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Messenger: Ten Sent: 8/14/2007 7:54:21 PM

An interesting point raised by Brother Dominiq Yehyah Anbesa

"what do the I them feel about (single) Rasta Women who spend their whole time judging those Rastmen who's wives/girlfriends are not Rastawomen?
Maybe for the I them this seems to be a strange question. But I do feel it will be an important one in the future. For example you see our Artists, I do not know only one of them having a Rasta Nyahbinghi Queen. And of course this is frustrating for the sisters who live pure and clean, and then the Kingmen go for the society girls.
On the other hand I often wonder about many I them opinion on how a woman must be. I mean all of the I them know the pictures of Empress Menen with head uncovered and straight hair. And even though some will bunn fire for that now, but looking deep inside you will see this statement is true: we all know pictures of Empress Menen looking more like an English Queen than an African Empress.
So what are the guidelines we learn from that? "

I for one am still unsure about how I feel about Rasta brothers and non-Rasta queens - love is love and you can't deny it because one does not fit into a certain criteria. But I've noticed that some brothers prefer queens who come to Rastafari through them as though that were the only way to recieve Jah blessing. Others have one foot in Babylon and one foot in Rasta livity chanting all fire 'pon Babylon but they'll still go out with non-Ras sisters. Are Ras-queens too much faya fi dem? Of course there are brothers who have Ras-queens or non-Ras queens but they're not hypocrites and they seem to be genuine in their relationships. What say ye Rastas? Bless

Messenger: Selahssie i son Sent: 8/14/2007 10:21:45 PM

One love! Rastafari teach us love!

Messenger: prophecy Sent: 8/14/2007 11:01:23 PM

God is Love, so let us all love.

If u say u love me(God) but hate ur neighbor ur a lier(paraphrased).

Messenger: prophecy Sent: 8/14/2007 11:29:30 PM

There may be many rasta wombmen but not all are daughters of zion, not all are virtous wombmen.

I had a reasonment bout this about singers. I never see any empresses with these rasta singers. I was told that they keep society girls because they can tell them wat rastafari is. But with a strong empress, she would know when he is keeping up folly. So, maybe this goes the same with all rasta men. Now, for the wombmen, the rasta men i reasoned with said they cannot find virtous wombmen so they end up with society girls(to sum it up). I could be 100% wrong cause I don't have any rastas in I community, so this is all through reasonment from the four wings of the earth(online).

Messenger: still looking Sent: 8/15/2007 7:31:13 AM

respectfully asking on this issue...

why discuss or worry who another is with?


Messenger: Bro Dominiq Yehyah Anbesa Sent: 8/15/2007 7:48:56 AM


First of all to your question still looking.
The obvious reason why others often tend to judge another man's livity may be to keep the principles, the royal standard globally. In a way this is what we learn biblically: when you see a Brethren going wrong, you have to tell him that he's wrong.

This would be the right reason.

But maybe another reason often is just frustration. People living very strictly get frustrated when they see others who don't take "everything so seriously". These are then those people who call the others Weakhearts, and the others will call them Pharasees.

So it's definately about the balance.
And one thing I cannot stand is an arrogant interfirence of one person into the personal Livity of another. But here we seem to find ourselves in a difficult situation. On the one hand we need Principles, on the other hand we need personal freedom. As we know Rastafari is Nyahbinghi Government and His Majesty taught us that the Gvmnt is for all, but Religion (spiritual, livitical, etc) is personal.
So will we end on the "every man's an island" theorie? Or is it just about how to deal with each other?

Bottomline should be: The only judge to whom I have to justify is Janhoy. But some people don't get that.


Messenger: Bro Dominiq Yehyah Anbesa Sent: 8/15/2007 7:52:18 AM

Blessed Love

To get that straight: The intention of my original question was not only about Rastaman and non Rasta woman. It was about the difficult situation in general which I tried to explain above.

But to come back to the man+woman topic. Anyone seen the One Love movie? And what do you think about the message which it carries?
Very interesting part is the words of Mutabaruka on Rasta and non Rasta woman.


Messenger: still looking Sent: 8/15/2007 8:10:37 AM


but, can it be or is it really seen as "wrong" as to who one dates?

to me it just seems like division and not unity to question or judge who one dates/marries.

you know --rasta with rasta --christian with christian --buddhist with buddhist ---black with black ---asian with asian ---and so on.

i wife is black and i am white --- we know there are people out there that talk -- but we don't and never did worry about them -- it is there issues -- not ours. i would think that the issue of equal rights, justice and unity that i have always heard about within rasta would be top priority.

and for i, i don't know what can be better for world unity than to see people of different backgrounds coming together in love and marriage.

i guess it is this question you ended with....

"Or is it just about how to deal with each other?"


Messenger: prophecy Sent: 8/15/2007 10:09:12 AM

Blessed Love, I also think it goes to which mansion ur in. Like the bobo dn't believe nations should be with other nations. If u do not abide by this ur not following principles. I think it is harder for I to find a king then it is for an afrikan. This is something that can make u feel very discouraged at times.

Messenger: Bro Dominiq Yehyah Anbesa Sent: 8/15/2007 11:12:04 AM

Ises Beloved

One question first: Still looking, I thought you were female, or do I confuse something?

However.... I do not think the problem is who you date, or who's your girlfriend. As we heard Christ did eat with the sinners and those were the ones in his companion.
But still there is a saying where I live, it somehow translates into: show me your friends, and I show you who you are.

Example: Personally I feel there is no problem with a person who likes to go to church. That does not automatically mean that this person is evil minded. So if you wanna date her, no problem.
So it's not about the person itself, but about the influence which this person has on you.
If you go date a society girl and she won't come to the higher overstanding which you show her, you will spend all ya time with her on superficial society bullshit. This is the influence she has on you. And this is when Rasta forget about principles.
Anybody remembering Anthony B's Musicvideo in which he sits on a yacht with locks uncovered, smoking cigarrs and drinking champagne with a society girl in his arms?
I believe, that's the problem about "mixing up". A girl can be a bad influence, while you should have a good influence on her. Well, what's a bad influence? It starts with little things, things of livity.

So it's not easy to say. That is why I believe that these things could get out of control. Because there are those who just wanna live their life in the sight of Fari and not to be accepted by man.
But no matter what you do, do it with the fullest strength. Because no matter what you do, people will come and offend you for that. But a rocky foundation shall neve be shook.

Empress Prophecy
What is your personal feeling about the EABIC teachings of "racial purity"? What sense do you see in it?


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