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What is bobo shanti?

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Messenger: Dominic Sent: 9/3/2007 3:21:14 PM

Known as the Priestical House of Rastafari, one well organized group is the Ethiopian Africa Black International Congress/ Church of Salvation (or Bobo Dreads) which was built up by King or Prince Edward Emmanuel Charles Edward the 7th , who was also known as the Lord's Servant or Melchizedec. He was the first Rastafarian "leader" to hold an all island Rasta Convention/ Groundation in Kingston, Jamaica in March 1958. His camp was dejected from many locations throughout Kingston until they finally settled the Bobo Camp at Zion Hill "the City on a Hill" in Bull Bay. Boboshanti, or Edwardites hold that the Trinity consists of the manifestation of JAH as three in one or one in three, being Haile Selassie I, Marcus Garvey, and King Emmanuel - the King, Prophet, and Priest. The main tenet professed by the Bobo is the practice of the Sabbatical Order, or that of keeping the Sabbath on Saturday the seventh day of the week. Six days work, seventh day rest. International Freedom, Redemption, Repatriation, and establishing a Free Black Africa are part of the Bobo mission. Boboshanti Rasta's are generally peaceful, well organized, self sufficient, and can be easily identified by their priestly cultural African/ Rastafarian turbans. These turbans or crowns, are a form of anciency representing the royalty of I and I Rastafari people from ancient times until this time.

Is this for real how bobo trod? Who in here bobo shanti? I wanna learn from yall as much as I can if its cool.

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 9/4/2007 5:29:47 AM

Apologies again but this is the same topic ...Respect and Humility First

If one really wishes to learn of BoboShanti, one would really listen and pay attention when a Royal Bobo Empress speaks the Word, instead of calling her "retarded"
Are you overstanding what i am trying to say to you

i hope so

Rastafari Is

Messenger: Dominic Sent: 9/4/2007 3:12:23 PM

RasK, I asked you leave me be, why you respond to me twice already, and you still aint said nothin?

Im tryin to avoid problems so just comment on others.


Messenger: Dominic Sent: 9/4/2007 3:13:58 PM

I apologized to yaa anyway for namecalling bs! and even if I did call her "retarted" it was not for what she believed about bobo shanti, it was due to racial and sexual orientation. figure things out first!

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 9/4/2007 3:59:11 PM

ofcourse you right


Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 9/4/2007 4:15:29 PM

Give thanks Ark I, the I do a better job of explaining than I

Blessed Love
Rastafari Is

Messenger: Prince Hotep Sent: 9/5/2007 4:46:14 AM

Blessed love.
What if I can't go to Bobo hill to get the blessing and recieve the crown IficiallyBecause of I location, it is too far and too expencive to go ? I perception is that still I can wear the turban ,but I am no priest or prophet, I feel it. So still InI wear I turban, not sure about the wraping of it, but I think it is a blessing... With or without the Ifficial blessing I still trod in Bobo livity.
What does the Bobo bredren and sistren think and have to say pon this matter?
Holy Immanuel I Selassie I JAH Ras Tafar I
I faith is strong.

Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 9/5/2007 12:29:38 PM

Yes Beloveds! Blessed love in royal court of King David!

Ye see, how in this little room with boboshanti name on the door, it's nice & quiet. None of that madness.

Ok, Young Prince Dominic.

"International Freedom, Redemption, Repatriation, and establishing a Free Black Africa are part of the Bobo mission."

Yes I! You gotta love this Ights for real! Honourable Prince Emmanuel set it up for InI to inherit. Selah.

It's kinda funny that Ras KebreAb said it starts with respect & humility... and your immediate response was to cuss.

I know that we, Ras KebreAb, myself, Ark I and some others seem a bit over the top to you, a bit extreme. But the I need to see that the reason you feel this way is as getting a sharp awakening from a very deep slumber. You think if you ever turned up at my gates, I would be like... "here's some matches, go and find some gay men to LIGHT!"

Naaah star! Not at all. On this forum, on this internet, nuff fools come to try and represent red, gold & green cos they love the style and the rock that RasTa possess as blessing, and some of us feel strongly they not be allowed to slip in on the sideline, words of X disguising them as words of R, anonymous saboteurs on a

On a normal day... InI can show the I how to come into JahJah niceness. It's not based on opinions, and debates, and rules by which society is to function. We tackle the wicked, without compromise, in their own forum when it comes to these things.

But, for InI... InI live salvation.

Boboshanty is salvation livity. Prince Emmanuel gives us a life practice that encourages and facilitates one to reawaken themselves in the full glory of their anciency. Where things become much clearer, we can overstand ourselves with the undivided determination of free and sovereign people, because we are reminded of being as ancient as the trees. InI, humanity are as ancient as the seas... and we are ordained by our creation in HIM image.

All this is knowledge that InI have within. It is written in secret, but is as open for all to see, and as real as the texture of your skin.

These debatings are distractions by Babywrong. They wish to tell you that you can learn what to think. They wish to tell you that elevated thinking has to "evolve". Hogwash. InI link up with the truth, and cling to it as children to their Mother's apron strings. In fact, exactly in that way. Especially in these dread time when the masses are being carried down.

If you're interested in Boboshanty, hold the order. First & foremost. The information is held within the I already. Prince Emmanuel, the high priest of the order of Melchezidek (look up Melchezidek - King of Salem to overstand the character & intention of Hon. Prince Emmanuel) shows us the pattern to hold in our comings and goings... and indicates the rems in scripture and chanting nyabinghi... but all these things can only help clear your mind, that the I may start to conversate with the I in the I.

Prince Emmanuel insists that the ights will come from within, and you will feel the anciency in your consciousness as you trod deeper into Boboshanty.

As Prince Hotep said another time, if Emmanuel teachings resonate with the I, you find a oneness in your thinking with many Boboshanty. Beyond the usual common ground. It is mystical. Emmanuel aims that InI tune into the one-iniversal-truth-vibration.

Prince Hotep, if the I feels Boboshanty Ights, and the I finds the joy in holding the order & principle, then you don't need to go to Bobo Hill before you wear the turban. Wearing the turban is something the I does for the I own ights, and for the I function and purpose. So, you don't need permission. Obviously like any journey of discovery, going to Zion Hill for the particular purpose of learning from the incients on the Hill and innecting with Emmanuel Gates, will give you so much more knowledge about the Iself, about the trod and about the world. So, Bobo blessings find multiplication and increase when you get to trod earth on Zion Hill.

Until such time, I support the I in firming up the trod for the Iself first, and just embracing the irits of principle in this trod, and allowing your own self to come forward and up for awakening.

Always... 7th day rest... InI Covenant.

Holy Emmanuel I Selassie I... JAH... Ras Tafari!

Love & life!

Messenger: Dominic Sent: 9/5/2007 2:13:52 PM

Blessings in the name of the most high JAH RASTAFARI

Give thanks Yaa Asantewa.
Love and Respect.
further Apologies for my badtalkin.

Messenger: Prince Hotep Sent: 9/6/2007 4:21:09 AM

Blessed love.
Yaa give thanks for Isponse. The blessing is Iternal. It makes I feel Irie knowing that this blessing no one can't take from I. Rasta is love and life. Who knows it feels it.
Holy Immanuel I Selassie I JAH Ras Tafar I
Now and for Iva.

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Haile Selassie I