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Living on JAH Light

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Ten Sent: 7/26/2007 7:40:58 PM

Greetings in the name of the Most High, JAH Rastafari
May Sellasie I blessing be upon ye all in this holy hour.
I've been reading about breatharianism - a 'new age faith' where people believe in living on light - they do not eat, some do not drink water at all. Its also an ancient yoga practice that opens up channels in the body and its a good cleaning meditation for mind and body - it renews strength and can become a life practice rather than temporary. I know living on JAH light is possible, but I know of risks involved as some have died of starvation. And for women it has numerous implications on the reproductive system though I read of an Indian woman named incient yogi, Giri Bala who lived on light for over 56 years - no water no food, just God's energy. I'm not sure if she ever had children, but its an amazing story. As a general question, what do ones and one iditate of living on light? Are there any dread mystics living on JAH light?

Messenger: Bro Dominiq Yehyah Anbesa Sent: 7/27/2007 1:48:45 PM

Ises Beloved

One has to be very careful with the term New Age. New Ages revers to the Aquarian Age and all kinds of these esoteric things. New Age stands for some white hippie boys coming and taking Incient Wisdom of different Native people, mixing it with some insense sticks and selling it for expensive money. I n I dont deal with that as it is fooling oneselves and disrespecting the Original Cultures of which they "borrowed" (and stole) certain elements. New Age Esoteric hippies are also those who come and try to mix up RASTAFARI. FIAH

But the I seems to talk about the Incient Mystics, and that's never ever NEW Age. That's Incient STRAIGHT from Beginning. This is the Mystics I am talking about for a long time now. There are people for whom it is too high to believe that Man can live without food, that Man does not live on Bread alone. Same people who find it hard to believe that a man can feed thousands with a bread and a fish(plant).
These are also the people who could never imagine that there are people who walk on the waters and never sink. These are the people who do not overstand that Reality goes deeper than the things which we see.

And that is why New Age is dangerous. because this is for stressed businessman and bored housewives who take certain elements and don't care for the fullness. they believe they can go on like always in their system's lives, and then on sunday they invite their neighbors for coffee and tee and "let's try these indian stuff about not eating anything". THESE are the people then who starve and die, because they don't know what they are dealing with, they don't know of the Mystics and the Science which it brings.

There are things which we say are, from a materialistic point of view, simply not possible. But through natural logic and Higher Knowledge we know these things happening. We know of the Mystics of Incient Ithiopia(and still today), Incient KMT of which Higher I Moses learned (Melchezidek Trodition), we know of Incient Indus Valley Cvilisation which is the Black African Fundament for Indian Mystics and Buddhism. We know of the Mystics of the Original and Natural People like the Aborigenes, Afrikan Tribesmen, Native Americans and Natives all over the World. We know of Natives having seen years far beyond 100.

But we here grown up in the west we are not introduced into these things. We have to live with that, and IF, approach very slowly. Be wise and know how far ye are. Not everybody is immediatly ready for the mystics. Our senses have been slowed and weakened in the unspiritual western world. it's no problem, different people are just on different levels.
We know His Majesty was arrested in a small cell without any windows and on the third day he just DISAPPEARED. We know that MIND OVER MATTER. We know that, we don't believe. And just because we ourselves might not yet have seen of all these things ourselves, deep inside we know and overstand that to I n I soul spirit and mind there are no boundaries.

Igzer Yistelin Yene Ahamlak

Messenger: Elijah Sent: 7/27/2007 2:46:24 PM


Bro Dominiq, thanks for wise words.

Mystic is/was in any culture over the world in any time and there were also the people, who tried to ignore it or make the one who knows it dead or mad.

If you know the True no one can lie to you.

Blessed Love

Love Rastafari

Messenger: Elijah Sent: 7/27/2007 6:26:15 PM

Link to check



Messenger: Ten Sent: 7/27/2007 8:19:07 PM

Give Thanks for you words I
I am in agreement with the I over the term 'New Age' and although it was not clear in my post, I do share the same view with the I. There is a difference in the practices of living on JAH light - there is that which is 'new age' which is a predominantly white hippie movement as you state. This movement began in Poland from the writings of Kafka and influences of other practitioners of living without food then it became a trend with a spiritual element. The other side of breatharianism is the ancient side - that which has been the pracitice of Buddhists and Yogis as well as among Native American peoples. I hope this clarifies I position. I feel that while its true its mind over matter but what about the health risks or is that also mind over matter? Is there knowledge of Rastas that practice this ancient way of life too?

