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Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 8/16/2007 8:17:19 AM

"I heart is black"..? ohh-kay.

Comparing Boboshanty to Nazi Fascism. ohh-kay.

Did I hear somebody say "pharisees" in an earlier post?

Definitions people! Definitions!

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 8/16/2007 8:42:04 AM

I do think it is unfair and an error to compare Bobo Shanti principles to Nazi´s or white power ideology in any shape or form.
i see it now

Messenger: still looking Sent: 8/16/2007 8:58:33 AM

during our racism unit in class some student will always bring up the "blacks are racist too" issue.

my response is "i will not call a black person a racist" to which they will ask "Why?"

i say generally what you see when a black person hates whites is a "reaction" to the poor treatment that either they have faced directly or they have witnessed as a black growing up in america.

whites on the other hand were hating and mistreating blacks simply because they were black.

there is a big difference there

now i do tell them that even though i would not use the term racist doesn't mean that i think that this reaction will help them down the road ---- i refer to a student that has been abused by adults --- some will stay angry and mistrust all adults (which we all would understand their feelings -- but it won't help their situation) and some will find a way to move past it in a positive.

if there are bobo that think the races should be separate i completly understand where that feeling comes from --- i don't agree with it, but i know where the feeling comes from -----

i am just personally glad that my wife did not react in such a way from her experiences as a youth.

i have a mandela quote on the wall in my class that deals with decisions we sometimes make when we are angry -- it goes with our unit on being a reactive or proactive person.

"the brain must always dominate the blood"

any of us can think of sometime when we were wronged and our blood starts to boil --- but if we want a positive outcome it is important that our brain makes the decision not our blood(emotions).

but trust me -- i know that is much easier said than done depending on the level of injustice and what non-whites have gone through has to be at the top of the list as far as injustices go.


Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 8/16/2007 9:16:33 AM

Ises Bro Dominiq

I am just wondering, but how can one denounce(hope thats not too strong a word) the principle of keeping your racial identity pure and at the same time uphold the principles of Repatriation, i think im correct in assuming that the I stands for Repatriation?
There seems to be a bit of a clash of ideas, to i at least.


Messenger: Elijah Sent: 8/16/2007 9:33:48 AM


I don't think it is mistake to compare black supremacy ideology with white supremacy ideology. Any one who support for any reason one of those ideologies is an enemy of One Love. Because these are ideologies of separation.
Fortunately no one can stop the nature and people are mixing races more then ever in the history. So all that foolish ideologies are useless and may be only used to boost some egos of racial supreme individuals.

If you don't stop to look through the point of race relations, you will end up nowhere. There are only oppressors and down pressed, masters and slaves, rich and poor.

Did you ever read actual reports about slavery in the world.
The biggest group of slaves is already in USA (Florida) and most of them comes from South America.

"white people did this and that, and the black people are better because them from Africa and they close to natural roots etc."
Foolish thinking.

White people (actually European people) did more evil in the history to European people, then to any other races, just study a bit of history.
Look now whats happens in Africa, how many black people killed and is still killing black people?

Bro Dominique's post showed very clearly the differences and the reasons.

On the end question: Do you know one of the reasons why the London EWF inc. was evicted?
Because there where two competitive groups in One House, and the group which try to take over the place was Black Supremacy organization. Check it out for details with elders who lived there from Nyahbinghi House.

Thats what comes with the supremacy, isolation, separation against Inity.

One Love

Messenger: still looking Sent: 8/16/2007 10:36:22 AM

respect elijah,

i wife and i were just watching "sometimes in April" again the other night and we had that exact discussion. how it seems that people don't see the mass killings that people have comitted against there "own kind". it seems as if some just wish to focus on the racial injustices (and they are important) of the world when there are plenty of own on own injustices.

bob had it right ---"man to man is so unjust"


Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 8/16/2007 10:41:24 AM

Black supremacy is about "black people are better" to you iyah? ? no wonder you call it an ideology of seperation
Enemies of one love ????

Messenger: still looking Sent: 8/16/2007 10:47:45 AM

as far as comparing to two ideologies it is important to remember that they came about due to different causes.

one results from miseducation of a group of people about another group of people and one results from a group of people being mistreatment.

the solution then has to take that into consideration and personally i feel the miseducated group must be targeted first so that they stop mistreating the other group.


Messenger: prophecy Sent: 8/16/2007 10:51:08 AM

I heart is black is just how bobo teach. I n I all come from a mother and father of creation who is afrikan, therefore all nations have a black heart.
Blessed Love Bro Dominiq yehyah, give thanx for ur words. Well, I just take it 1,2. I must know Iself and not follow man or wombman but the trinity.
I also find it interesting how in africa, the shashamani is one banner of love, no separation with mansions. I know I mentioned this before, but I just found out bout it. So, when u are in the foundation u must all be one binghi, 12 tribe, bobo. Why cannot that occur here? I know it is the homeland, but y would it not be different here. I n I say one love, but it is not one love, but separation to many. I say this with I experience of how ones and ones speak.

Messenger: prophecy Sent: 8/16/2007 10:57:45 AM

Ras KebraAB, blessed, well I can tell the I that in the beginning I thought repatriation was for all nations. But, in the bobo order, it is not that way. So, I always thought I would repatriate to Afrika. I have to tell u as I grow, I understand it more. See, I experience is different, so that is y I want to repatriate to Afrika. N e wayz, it makes sense to I. BEcause basically everything will be restored to the time before slavery. Afrikans at home and abroad will be free when afrika is for afrikans.I believe one day all nations will be in afrika under negus feet, but before thathappens repatriation will occur.
How come the I didn't I-spond to what I said but did to Bro. Dominiq? I am just curious.

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