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Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 6/15/2007 5:44:23 PM


Still Looking....I'm really not sure what you are talking about any more. I've asked you some simple straight forward questions and you've completely dodged them. I think that I articulated my stance quite clearly, yet you've responded in a manner that really doesn't make much sense. I don't know what your looking for and I don't really think you do either, but I do wish you all the best.....


Messenger: still looking Sent: 6/15/2007 8:14:34 PM

I felt no need to answer the questions from a man that labled the bible as beautiful ( with no mention of its wicked stories) and claimed that it has no basis on our race problems today.

if you are in such denial about the problems that religion (read- christianity and islam on the global scale) creates in our world then your other questions are irrelavent (to me).

and the fact that i am still looking and you are not says as much about you as it does me.

one of us is moving and the other is stagnant.

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 6/15/2007 8:27:29 PM

If you want I advice, SunofMan, hold thy peace

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 6/16/2007 11:33:42 PM

still looking, you said,
i could go on and on, but when i see a rasta site and start reading jesus this and jesus that and discussions on noah ---- i just get the sense that it is more christianinsanity rolling into africa to do its oppression business again.

I will tell you what RasTafarI rejects. RasTafarI rejects the teachings of those that say they are christians, but are not, but have performed wickedness and pretended that their wickedness was christianity.

RasTafarI doesn't reject the story of Christ, or the other stories in the bible, I and I glory in it. Maybe you have been misinformed about what RasTafarI is about, or maybe your thoughts are of your own imagination, but either way, you are mistaken.

Why don't you go a read the speeches I have placed on the website from Haile Selassie I. You will see a lot of Jesus this and Jesus that and other discussions related to the scriptures. So don't expect I and I to reject the ways or RasTafarI Haile Selassie I. I and I Itinue HIM ways.

Some people who call theirselves RasTafarI are not, but are the same as those who call themselves Christians, but are not.

The fake christians call themselves after the name of Christ, but reject the teachings and ways of Christ. Some don't openly reject the story about Christ, but just ignore the teachings, but others reject the story and say that the story didn't really happen, or that the translations used today are made up stories that are different then the original true stories.

The fake rastas don't have the convenience of 2000 years to make the claim that the words attributed to Haile Selassie I are not really HIM words, because it can't be disputed that they are his words, because there is evidence that they are truly HIM words. But some of these heathens still try to reject Selassie I words by claiming some foolishness that they were mistranslated into English. And other heathens still try to reject Selassie I words by claiming some foolishness saying that Selassie I didn't really mean what He said. And I can almost guarantee that after enough times passes, the heathens of the future will claim the same thing that some of the fake christians claim today and they will say that the speeches were not really said by Selassie I.

It is the same as all time, people have no desire to Live by the example of the Most High God, so they try anything they can to talk themselves out of it.

And in regards to religious wars. Most if not all of the wars that have been called religious wars are not about religion, they are about power struggle. The heathens who struggled for power misused religion as a way to gather people together to fight for them.

Here is a reasoning I made about those power struggles.
Power Struggle

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Bro Dominiq Yehyah Anbesa Sent: 6/17/2007 4:21:55 PM

Ises my Lord

Yes a humble advice would be:

Your time is surely better invested in reading His Majesty's words, since you do not know them already, than opening a thousand threads and annoying everybody like a spoiled child.

Have a blessed reading session, my humble brethren.


Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 2/23/2014 10:06:15 AM

Messenger: still looking Sent: 6/14/2007 11:37:27 PM

INI was looking for a rasta site and stopped here, but what do INI read mostly; jesus this and that, god this and that, and this scripture or that scripture.

where is the hailing up of africa? where is the hailing up of marcus? where is the respect to the messenger marley? no where.

INI came here because a post on race caught my interest it theree has been hardly any since and there was little reasonning on it.

but throw out a post about the jesus fellow and all of the christian "rastas" come running.

write love and respect for SELASSIE I, but if you do not give his credit to some mythical god or attach his greatness to christianinsanity and oh look out----fire will rain down on you.

