for yourself.Also Tosh was talking to Africans not Europeans in the song you quoted.
Once again thanks for advocating for peace.

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 12/15/2007 7:50:05 PM

First off, stop saying your friend. for that is i idren there

second, i still dont know where it is that ArkI is supposed to have insulted you
Did i not tell you that i will give you a chance to explain yourself and where all this animosity is coming from before i say anything more to you ? Did i , or did i not ?
What did that get i? Getting called a pussyhole and getting told to go suck my mumma..right ? Right,irie
You could have just as easily come and said..he said this and that to me, and thats why i felt disrespected...simple
but no...instead of REAL EYESing that i was asking you to explain yourself for the sake of peace and harmony, you had to look down on me saying things like why should i explain to you, too much pride in your heart you see it?
On top of that you had to bring all kinds of things like race and colour into it. Alright

And now you want to say " He insult I and I said what I had to say about it to him and it would have been done"
which we both know is simply untrue
The truth is if it was done, it was done and finished with in the other totally different post
But, no, We all had to wake up and see a big sign reading WARNING....shouldnt you have been done as you said ? So what were those warnings and threats for if you were done ?

The i dem remember a little while ago....everyone was vexed with Sizzla and Norrisman ? everyone was like how dare they bring shame on Rastafari name using such language with eachother ?
So what should i make of you eh ?
Congratulations, you will go down as the first man in my life who claims He hails the same Father as i to tell i to go suck my mumma
..........and you actually say i am pushing the drama, seen

Now i have seen what you say about the sabbath, i will say this, this is where you and i dont say nothing to i, i wont say nothing to you
dont disrespect anyone, i wont disrespect you
in fact since you dislike this place so much, just simple isnt it? No one will mention your name again, you can trust i on that
I Bobo idren can deal with you on that subject

Alright ? are we done ? Good

Messenger: Fiyah!!! Sent: 12/15/2007 8:01:52 PM

Blessed Love,

I man nuh waan fi jump up ina dis. Just a factual thing that I haffi point out as to what an Ethiopian looks like. The I dem must think clearly before making certain comments.


Messenger: Negus Amlak Sent: 12/15/2007 8:14:35 PM

Listen, young fellow you cant expect to fling daggers at I and none come your way...its a must! No Matter what you try and what you quote it will not change anything. I have not placed any curse on anyone that 's your vain imagination. Leading people away from Rastafari? that your job. I america too long? Black have been here long before there was an america stupid. A person righteuosness is not determined by nationality neither race. Absence of God consciousness relates to the peoples who you call savages or barbarians of which you are a descendant not I. Rastafari does not come naturally for you, you had to study I&I and then imitate I&I. This is an inborn thing with I&I strictly Irits.
Just because someone was born in ethiopia does not mean by the virtue of where he was born he is righteous. This is a life long livity guy.
You can look and see I dont hide I put I life on the line for this trod every day surrounded by enemies trying to devour I. You, you hide in cyberworld invisble to all.
So bottom line is this dont disraspect I and you wont disrepect you. simple as that. Reason upful to I and I reason upful the I. ah so it go. And again I have not placed any curse on you or anyone else.....yet! and If I do trust,it will be on bigger demons than you.

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/15/2007 8:17:25 PM

Greetings NegusAmalek

Thanks for the info on my ancestors. I likely have a distorted view of history due to Babylon/Jesuit perversion of history books and other resources. Perhaps my ancestors did cause trouble in Africa, but I and I hope you overstand that not all white people are evil, even if almost all of them are. I and I consider myself a rastaman because I and I want to get closer to JAH, the creator of everything. I hope I make myself clear I AM IN NO WAY TRYING TO STEAL OR DEGRADE THE BLACKMAN'S CULTURE. I and I as a white man to have roots going back to africa as well, even if those roots are 10,000 generations back. I and I believe that Peter Tosh's song African was trying to tell the world that everyone is an African whether white, black, asian, Aboriginee, or Native American. Mankind orginated in Ethiopia so therefore everyone has roots going back to Africa, even if they extremely ancient roots. Thanks for the info though can you tell me a good resource to find out more? Whatever you do, beware of the Jesuits. They are behind much of what you would call THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Let us stop the fussing and the fighting, the tribal warfare, the racISM. Let us burn down all ISMS and SCHISMS with some Ganja smoke. Why can't we all get together and smoke ganja, play music, and give thanks and praise to Haile Selassie I/Yesus Christ in his Kingly Charchter? I dont cite up the Christ as the vatican does, I and I am talking about Haile Selassie I the POWER OF THE TRINITY so don't call me a christian wolf in sheep clothing. ALL I WANT IS TO BE ON JAH's SIDE WHEN JUDGEMENT DAY COMES, AND I AND I BELIEVE THE DAY TO BE CLOSE AT HAND. HELL IS A PLACE WHERE THE WORM DIETH NOT, a PLACE OF WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH. I know that hell is real because I once tried to kill myself and I had a terrible vision of hell. I was involved in satanic heavy metal and I think some demons were messing with me. Since then, I have tried to seek JAH and avoid evil.

HAILE SELASSIE I CREATOR OF SUN,Moon, Earth, Universe, plants, animals, whites, blacks, asians, native americans, heaven, hell, life, death.



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