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Messenger: Dread Lion Sent: 10/12/2007 7:36:50 PM

Bless Ark I,

I asked about the evidence, the observed facts, that have led you to conclude where your ancestors were or were not NOT about any specific part of the earth.

In regard to the other question u refer to: my point is that you are wrong to attack, murder, occupy and steal PERIOD, regardless of any fact pertaining to your ancestory.
I don't think I quite overstand ur point; I think I have some French blood in me, does that put crimes I might commit against France in a different moral category from crimes against New Zealand?

Faith deals with unprovable ideas, all faith, so why try to disprove the unprovable ideas of others? How does this help anyone?
And if the debate is purely historical or biological then it should be based on evidence and observation. And we should be clear about exactly where the evidence leaves off and where interpretation and conjecture begins.

Seeking truth requires the ability and willingness to accept the truth even when it contradicts what we wish to be true, this is not the way of faith. WHY does one care about the geneological history of the Jews? Is it because one wants to know the actual scientific truth or because one has faith in a certain idea and will not be persuaded by any evidence or observation anyway? Does any individual's standing with Jah depend on geneology?

It just seems to me if InI spend time thinking about all the bad things in the world, constantly conscious of the treacheries and iniquities of these people and those people the result is that InI spend all our time thinking about bad things, stewing in negetivity. While if InI reasoned more about love and joy and dignity and righteousness and doing good, if InI looked for the good in others, for proof that love lives in all humans then InI would show Jah Love to the world. If there were at least close to as many posts here like the recent announcement of the joyous occassion of a baby being born to a loving family as there are attacking the beliefs or ideas of others I wouldn't even be trying (and apparently failing) to make my point.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 10/12/2007 11:12:20 PM

Dread Lion, you said,
In regard to the other question u refer to: my point is that you are wrong to attack, murder, occupy and steal PERIOD, regardless of any fact pertaining to your ancestory.
I don't think I quite overstand ur point; I think I have some French blood in me, does that put crimes I might commit against France in a different moral category from crimes against New Zealand?

The point is that Israelis are claiming that the land they took belongs to them, and the point is that some of the powerful countries of the world accept that Israelis have a right to occupy that land in the Middle East. The British helped them take it, and the Americans have continued to help them keep it and take more territory since then.

And to further explain I point. If a people were robbed of their country by a foreign invader and the invader occupied their country for some time, then I would not see anything wrong with them fighting the invader to regain their country, whether it is 1, 10, 50, 100, 100s or more years later. But I would not support, for example, a large group of Americans that became Buddhists, and after 1, 10, 50, 100, 100s or more years, decided that they had the right to go to China to fight and take the land, because their "religious faith" told them that since China is the original home of Buddhists, and since they are Buddhists, then that gives them a right to take the land that "belongs to them".

Now do you Iverstand I point?

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Prince Hotep Sent: 10/13/2007 7:00:48 AM

Blessed love
Blessed Holy Sabbath. Ises HIGH
Since I name was mentioned I am obliged to participate in the reasoning.
Well when I first came to Ras Tafar I, I was vexed about the race issue, but then I found out about White Supremacy shitstem ,and white privilege ,witch was mental , because there are few to none black people where I man live… I started burning white privilege, then started to burn I own self , I own image…but now I am very comfortable with it…I don’t get vexed. Because I started to see things as they are. The reason to all this is that Rasta as Buddhism has the same idea of everything that happens, that all things that are happening are happening with a reason and they have to happen, the saying “the I reap what the I sow”… All things have the beginning and an end, Icept(how it is strange how the word Xept means to favor or divide something and it is of the X) HIM who has no end… No man escape Judgment , nothing goes unpunished in HIM KINGDOM witch for I is the only KINGDOM I man accept, I man laugh and despise human laws, human government human Xtablishments, and there is only but ONE KINGDOM ,it’s the KINGDOM OF THE ALLMIGHTY JAH RAS TAFAR I… The point I am trying to make is that if I man skin is white and JAH wanted I to be born a gentile and HIM called I name ,I know that I name is written in the book of life and I man should live Iternaly , but it’s up to I to follow and not fall, but I know I feel and I see how JAH all time purify I with FYAH when I go astray or even think about going astray, I CAN’T GO ASTRAY BECAUSE I KNOW THE TRUTH!
JAH free the people over hills and valleys.
Holy Immanuel I Selassie I JAH Ras Tafar I

Messenger: Ten Sent: 10/13/2007 6:31:06 PM

Sabbath Blessings I n I
I feeling on this matter wouldn't go so far as to call fake jews the anti-christ but that's not what I wish to reason on. I, Dread Lion, I am a little amused by your statement:
"WHY does one care about the geneological history of the Jews? Is it because one wants to know the actual scientific truth or because one has faith in a certain idea and will not be persuaded by any evidence or observation anyway? Does any individual's standing with Jah depend on geneology?"

The reason I n I care is because I n I know that the history of the Jews is Rastafari story - how can you ask the obvious I? Its got nothing to do with scientific truth or proving a theory. Its plain truth that RasTafari trods from ancient of days. I wonder just what have you learnt abt Rastafari that makes you fail to make the plain and simple connections that reveal I n I anciency and legitimacy as Sons and Daughters of Israel. And to answer your last question yes geneaology has everything to do with JAH - a people without their roots is lost. I n I hail the holiness of His Majesty through the very thing called genealogy - hence the Solomonic line of Kings. Now if these basic truths are not clear to you, I then all I can say is JA guide, He shall reveal.