RASK check out some chrisianinsanity sites (if you don't already) and you will find yourself right at home.

now INI will burn out anything that tries to sneak their christaininsanity in through the back door, front door or side door.




Messenger: Raybob Sent: 3/6/2014 6:39:43 AM

still looking,
You open this thread with "write love and respect for SELASSIE I, but if you do not give his credit to some mythical god or attach his greatness to christianinsanity and oh look out----fire will rain down on you."

Now later, you say, "I do not believe in a God, but I do understand the importance that it does play in the way the world works."

If you don't believe in a God, then you don't believe in Jah Rastafari, plain and simple.

You say, "RASK check out some chrisianinsanity sites (if you don't already) and you will find yourself right at home."

Not true. I came from babylon. I was 'worship leader' ina babylon. InI got out of babylon physically, but stayed in bible study group InI was well respected moderator of. Once I overstood Rastafari and began to post about the kingdom of Jah, InI was banned! Was repected moderator, then banned instantly, by claiming Bob Marley was singing true gospel music.

You keep saying all these troubles that "bible and religion" brought, but you need to separate the two. Man's religions have destroyed God's word, by their religions, but that doesn't mean the true word is bad. Only man's ideas of what it says, are bad. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. The water is polluted (man's churches) but the baby is not. Wash away man's religions and you will see the baby. Seek and you WILL find.

Jah Bless

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 3/6/2014 9:31:32 AM

^^If you don't believe in God you dont believe in Rastafari?

I will answer this seeing as stilllooking is no longer a member (as far as Eye know)

I, Garveys Africa, RastaMan from creation; don't believe in God....

Two important words here the first 'Believe' I'm sure you have heard the line of reasoning that goes with Knowledge over Belief. To 'believe' in something is to accept an element of doubt or uncertainty.

Belief synonyms (from Websters): think, be of the opinion that, think it likely that, have an idea that, imagine, feel, have a feeling, hold, maintain, suspect, suppose, assume, presume, conjecture, surmise, postulate that, theorize that, conclude, come to the conclusion that, deduce; More....

Thats simple enough and an age-old argument. Belief vs to KNOW. Knowledge of self. and so on.

The next word is God. God comes from the German root Gutt/ Gott from the 17th/18th century. That is where God comes from. Before this there was no God. Nobody in the scriptures alive at the time was talking about 'God.' God is based on the German understanding of a GrecoRoman concept of that which cannot be explained. So literally God = Germans deciding upon a rigid definition of the GrecoRoman understanding of a creative life force. No thAnkhs! When Rasta 'Burn God' this is what we are burning. Rasta don't usually use words like God. I can overstand Jah, Eloheim or Igzee'abihier more than God.
But thats only the surface.
The undercurrent is also with the fact GOD (or Jah or Eloheim or Yahweh etc for this last reasoning) has become synonymous with the characterstics of the God described in the Bible / God of Israel (and his different biblical personalities). From an indigenous African perspective - this is a foreign and modern concept of a deity. We generally don't do 'Gods' without wives; and indigenous peoples across the world have been revising their own interpretations of 'God(/s)' for an eternity before God of Israel turned up on the scene slaughtering those who don't proclaim him and his teachings; the people of Canaan a prime example.

This may be a difficult concept to overstand for ones who are ignorant of other cultures and belief systems throughout world history; outside of the biblical context.

Similar with the word Athiest. Comes from the word Atheos. Theos = Greek word for God. To be an Athiest is to not Believe in the Greek God. I've heard Rasta / conscious people (who DO believe in a higher creative power or life essence or that which cannot be explained...... or Allah, or Amen Ra or whatever) that will claim Athiesm or that they 'Dont believe in God' based off of these principles.

Semantics? Maybe. But I see the logics still:

Full rejection of GrecoRoman / Babylon / Western corrupted and historically inferior interpretations of that which is divine. We do not need anybody else to define things for us; especially things of that nature.

Haile, Free Up.
Seek Rastafari with a spirit of Liberation and Revolution.

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Haile Selassie I