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Lessons for today

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 9/5/2007 9:42:42 AM

Today , on my way home from school i saw two people fall down on the ground.
One made me sad, the other made me wonder

the first was an old white lady, could have been anywhere upwards from 80 yrs old. I was quiet a distance away from her, but still i heard some thing and turned around just in time to see her fall down. She was near a bus stop and plenty people were standing right at the bus stop. I couldnt believe it, but not one of those people even bothered to turn around, they just kept sitting there, some reading their newspapers.
I started to move towards her but since i was a distance away, she had slowly gotten herself from off the ground before i even crossed the road. Just made i feel so sad. How do people live with themselves, how do they sleep at night, do people have a conscious anymore?

The second was a man on a bicycle. He was right in front of me. I dont know what happened to him but he suddenly skidded and fell right in the middle of the road. There were plenty cars coming right behind him.
I was looking directly in his face and although it was a split second, i caught a look on his face. And i knew that look.
It was a look that said, "who is looking at me" , it was a look borne out of embarresment.
And it just made i wonder
What is it in human nature that would make a man put what other people thought of him above his own safety and life?
What makes a man look around to see who is looking at him instead of thinking about his safety first?
Is it really human nature or just the nature of some people?

Finally, i got home. i live high up on the eight floor. I was just about to go into the elevator when a group of people came along. Even though i was first, i asked them to take the elevator first since they were the bigger group and told them that i would wait for the next one
Guess what happens
They had barely climbed up to the first floor, when the elevator just broke down and stopped right there.
I took the stairs

Blessed Love
Rastafari Is

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 9/5/2007 11:05:00 PM

Jah know,

The mystics see and know and the mystics feel it.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: prophecy Sent: 9/6/2007 7:51:13 AM

give thanx for that story..hmmm it reminded I of something that happened to I on Tuesday, but is completely different. Well, maybe not, cause many experiences are signs to I n I. Or like the I said lessons. Ur story is bout karma. The I saw to incidents that touched the I. The I saw things that many didn't, ur care for life. Ur attempt to help the elder woman and respect for the man's pride, taught u a lesson in life. Not only a lesson but a positive reaction. The group of ppl. filled the elevator so the I couldn't get on, because it was going to break down. Since the I did good deeds in ur heart, Jah blessed u with safety by not allowing the I to get on the elevator. Atleast thats how I see it.

Here is I story from Tuesday>

I moved but had to come forward for the rest of I belongings. I had to drive around a lot. Everywhere I went I saw a butterfly flying in the same direction above I car. The butterfly seemed to have the same pattern and colors as the first. This happened every time I drove somewhere, but it didn't really pay close attention to it. Then finally it struck I and I just Chanted RaaaaSSTafaarrri!! I feel it symbolized freedom, but not sure. What are the odds of a similiar butterfly flying the same way all day, every time u go somewhere? What a joy!

Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 9/6/2007 8:09:57 AM

Yes Ancient Iawta!

Blatant freedom symbol.

I think I overs what has been going down for the I of late. And as Sistrin, I wanna say heartically (as much as can be expressed in this kind of medium) that the perspective and the I sight is real ilaful.

In these kind of times for InI the femi9, it's not easy to firm up and trod Emmanuel road. And for many womben, it is man that is our Delilah. I am so proud of the I and feel totally sure that this is the right thing for the I (the sweet butterfly did seal it). Be reassured the I will be blessed very bountifully cos for real, it is more than a "coincidence". Haile Selassie I sees & knows all things, and only HIM can know the emotional sacrifice the I has made to keep the covenant with the Irator, and Mother Menen. Your bravery will pay off, the trust you have placed in your own knowledge of Self shall be made proof of your real & living innection with the almighty I.

Rest easy and don't fret. Everything is bless.

I'm trodding Zion bound in a matter of weeks (going on a long journey in the footsteps of Israel). But I am in foreign right now, relating to another thread. Not a foreign state of mind tho... LOL. Leave that for the others :)

Blessed Love Boboshanty. Love & Life.

Don't you love our little corner!!

