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Messenger: Selahssie i son Sent: 5/26/2007 9:07:54 PM

Another thing to the blood meat eaters.The sheep and goat you eat dont not eat meat,they eat plants and drink water.The cow or cattle u eat dont not eat meat to survive and be heathy they eat plants and drink alot of substance.Alot of these 4 legs animals dont eat meat for some reason.A swine eat almost any spoil food and then u eat it in the end,u dont think the swine blood now become a part of you?Only animals used to really eat meat,men were earthy men but not in these ages anymore,it even got Cannibals out they,but I a Rasta!

Messenger: Ten Sent: 5/27/2007 12:08:14 PM

The philosphy of you are what you eat presumes you'd disregard the nature of a person because they're not italists. Don't burn fire 'pon others for what they eat but what they do. Garvey was no vegetarian, Nelson Mandela eats pork, Gandhi was an italist but still all three have done so much for humanity. If Rasta lives by that mantra then why is the image of the Lion/Lioness such a prominent part of the faith - lions eat other animals, I don't hear you chanting them. Or does that not count because a lion is an animal? Or because its considered the image of King Sellasie I? Or might it be that the digestive system of some animals is such that they can eat certain things - so you have herbivores, omnivores and such. There are some plants that eat humans too! And Cannibalism is a little more complex than that Aya not every cannibal is sick, depraved and twisted, sometimes (hard as it is to over), humans eat humans to survive or in resistance like in Hawaii when they killed, roasted and ate the British colonials. Or in Papua New Guinea cannibalism is a part of the culture, will you chant their livity too? Each culture has its own complexities you can't just give a blanket judgement over people or animals, you must quest for overstanding first. We hold onto the ital livity of Rastafarai so much that its almost like its the faith itself, yet that too is only a practice of a people, it doesn't make people or determine what kind of people we are. A vegetarian is no better than a meat eater based on what they eat, its a person's spirit that counts. A pig, vulture or hyena is no worse than a lion simply because they are like scavengers - its the meditation that goes along with an action that's to be considered. JAH BLESS.

Messenger: Bro Dominiq Yehyah Anbesa Sent: 5/27/2007 1:25:25 PM

Words of Life!

The way of Life is the highest and most lovely way I n I can live up to. Of course there are places pon this earth which are not suitable for vegetarians. It would be foolish to tell an Inuit to live vegetarian becuse he would starve.
But for some Rasta it's also something new to hear, that Ithiopia too is not very suitable for vegetarians. believe me. We have already lost some Souljahs who lived on a very strict vegan ital livity.... and one of them, a very beloved Idren, even died because of this. You can't compare this to the carribean environment where it's easy to live only on fruits. There was a times when many of the Idren in Shashe lost (some of) their locks because of mal nutrition. And that's not Ital anymore. So I say keep a balance.

As I said the way of Life is the Highest. I n I children of the Most High Life Giver are Nazarenes and children of Life. We don't put no blood on our hands and no rotten bones in our body which is he temple of the most high. We deal with Life not Death, with Life OVER Death! We should be highly happy that we do live in a time and place where it is actually POSSIBLE to live this highest standard of Life. An Inuit would be happy to live this highest way of LIFE, but for him it's simply not possible. But it is foolish and simply just weak to stick to the western world's behaviour.
Get yaself clean from that. No bloodeater shall enter Zion Gates!

Be happy that we are able to live and survive without being forced to kill and slaughter and all these shamefull and dirty things.

Life can only be built upon Life, not death. Live organic. And that's not just from the moral point of view, it's also from the point of living healthy. My whole family is working in nutrition studies and works as nutrition adviser. We should be mature enuff to leave all these advertisment lies of the healthy meat and milk and all this bullshit behind us.

Live clean as a man! Everything else is not living upt to this! Always remember we are supposed to be in HIS likeness. know this.


