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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Ark I Sent: 9/3/2007 1:44:22 AM

No matter how many people come and try to change RasTafarI way, RasTafarI way will never change. The only thing that changes in people trodding towards RasTafarI is their former ways are removed and the ways of RasTafarI are added to them, all in due time and season. Not all of RasTafarI ways are written in books, but all of RasTafarI ways are of One Order.

There are differences between different RasTafarI, but there are certain things that all RasTafarI would say is truth and there are certain other things that no RasTafarI would say is truth.

Anybody wishing to change RasTafarI ways will only remove those among I and I who are not RasTafarI.

RasTafarI will never leave RasTafarI.

Now the words of the Great Joseph Hill.

How can I leave Jah
How could I possibly go on fighting wrong

Just like a rose
if you don't water it
every morning
it will die

I promise I will love Jah
keep his commandments
humble myself and live

I promise I will love Jah
keep his commandments
humble myself and live

And live to Eternity
And live, Oh Jah, to Eternity

For it was our day
Man should serve no other One
but Jah, and Jah alone

I will show, oh yeah
I could never love no other one
the way, the way, the very way I love Jah

I promise I will love Jah
keep his commandments
humble myself and live

I promise I will love Jah
keep his commandments
humble myself and live

Exodus 20 say
Thou shall not make unto thyself
no god of silver nor of gold

Man servant to I great Jah, you sight

How can I leave Jah
How could I possible go on
without Jah Inity

I promise I will love Jah
keep his commandments
humble myself and live

I promise I will love Jah
keep his commandments
humble myself and live

And live to Eternity, Oh Jah
And live to Eternity

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Baba Eye Sent: 9/3/2007 3:34:03 AM

INI shall speak the truth and speak it ever. no matter what it will.

Messenger: still looking Sent: 9/3/2007 9:34:14 PM

everything changes ark i --that is life --- rasta chanted death to whites ---then death to white oppressors ----and then death to white and black oppressors......everything changes -----the question is;

can we change with it?


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 9/3/2007 11:21:02 PM

Everything changes for you still looking, but nothing changes with RasTafarI. The example of change you gave wasn't a change in RasTafarI, it was a change in people. As I already mentioned:

The only thing that changes in people trodding towards RasTafarI is their former ways are removed and the ways of RasTafarI are added to them, all in due time and season.

The only things that changes are the former ways that are not RasTafarI. What is of RasTafarI will never change.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Ten Sent: 9/4/2007 4:56:23 AM

I n I overs 'change' like so: perhaps there is a seperation between Rastafari as the faith n movement and the way in which I n I percieve Rastafari. You seak of how people changed, but Rastafari is ever steady, standing firm as truth, but us as people we are on a continual trod to this overstanding of life through Rastafari. Its a progression toward higher spiritual existence and we have to live it up in order come into the fullness of Rastafari glory.

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 9/4/2007 5:22:19 AM

Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

In the beginnin was the WORD the WORD took unto itself flesh
and dwell amongst man the WORD that was spoken in the beginning
such is the existence of man
the WORD spoken is I

Blessed Love and Ises
Give thanks for another day
Rastafari Is

Messenger: Ras Bredren Nicholas Sent: 9/4/2007 6:51:41 AM


Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 9/5/2007 11:47:48 AM

It's really starting to get on my nerves that Still Looking is still talking about RasTafari in terms of political opinions mixed with religion.

How long has he been on here? How many times has anyone tried to explain to him that it is just the way of first human divine.

I think the problem is that he has been schooled by European "privilege", who believe that civilisation is a becoming. This backward method of understanding the world teaches that with time, comes progress. That humanity has to move from savagery to humanity. This is why they tell themselves that all this embracing the gay stuff is about moving closer to humanity.

But there lies the glory of the judgement blueprint. Cos these same people will keep moving (what they think is) forward... but only InI know that in all actuality it is backward, and downwards. The rest is prophecy & history.

So, it stands to reason that "They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah." Psalms 57:6

In relation to the linear euro-centric idea of human development, you'll find that their theories of "enlightenment" came from a people who, prior to the 16th century, were worshipping wooden idols of donkeys and dying from total lack of hygiene while being treated like total sh*t by their system of gentry. It was slavery and colonial design, and the wealth thereof that brought improvement to their world. So, it's quite understandable that they believe that civilisation is something to be worked towards.

The problem is, we know... InI know that we (Israel) were delivered to the crucifixion, that the wicked may make themselves known and consequently shall fashion their own demise.

These vast cities of gluttony, and ego are collapsing on themselves. If they're not gay and non-creating, they're fat and dying from it, their children are turning into their own worst enemies, even the dogs & animals are turning. Further to that, they send their sons out to fight a war they can't win, but can't afford to lose. All the while they are upon each other, while the weathers take their revenge.

And check it, while Still Looking is raging on about InI accepting homosexuality as a natural and god-given (fiyah bun) incident, watcha... he better know how to plant and farm... and he better hope his seeds are not gay, else he ain't gonna get no food when wal-mart collapses as part of the next big crash of the stock markets! LOL.

Messenger: still looking Sent: 9/5/2007 12:20:26 PM

"he better hope his seeds are not gay,"

if they are i will love them,accept them and help them as i always have----------not one thing would change.

i think if it happens to you there may be a problem and it will be for your child that i would be most concerned for.

let go of your anger yaa

Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 9/5/2007 12:47:06 PM

Ye see how the allegory went straight over this man's head. I was talking about PLANTING & FARMING.

Do - you - know - what - that - is - metropolitan?

Ye see how mad these people are. I just wanna use this and flag it up. I was talking about planting, I said I hope his seeds aren't gay or else he won't get any food. He retorts with if they are, he will love and accept them.

Well, I guess he'll have to. Cos there won't be any point in sowing them into the fertile ground.

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Haile Selassie I