Messenger: prophecy Sent: 9/6/2007 8:43:15 AM

blessed Yaa, ur words got I thanx for the heart of love..I wish the I a blessed journey..
Yes empress, everything 1, this bredren I met online I n I reasoned for a month str8. He was a bobo but was mislead by the one who crowned him. N e wayz, he kind lost faith. I n I met, I sent him the black supremacy book, then he came forward and went to service and now he like born again..I am feeling his joy so wanted to share it. When the I say Selassie see all things, it made I think of that..

Give thanx for the encouragement for I made the biggest move of I life and its scarey but I am a ur words are really appreciloved. Give thanx love

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 9/6/2007 8:59:18 AM

Blessed Love Ises Ites

Yes I, Life is a Joy to BE-hold

I just wanted to say that there is a purpose for which i posted this. Jah know, if ini of spoke all the things Jah show ini day to day, some would call i mad. I am just taking a simple lesson so youths who might see this might see less with them eyes and see more with them Isight.
As part of Rastafari Inborn concept, i know that for some of InI that is just a natural state to be from birth while for some of ini it is a state of being that one has to strive for and develop within time.
I can say without any pride or boastfulness,(i know some wont believe lol) that i have always seen with i isight, from when a child, from before i ever heard of isight. When Rastafari idren start sighting up Selassie I for the first time, it is not something new that they are sighting up.Rastafari idren know that they are sighting something that was always within them. Jah Jah is there all around you. Thats why more times i cant overs why some depend so much on books and learning to justify their faith. Dont get I wrong, i am not knocking education lol, but the purpose of Education is more to learn how to serve JAH and thy brethren and sistren to the best of your abilities, the purpose of education is not to search for Jah. Many people do not overstand that Rastafari is about letting go, to give thyself unto Jah with thy heart and spirit and letting HIM lead you in the path of Rightousness. Yes Iyah, INI shall not want.
Anyway, as i was saying, develop your isight and you will sight the world change before your eyes and the old ways of the world will disappear,be still and call upon the Mighty Name of Jah Rastafari and you will know the Power and Glory of His Name, Empty your cup that babylon done mix up with them wine of them fornication and let HIM fill it up fresh . JAH gave you your mouth to speak and your ears to hear , do you think He wont hear when you call on Him ? To look for education first and then for Jah is a backward way of thinking. Seek Jah first and all shall be added. That is the only way you can survive this babylon made education system intact without losing your heart and soul in vanity and corruption.
Even concerning all the strife that has been caused here lately. It is really funny to I when some see my part in it as being some kind of personal disagreement with that person deh. Most do no overs because they still do not sight what them people deh are doing but i seen it from the day them come here. And its Really funny when Ark I start to heat up the fyah fe them, he is accused of taking sides and....what was that other word,,,recruiting lol
It reminds I of a little story. Once a while ago, i was just taking a walk with i sister when we came upon a group of people that she knew. She went over to say hello, but i just stayed where i was a little distance away and waited for my sister to finish. When she returned and we continued our walk my sister asked i why i didnt go over to say hello. I told her that i had seen one of the people in the group and i just got a feeling that that is not a person i want to meet.she said who and i described the person. Suddenly my sister just started hugging me and laughing. She said she didnt know how i knew and proceeded to tell i all the bad minded things that person had done to my sister and others. I just had to laugh and say Jah See and Know.

Blessed Love

Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 9/6/2007 11:05:30 AM


"Seek JAH first, and everything shall be added!!" (Straight goosebumps YO!)