Messenger: Ten Sent: 5/27/2007 7:22:47 PM

Living organic - that's an interesting point. True I we all need to live healthy but that all comes down to captial and how much of it you possess. How many pple can afford to live organic? I know it costs alot for the organic farmer to produce that kind of ital, but honestly is it fair that only those with the money should be able to eat well while the masses have sub-standard modified produce as sustainence. Same thing goes with fair trade - how can I help my farming brothers and sisters in Africa yet I can't afford to buy their orange juice? wa'gwan with the world????

Messenger: Selahssie i son Sent: 5/27/2007 10:22:07 PM

It is eating we talking about u know,not who is better and who is worst.blood eaters are different to plant eaters thats just all.And both meat eaters and plant eaters are equal in the eyes of jah.

Messenger: Ten Sent: 5/28/2007 12:15:01 AM

Yes I we are talking about eating but the way your previous post was written sounded as though you were saying one is better than another based on what they eat. And again you clearly asked those who eat swine that eats everything what does that make them? I don't know but to me that's 'you are what you eat' mantra being chanted right there. And again now you call people blood eaters, that again signifies difference to me, maybe its terminology but it implies a bias to I.

Messenger: Bro Dominiq Yehyah Anbesa Sent: 5/28/2007 6:27:28 AM


Iman don't know how it is over there in the US. But as I watch and observe people and their habits over here where I live, I tell you that your argument is not standing. The problem is just that people choose QUANTITY OVER QUALITY. That's the real problem. You know for example, chocolate is a wonderful thing if it's kept natural and organic. Over here you can buy it in fair-trade shops and of course it's much more expensive. And so those people say, no I can't afford the fair trade quality chocolate. But then they go into the supermarket and buy a whole load of cheap and bloody chocolate.... and they still spend the same amount of money, because they are buying SO MUCH! The thing is, they don't want the quality but they want AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. And then they get fat and sick.
And I believe to have read about the same problem over there in the US, where against logic the fattest people are among the poor ones. So how is this possible? They actually DO have enuff money to eat THAT amount of junk, but they don't have enuff money to eat only a third of this amount but then something which is healthy?
You know as I said, I don't live in the US, but you can't tell me that! I believe you have the same situation everywhere in the socalled first world. If you have enuff money to eat untill you weighing a ton, you have enuff money to buy only small pieces of quality food too.

You know over here the people all tell me that I am too thin. And they always argue that that's unhealthy. But when I go to the doc and he checks me and my blood and everything I am healthier and cleaner than all ah them together. So I could eat those amounts of cheap food like they do.... or I eat not that much but look for quality in my food. It's only about where's your priority as I believe.


Messenger: Ten Sent: 5/30/2007 5:15:30 PM

I am not based in the US but in the UK and its the same phenomenon here, the poorest communities have the biggest problem with obesity. I think its becuase the cheap food is packed with all the growth hormones so it makes people bigger and its also laced with appetite stimulants so the more you eat the more you want. If y'look at the ghettos of London the fish n chip shop, chicken shop and pizza shop are all lined up one after another - with the odd health shop if y'lucky but majority of food outlets are these unhealthy takeaways. The mindset of the people is also a fast food one, why cook when u can get a tv dinner or fish n chips for £2 or watever. And with all the so-called bargains of bucket meals and fizzy drinks, people think they're getting a treat for less money but in fact they're slowly killing themselves and they put on weight. Lack of exercise adds to their weight. I heard that fast food is most fried in corn oil, this oil needs to be heated a a very very high temperature in order for it to be safe for human consumption and these industrial fryers don't even get close to that heat. Corn oil contains a mutative gene that the body feeds on - at higher heat this gene cld be broken down but its not - so people get big because of this. Its also potentially cancerous so its not advisable for people to use it until there is more conclusive evidence to say its safe. Its sad that people are mentally enslaved by this material world even to the point of deciding what they put into their own bodies. Ras works really need to spread more into communities because people will then begin to ask why do I eat, why do I eat what I eat, perhaps that way there'll be change. Blessed Love.

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