Messenger: Selahssie i son Sent: 7/27/2007 10:44:44 PM

Jah is my light.The Eyes are the light of the body.I living in jah light.WE have seen the great light which shine forth in the shadow of darkness.Jah Rastafari!

Messenger: Bro Dominiq Yehyah Anbesa Sent: 7/28/2007 6:52:23 AM

Ises High

Give Thanks for the reasoning.

Well, I can't really relate to Kafka, I don't really like his style and his "pictures he paints"(in sense of literature), you know.
And as we know it is true what you say, New Age is this "sense seeking" white hippie stream. But still it would be wrong to say, that all spiritual efforts by europeans are just ridicolous like this. This would be definately against His Majesty's opinion who was known to be very interested in european literature.
And while one has to decide for onesselves, as I said I personally can't really relate to Kafka, we must not forget about highest spiritual values in texts like Hesse's Siddhartha.
And while Siddhartha was used for the hippie "self-finding" process, this does not mean that the work itself must be blamed for that.
I mean Siddhartha, for ex., was written in around 1919, you can never know what people will do with your book later on. Just think about the bible.

But what I am trying to say about New Age, which is the desperate sense-seeking of the western world, is that it is just a very logical consequence of the spiritually dead western society. Still the approach is a completely wrong one. They seek a new spirituality and a new sense, but don't want to realise that first of all there must be a new mentality, humbleness and overstanding.
Like some say, you cant go ah Zion with ya jerry curls. You can't go on in ya mentality like always and then expect the Noah will let you enter just like that. I know such people, living their square life and think of themselves very spiritually. What?
Christ say you cant do the one without the other, make clear ya clean outside AND inside. If that was the thing, we would have had young ambitious well educated interested cultural students with respect for the Native Cultures, and no hippie mainstream that believe they need lsd to get a spiritual experience.

The I speaks about the health risks.
As I said, first of all the mind must be ready, the flesh will follow. If you do these things and then get hurt by it, you can never claim that you were ready for that. This is rushing like a child and then stumbling. Everything needs time.
And still it's not something for everybody. Not all people have to go the same way, some are better prepared for those and others for these kinds of ways. If we all would be pure spiritual beings living somewhere in the wilderness, where would be our suit and tie people (like HIM exemplified!) to represent I n I in a serious manner in front of the UN, the OAU, the world collective?

By the way we learn from the Melchezidek Example and His Majesty's teachings about the necessary balance between spiritual and material progress, that we mst do one without leaving the other.

I could never overstand (which does not mean that it's wrong) the certain indian and budhist mentality of only caring about onesself and the own freedom and inner peace. What worth has this spiritual level, if reached, when you only keep it to yourself?
That is why we need Melchezidek Priest-Kings and Queens representing highest Spirituality on all world levels infront of all people. This was His Majesty's example, as we know he is the same King Alpha Melchezidek. No other statesman had ever so much wisdom and teachings on both worldly and spiritual matters.


Messenger: Dominic Sent: 7/28/2007 12:56:18 PM

Selassie I disappeared out of his cell on the third day? like he straight up was there and then was not there? where does it say that in the facts?

Messenger: De Red Lion Sent: 7/30/2007 1:34:04 PM

Not familiar wit the story of HIM Haile Selassie I dissapearing from his cell.. I was under the knowledge that he was arrested and then murdered by the same overthrowers of his government in Itiopia. Though I have also heard storries of the disapearence of HIM's remains with no trace, a funeral with an empty casket and so on.
I would like to know more info.

Thank you and bless in the name of HIM Haile Selassie I earth's rightful Ruler! Light of this Whole Wide World, Defender of the Faith, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Juda, King of Kings Lord of Lords! Selah ... JAH Ras Tafari

De Red Lion

Messenger: Selahssie i son Sent: 7/30/2007 10:31:26 PM

Haile Selahssie Was Translated meaning he was not found just like the prophet Christ Rastafari and Enuch.They found bones and they want to say it is him,they said he dead and they cant really tell you who kill him or what kill him.Remember a king is not honor in his own country.Why they never did open the casket they had there?Why they wanted to kill Haile Selahssie?Why the media quickly spread the propaganda about the king of all king's?No one know When Haile Selahssie went back at the right hand of jah.Christ never leave the earth.the lord live within I and I.

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