Messenger: prophecy Sent: 9/6/2007 11:25:27 AM

yes i, for real. I don't think its crazy that the I insight was from a child. I n I are born this way, but just don't real eyes it until a certain level. For the I, the I sighted it right away for others it can take years. So, I think that is a blessing for the I to see at such a young age. I really understand why ones and ones say they are rastafari from creation, it is so true. But, it may not be revealed to I n I right away. For I, I was 18 and I knew jah was there for I since a little girl. Jah, the blessed trinity, is the only one who gave i the eyes to see and the ears to hear. I didn't real eyes it was HIM at the time, but when I look forward I just think in amazement. Because if it wasn't for the blessed trinity, I would probably be a downpressor. Well, I went off subject.
Everyday is a gift and all the lessons is wat makes I n I rich because I n I see the simple but most amazing gift of life.
I am european and native american and my native ancestors are very spiritual as ones and ones know. They even study the animals, everything is a gift. Everything has life and wat lessons and stories to be told. Such a beautiful thing.
I remember when a deer walked with me, it was so amazing. Or when the same dragonfly kept landing on I leg after flying around, experiences like this just make u wander and enjoy the beauty of mother earth..for mother earth will give u gifts and lessons from jah kingdom..
ok i went off subject the i just got i thinking a

Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 9/6/2007 12:31:11 PM

Well, on that note there are two things I wanna share with the I them.

I was on the bus the other morning... and I think I have said it before, my thing right now is working to develop my serene ivels. I'm 25 year old Reubenite, so JAH know... a lot of youth fire in the belly. But give thanks said way.

Anyway, I must have got vex the past strong about something or other... and I was like, boy... this ain't gonna do. I'm going forward to West Africa in a few weeks, and I KNOW that I'm gonna have to hear some nonsense about my covenant. And my Xtian family members are gonna be baffed why I don't want no damn chicken! So my Sistrin was like, Yaa... you can't get vex at the people them... or at least it is not practical to "tell everybody straight" the whole time.

So, I was like... boy... JAH know... I'm gonna have to really come closer to meditating how to access my own serenity. But I was like, how am I gonna do that? When something comes upon my tongue, it is like AGONY not to just say it, and then deal with whatever comes. This is how I've been since imes.

But I was genuinely concerned because I thought, 'I need to go to Africa, and pass through and touch my land, and immune with my Mother land... so I don't need to tamper with my heavens and destruct the current that I'm going to seek. What shall I do?'

I usually leave the wracking of brains for the believers. So more time, I place the question with the ilaments and wait for Rasponse. I was going over it in my mind on Sabbath... but no answer on Sabbath. Until Tuesday... I was on the bus... and the thought came to me again. 'How am I gonna train myself into serenity, with a liveline to meet?'

I looked up wondering... and my sight rested on the clouds sailing above. It was a mild cloudy day and rain has been pouring judgement on these places for the whole summer now. In my mind, I thought, 'yuck. look at the clouds. judgement.'

And it came to me. I was like... aaaah. No, not yuck. Yes, maybe judgement... but as the clouds sail over the land... so is serenity. And I real-eyes in I_Self that the ilaments and the Earth shall teach me serenity. If InI am womban and one with iration (which InI are... naturally) then I can pose in serenity right along with the clouds.

Serenity is not to be confused with passivity right. Righteousness is ACTIVE, but serene.

Yes I. Blessed Love. Empress Menen I Selassie I.

Oh... and the second thing was something I wanted to pull from Empress Prophecy statement that I really love the depth of.

Empress said... "if it wasn't for the blessed trinity, I would probably be a downpressor".

This is an amazing statement. Because it acknowledges that the downpressor and the downpresed are both captives in the anti-christ prison state.

Neither is free. But one-ness is freedom. Truth is one-ness.

One Iration. One truth. One God. One aim. One destiny.

Holy Emmanuel I Selassie I. JAH. RasTafari.

Blessed Ites family. I suddenly am starting to feel like this forum will be valuable to InI... and that we can cre-love a proper rems.

Messenger: prophecy Sent: 9/6/2007 2:35:58 PM

empress that was meditative, i feel the energy so deep today i can scream for joy.
empress, is the i going to a tabernacle in afrika? I went to the one in jamaica? What a journey..
Ur experience remind I of an awakening, revelation watever u wish to call it(If the I have a better word let I know)that I had. I used to let ones and ones move I or situations, but then one day I just reached deep within Iself and found a peace or found Iself. Cause afterwards, I became more humble, ones and ones words of X didn't move I. I felt I-tent and truly at peace. I felt I didn't have to prove I-self and I didn't care what anyone thought, because I truly knew I-self. I don't know how I got there, but I did. The I made I think bout that.

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Haile Selassie I