Messenger: Ten Sent: 10/13/2007 7:07:49 PM

By the way Rook FarI Selah give thanks for your reasoning, I overs the I's position. And esp when you say its hard enough convincing Black people of their link to Israel - yes Aya the truth is twisted, re-told and twisted again that as a people we fail to see where we come from. The settlers in Israel with the defence of Amerikkka falsely claim legitimacy to land and trodition that's not theirs. The emigrations of Ethiopian Jews to Israel answers Dread Lion since you asked abt genealogy - there is a real live example for you to show the importance of knowing one's roots I.

Messenger: ROOK FARI SELAH Sent: 10/13/2007 7:56:19 PM

blessed love
yaa ,ten ,respec give thanks
for the humbles words of love

Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 10/14/2007 12:43:02 AM

Naturally King... I definitely overs.

Anyway, the devil's advocate (I don't mean that literally, it is a figurative term - so please do keep shirts on) has a point, it is always better to reason about love and all that. What a shame that this x-world leaves us with so many images of brutality, InI have to speak it, process it, overs it in the body of InI trodition, and BLAZE it out.

Have the I them ever watched this awful movie called 28 Days Later. It is set in Britain. Anyway, at the beginning there is a lab where they are developing a "rage" virus, and they have a chimp tied to a chair, surrounded by nuff tv monitors and every screen is displaying a version of human horror; war, rape, fighting... all of it. And in the movie, that is part of the development of the disease... literally.

So, InI irits say we have to LOVE love, and HATE folly. It's a balance. With all of the folly InI see around, if we don't identify it according to the irits, and blaze it out in reasoning, we may be leaving our idren & sistren to suffer the effects of a cognitive disorder. Can't the I see that the youths are finding it difficult to differentiate between right and wrong, these days. Simple right & wrong. The situation is dread, "Dread Lion", so haffi roar. Thee I sight?

As well as overstanding the neo-imperial intentions of the X world in Palestine (not to say that I think the actions of the Muslim world would be any more beneficial to InI if we're being real) and what this indicates about their plans for the "future"... we have to see that they are doing this in InI name. And wake up to that... there is a potency in that message for InI overstanding of self.

And in relation to livity, I felt it necessary to go for the jugular expose because I'm noticing some dreads talking folly about His Majesty and InI inheritance while posing under locs and spreading some x propaganda about the place. Again, rather than be lead astray InI must see the potency in this, and how LIVE the struggle is. People are battling for our position, except we.

I'm alright with that though, I stand with Prince Hotep on the matter... I don't think we have to fight for what is ours. That doesn't mean that we don't have an obligation to remain aware. Ras KebreAb said it pretty well... be aware, beware, but don't fear.


Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 10/14/2007 1:26:54 AM

Dear Ark-I (like Noah, right? Yes Uncle, love thee I a lot)

Give thanks for this excerpt:

"By the word "neutral" We do not, of course, mean that abstention from political activity which has been for so long the hallmark of a Switzerland. We can no more refrain from political activity in the year 1961 than man today can voluntarily refrain from partaking of the radioactive fall-out which will be bestowed upon him should a nuclear holocaust erupt on this globe. Nor does neutrality mean that without taking sides, we content ourselves with urging that the powers most intimately concerned negotiate in good faith to the solution of the issues in dispute between them; we have passed the point where prayerful pleading serves any purpose other than to debase those who thereby abdicate any responsibility or power to influence events.

To be neutral is to be impartial, impartial to judge actions and policies objectively, as we see them either contributing to or detracting from the resolution of the world's problems, the preservation of peace and the improvement of the general level of man's living conditions. Thus, we may find ourselves now opposing, now supporting. now voting with, now voting against, first the East, next the West. It is the worth of the policies themselves, and not their source or sponsor, which determines the position of one who is truly neutral.

This, We maintain, is the essence of non-alignment. Those who would righteously denounce one side on every major problem or issue while reserving nothing but praise for the other cannot claim to be non-aligned, nor can those whose policies are shaped for them elsewhere and who wait patiently to be instructed whether they are to be for or against be called uncommitted."

H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I
Belgrade Conference

Messenger: Dread Lion Sent: 10/14/2007 1:04:01 PM

Blessed Love Yaa Asantewa,

Iman give thanks for the I's words of overstanding.

And, incidentally, I too believe the USA-backed Israeli occupation in Palestine is wrong (tho I do not have a realistic solution to the conflict either).

Iman cannot do much about problems I barely iverstand taking place thousands of miles away, BUT I can remind my Bredren to treat his Empress with kindness or show my Youth how to work hard and share.


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 10/14/2007 9:30:34 PM

Yaa Asantewa,

The meaning of I name is not in reference to Noah's Ark, it is in reference to the Ark of the covenant. The Ark holds the commandments within and the Spirit of Jah within and over it. This is how I sight RasTafarI people. I use this name to represent I movement towards Jah.

Dread Lion,

In regards to reasoning about good and bad things. I and I Father, Haile Selassie I promoted Righteousness and Blazed out wickedness, whether the wickedness was in Ethiopia or outside of it.

Reasoning about these things help teach ones and ones of the wickedness out there so that they are not surprised by something they don't know about or Iverstand. With Iverstanding, I and I can avoid it and Blaze Fire on it. Also, reasoning about these things makes I and I aware of where and when I and I are in the movement of the Seven Seals.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

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